Aoba Office

Chapter 2132 Disappeared People (5)

“After a few years, he has grown up a bit and is more like an adult.

"When the two of us saw him, we really didn't know what to say. His mother just cried. I could only sit next to him.

"He has been patiently listening to our stories, our complaints, our worries. He looked at our son. He was still sleeping at the time.

“He made a phone call, and before dawn, a monk came to the door.

"The master chanted sutras to our son until dawn.

"Ye Qing kept calling that night.

“He went out for a trip in the morning, and when he came back, he gave us new ID cards and household registration books, and also helped us contact our new residence and work place.

"He told us we could start over and everything would be fine. Our son would be fine too.

“The two of us could only cry and say thank you, not knowing what to say.

“He didn’t mention the training thing he mentioned before.

“My wife asked him if this would happen again, and he said no.

"He touched our son's head and said no. There is no need for our son to grow up like him.

"I feel that he has changed a lot. In terms of personality, he seems to be gentler, more positive, and more confident. In the past, he always wanted to train our son and let our son be exposed to the things he was exposed to. That is The last time I saw him, he said he was giving up, but he was still hesitant when he left.

“This time, he really doesn’t care about it.

"We are really grateful to him. We also wanted to invite him to dinner again, but he refused.

"We didn't see him for a long time after that."

The diary ends here.

I intuitively felt that when this happened, Ye Qing should have already met Qingye's people. The firm was up and running, he had a real partner, and his mentality had changed.

I turned the page and saw the new date.

"We bought our son a dog as a pet a few years ago. He is still lonely. His mother and I gave birth to another daughter. We thought that even if we die, there will be someone who can accompany him. He will have someone to rely on. , spiritual reliance, and similar things will not happen again.

"If you think about it carefully, he was able to save us from death when he was two years old. It was a rational action by a two-year-old child. He just lost a close relative and had an emotional outburst, which led to this series of things.

"We have only been able to understand what Ye Qing explained over the years. We have always avoided him having contact with outsiders and establishing relationships with other people, but he still needs a relationship to maintain his sanity.

“Just us is not enough.

“Maybe it would be much better to have a sister who he grew up with and watched him grow up.

"And Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai can't stay with him forever. He will definitely leave earlier than us.

"In those small articles about educating children, pets are often mentioned, and the education of children about death is mentioned. Pets are a good way.

“We hope that through Xiaobai he will learn to accept death.

"If we can save people, of course it is good. We are the beneficiaries of that incident. But we are also very afraid that what happened after my dad died will happen. We are afraid that he will be affected by unrelated deceased people.

"We expected that by the time he went to college, Xiaobai would be too old to walk and would die of natural causes. We also thought that Xiaobai might have an accident before then.

“But anyway, I never thought that Xiaobai would leave us so soon.

"When our son ran out, we went crazy. We thought he had chased him to some point in the past. We looked everywhere for him.

“We can’t figure out what happened to Xiaobai and what happened to our son.

“We didn’t understand what happened until the end.

"When the police notified us, we couldn't explain clearly and were criticized. People from the neighborhood committee also came, thinking that we were abusing children. Later, some people came to investigate to see if there were traffickers nearby.

"We were scared for several days.

“When he wanted to find Xiaobai, we became even more worried.

"He said that he chased Xiaobai out and saw something scary, and he fell asleep holding Xiaobai in his arms. We really don't know what happened, so we can only continue to be scared.

"To be honest, we feel sorry for our daughter. She is so young, but for the sake of our son, we can only be strict with her.

"We collected everything related to Xiaobai at home. No one mentioned anything about Xiaobai.

"I don't know if my son is aware of anything. He showed abnormal IQ and emotions when he was a child, like a ghost. This may have sequelae. We can only continue to be afraid.

“I wonder if one day he will suddenly hold Xiaobai in his arms, run to us, and tell us that he has found Xiaobai.

“I haven’t slept well for several days.

"I hope something like that doesn't happen. Let's keep it like this. We can talk about these issues later when he's older and has a sense of control.

“We are really afraid that at his age, he will be unscrupulous and use his abilities without scruples.

"Hopefully that doesn't happen."

As I read this passage, there seemed to be sediment floating in the depths of my memory.

The images of my parents appeared in front of my eyes. Not the current parents, but younger versions of them. There was a look of panic and sadness on their faces.

I saw my sister again.

My sister shed tears silently, clutching a dirty velvet dog bone, and looked at me for help.

Mom came over quickly.

My sister immediately hid the dog bone behind her back, but it was still found.

I have completely forgotten what my mother said. I only remember my sister’s sharp cries. She lay on the ground crying, throwing her arms and legs, and losing her temper.

Her mother spanked her twice and wanted to put her in a crib.

I remember hugging my sister. She was squirming in my arms, crying until she was breathless.

I vaguely heard her shouting words like "Bai" and "Bye" vaguely.

I also seemed to hear my clumsy words to comfort her, "Don't cry, don't cry"...

These memories end here, only fragments.

The crying of my sister, the sad faces of my parents, and the faint flash of the big white dog were all cast in a dark color.

I suddenly thought of Ye Qing.

My parents didn't know that it was Ye Qing who saved me.

He did not show himself to them.

I was silent for a long time before flipping through the diary again.

On the new page, the date is marked again.

This time the content mentioned Aoba.

"April 5, 2013

"In the afternoon, Ye Qing called.

"He said he wanted to see us and our son. If he had something, he wanted to ask us and let our son help.

"His voice sounded tired, like someone who hadn't slept in a long time.

“Even when I first met him and he was a little eager to take away our son, he was not like this.

“We went to meet him at a coffee shop near our home.

"I haven't seen him for more than ten years. He has changed a lot and is now a completely mature man. But he should not be dating, married, or have children.

"He made a request directly to us, wanting to use our son's ability to help him save a friend."

Happy Teachers' Day~

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