Aoba Office

Chapter 2134 Disappeared People (7)

The armored vehicles drove and stopped all the way.

It seemed that no ghost king appeared near the convoy anymore. Only ordinary people hiding at home happily ran out for help after seeing the army.

It was very noisy outside, and there were always people chattering about their fears.

They must have met many ghost kings, been forced to do many things, and witnessed horrific scenes that they could only see on the screen.

Everyone was in a bad mood.

I can feel that the soldiers around me still have upright postures and resolute eyes, but occasionally they reveal a bit of inner uneasiness.

Let them face natural and man-made disasters, and they should be able to persevere. But something from another world suddenly launched a full-scale attack. To understand the other party's form of existence, you have to spend a lot of time and make a lot of preparations.

More subtly, that form of existence is not entirely new. Each of us has heard stories about ghosts more or less in our lives, and has our own understanding of ghosts. This kind of paradoxical and subtly different understanding becomes a strange emotion after actually facing the ghost.

My consciousness was empty for a while, listening to the noise outside, and then slowly calmed down again.

I lowered my head and saw familiar words.

If Ye Qing had been in contact with me at that time, at least I would not be sitting here and experiencing this strange atmosphere.

I probably won't be swayed.

But I can’t say for sure.

I might hate Ye Qing even more and want the world to be directly taken over by the Ghost King.

Like the secondary villains in anime, there are always some thoughts that leave people speechless.

Maybe, I will still be sitting here in the end.

My parents didn't want me to be involved in this kind of thing, and neither would I. At most, Ye Qing could have introduced me to the supernatural world earlier, and I would still be the same person.

Thinking of this, I touched the remaining diary and suddenly realized that my parents' attitude had changed.

Before their...deaths...for a year, they allowed me to do what I did without ever trying to persuade or stop it.

It’s not surprising that the old leader has such an attitude. Although he is kind, treats us juniors very well, and is always friendly to strangers, but after all, he is separated by a layer and he is not a close relative. He chooses to let it go and wait and see what happens. It's understandable behavior.

But my parents are not old leaders.

With a flick of my finger, I turned another page in the diary.

The new page is marked with a date, five years ago, January 4, 2018.

I have no memory of this day.

But five years ago, around the time Liu Miao disappeared, Ye Qing became a loner. At that time, Ye Qing might have died, become a ghost, and come back from the future world.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the next line.

"Just now, my wife and I woke up before dawn.

"We were both lying there, neither of us moving, but we both knew the other was awake.

"She asked me, have I seen it?

"I said, I saw it.

“Both of us said nothing after that.

“I didn’t fall asleep again.

"I think Ye Qing is probably dead.

"He died and was given to us in a dream.

"He said he was sorry.

“I couldn’t see his face, I could just hear a voice and see a figure.

“But it should be him.

“I don’t know what happened to him.

"It makes me sad that he apologized to us like this.

“Probably, he will find our son.

"We are worried about our son, but also feel sad for Ye Qing."

I felt my heart being pinched by a hand.

I skipped the blank line below and looked at the following text.

“That incident in the early morning made me out of shape all morning.

“I don’t know when it started, but everyone in the office left.

“When I reacted, I was still looking for someone when I heard footsteps.

“There’s something wrong with those footsteps.

"I thought so intuitively. Maybe I came up with this idea because I kept thinking about Ye Qing and suddenly found that all my colleagues were missing.

"But I was not wrong.

“The voice stopped right behind me.

"I didn't dare to look back. I didn't hear the man behind him breathing or moving.

“I don’t know how long it took before I heard the voice.

"That voice belonged to Ye Qing, it was a voice I had only heard in the early hours of the morning.

"He said he was sorry again.

“This time, it’s not just about saying sorry.

"He said he had no other choice. He apologized. He actually started making preparations for this a long time ago. He still failed. He was sorry for getting us and our son involved. He also said, We have reached a desperate situation, and this concerns everyone's future.

“I only understood his apology, but he didn’t go into detail about what happened in the future, and I don’t know what happened.

"After he said this, he disappeared.

"Maybe he just disappeared. I didn't hear the footsteps anymore. My colleagues came back in twos and threes, as if nothing was wrong. I just relaxed.

"I called my son right away, but he said it was okay and there was nothing going on at school. I don't know what Ye Qing is going to do."

I read this paragraph in silence and saw some blank lines.

What happened next was heard by my mother.

"His mother also saw Ye Qing around the same time. Someone knocked on the door at home, but she didn't open the door because she didn't see anyone. Through the door, Ye Qing apologized to her and said similar words.

"She couldn't hold it back and opened the door anyway, wanting to ask clearly.

“As soon as I opened the door, the sound disappeared and there was no one at the door.

"We called Ye Qing together in the evening. We have kept that number.

“The phone number became empty and no one answered it at all.

“That’s all we know about him.

"It seems that nothing happened to my son. We can only wait. It's like waiting for the falling guillotine, waiting for the result."

I think Slim Man and I were not wrong in our previous guesses.

Ye Qing had discovered me a long time ago and had been prepared for it. The firm's files were prepared for me. However, this should be his backup plan.

If not everyone in Aoba, including him, died;

If it weren’t for the power of the Ghost King, the strength of God in the future world would exceed his expectations;

If he wasn't... really desperate, he probably wouldn't have dragged me into this war.

Ten years ago, he chose to sit back and watch Gu Mo die. In the next five years, he chose to accept the departure of Nangong Yao, Wu Ling, and Liu Miao one after another. He had already decided to bear all of this.

My mood became extremely complicated, and I couldn't breathe.

I quickly turned the page and saw the new date.

It was a year ago.

"Today, my son told us that he encountered some troubles at work. He said that in the area he was in charge of, there was a family member in the community who could not be found. He went to the demolition office before, and when he first entered, he said similar things . But this time it was different. We just asked casually, and he said it casually. Neither his mother nor I expected to hear such a name.

"Aoye Supernatural Agency.

“His mother and I felt uncomfortable when we heard the name, but we also felt that something had landed and made us feel at ease.

"We carried him behind his back and secretly went to the community in Gongnong Village to inquire about it. Many people still remembered that office, and even remembered Ye Qing.

"He has said before that all his relatives are dead, but when we met later, he never mentioned his current situation. Every time I saw him, he was always alone.

"It turns out he made friends later on."

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