Aoba Office

Chapter 2126 Murderer (2)

Chen Xiaoqiu's figure passed by my eyes at this moment. Fishing lines were wrapped around her body, and she was dragged directly out of the water and hung in the air.

The fishing line tightened and embedded itself in her body. Blood continuously flowed from the wound, fell on the water, and blended into the water.

The old man smiled, lifted the fishing rod, and pulled Chen Xiaoqiu to the shore.

In just one minute, Chen Xiaoqiu's body was dismembered in the air. When it landed, only the flesh was left. The complete skeleton was thrown into the river and washed to pieces by the river.

The faceless female ghosts in the water have gathered into a group and filled the river. Guo Yujie's figure was covered up and could never be found again.

I seemed to see white bones and human faces floating in the water. The white bones belonged to Chen Xiaoqiu, and the human face belonged to Guo Yujie.

I wanted to reach out my hand, but it was empty.

All the light was gone and I was in darkness with no light at all.

The feeling of pain only appeared at this time.

My face hurt, as if someone was pulling my face and peeling it off alive. It seemed like someone was cutting my body with a tough fishing line and removing my flesh piece by piece.

No one rescued me.

There are shameless female ghosts gathering around me. They faced me with their bloody faces, their protruding eyes devoid of any emotion.

In a blink of an eye, these female ghosts disappeared, leaving only an old man standing next to me, grinning at me, and raising the knife in his hand.

The water swallowed me up and all these scenes disappeared.

I'm floating in the water.

I felt the water lap over me.

Something is approaching.

I turned my head and saw several figures.

Fat people are best identified by their body shape.

He opened his mouth and bubbles came out of his mouth, as if he wanted to speak.

The thin man followed closely behind, his body spinning uncontrollably in the water.

Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu swam behind them and soon kept pace with them.

They passed me and kept going.

I saw a huge shadow in the water ahead, the water rushing towards me.

The four of them were like moths flying into a flame, and fell directly into the shadow, turning into flesh and blood and broken bones.

The shadow revealed its true form, a huge propeller.

Eyes appeared on the paddles, staring at me emotionlessly.

The propeller turned again, sucking me in.

My body and soul will be torn to pieces.

The pain woke me up.

I sat up suddenly and found that I was in an environment that I was very familiar with.

I saw familiar windows, familiar walls, familiar beds and bookcases.

There is no file for Aoba...

Outside the door, there was a soft rustling sound. I could tell it was my mother's footsteps. I heard her enter the kitchen and start working. After a while, the aroma wafted over.

Then, there were footsteps, the sound of the TV, the sound of the toilet...

Voices also started to sound.

"I got up so early today."


"Your brother hasn't gotten up yet. Go and wake him up."


The sleepy, simple answer made me feel welcome.

There was a knock on the door soon.

The door opened and my sister poked her head in.

"You're awake. Brother, he's up." She said to me first, then immediately turned around and yelled, shuffled around, and walked away.

I also heard her yawn.

Like every quiet morning.

In a daze, I got out of bed, walked to the door of the room, and held the doorknob.

I opened the door.

At this moment, all sounds disappeared.

I walked to the living room and turned to look at the kitchen and toilet.

The TV in the living room was turned off, the stove in the kitchen was empty, and there was no one in the toilet.

I went to the balcony and opened the window.

There is no wind and the sun's light is not warm.

There was no one outside either.

There are no old men and women getting up in the morning to exercise, no aunts and uncles buying groceries and taking care of their children, and no young people and children rushing to work or go to school.

The whole world is extremely quiet.

I raised my head and looked at the sky.

There seemed to be something in the sky.

I turned around and went out, went downstairs, walked around the residential building, and saw something I hadn't seen before.

It was a huge black hole, hanging brightly in the sky.

At the edge of the black hole, countless ghost kings are stretching out their hands and feet, trying to climb over.

Some of them succeeded and some failed.

The claws of some monsters will always emerge from the black hole and drag several ghost kings back.

There is another world.

And this is not the real world.

When I was thinking this, there were more sounds in the silent environment.

The black hole disappears, the sun gains temperature, and the wind picks up.

Aunts, uncles, old men and women walked past me.

I saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

She was walking over, but stopped halfway.

She stared at the green belt next to her, as if looking for something.


I heard a cat meow.

The dazed mood suddenly became tense.

I ran quickly, yelling, trying to stop her.

She had knelt down and stretched out her hand towards the green belt.

A yellow cat's paw rested on the hand.

I saw her smile slightly.

No...not a black cat, not a ghost.

I stopped running and stared at the cat and the girl.

They are all clean white.


Huge noises came from the sky, and people around them screamed in panic.

The girl and I looked up together and saw a small plane swooping down.

It cannot be stopped, no one can stop it.

I felt the blast of air coming from the explosion, and metal fragments, gravel and rubble all passed through me.

The fire was burning, and thick black smoke billowed into the sky.

The girl and the cat were both covered in the explosion and fire.

no no……

Sister... Lin Yun...

My eyes widened, trying to calm down.

I wanted to deny this reality.

Sister, she...

Suddenly, as if to fulfill my wish, the explosion disappeared.

The warm sunshine, the cold wind blowing by, and the nervous and worried residents of the neighborhood...

I looked ahead.

I heard the meow and saw the orange cat.

No sister.


"Plane! Plane!"



The explosion happened again.

I stared blankly at the reenactment of this scene, without moving.

I didn't move, but the scene began to change.

I stood on the street and saw panicked pedestrians, pointing at the smoke from the explosion and talking about it.

Ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars roared in.

Vehicles on the road took cover.

Those cars filed into the community.

Vehicles on the road started to pass again, but a car suddenly braked and crashed into a small shop on the street.

The front of the car plunged into the small shop, smoke came out, and it suddenly started to burn.

The driver sitting in the car had already collapsed on the seat. His body was uneven, with organs belonging to cattle, sheep and other livestock growing out.

My eyes fell on the store, watching the fire engulf the car and store.

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