Aoba Office

Chapter 2118 Unstoppable

This goal may not have been there from the beginning. Maybe at the earliest, they didn't have much power to eat the real world directly. Liu Che and his partners took some monsters with them. They eliminated many, but they were also eliminated by the costumed ghosts.

Evenly matched...

When I think of this, the ghost king whose name I don't know comes to mind.

"Oh, such violence cannot destroy us. You are destined to perish."

"...The speed is too slow. We must kill them all as soon as possible..."

"This is impossible. Someone has already sneaked in..."

The memory flashed through my mind, and it seemed like a long time had passed.

I overturned my previous thoughts.

That goal was established by them very early.

They have long been prepared to use this method to slowly eat away at the real world.

Boil the frog in warm water.

This is impossible to do in actual operation, but in this matter, it is possible for God and the Ghost King in the future world to do it.

No, they would have done it without me.

The last time I went to Future World was more than half a year ago. The future world I saw may not be exactly the world that is parallel to the real world in time. It may be a future world that was earlier.

In the other section of the entrance to the different space, they may have completed "mobilization".

But in the real world, many people have just learned that ghosts actually exist in this world.

It’s not surprising that I have easily erased the personality of God in the real world.

However, they knew about my existence, but they did not directly kill me...

I can only attribute this to God's rigid behavior pattern, and the costume ghost may have done something behind the scenes to make the ghost king's actions go astray...

They killed Aoba's people...

They killed the fat man...

It's not my turn.

"Mr. Lin, can you tell me more about your findings?" the man in the suit asked, interrupting my thinking.

I looked at him, and suddenly I felt the terrifying gaze directed towards him again.

Chen Yihan, who was standing nearby, immediately tensed up and glanced at me.

I was unmoved and did not answer the question. Instead, I asked: "What about you? Do you have any plans?"

The two men in suits frowned, and the way they looked at me changed.

The old leader said: "Lin Qi, this matter is no longer a small matter that you can handle. It is not a matter of one or two ghosts. Now, the situation is very serious. The higher-ups need to understand the intelligence you have obtained before making any plans. plan."

"The information I have obtained is that we started too late. Many people still do not believe that there are ghosts in the world and doubt the existence of ghosts in the world. This is originally correct, both in fact and in terms of development and construction... ..." Halfway through my words, I felt my gaze that had been withdrawn suddenly coming towards me.

My heart skipped a beat and I subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

The breath of death exuded from the palm again.

My consciousness blurred for a moment, and then I saw Ye Zhengyi.

Ye Zhengyi was sitting on the waterfront embankment of Binjiang Avenue in Luoqu River, looking at the skyscrapers on the other side.

He suddenly turned his head and seemed to see me.

"It's my turn..." Ye Zhengyi said calmly.

Before I finished speaking, I saw Ye Zhengyi being swallowed up by flames.

The flames started to burn along the landscape railing of the river embankment. The surrounding tourists exclaimed in surprise.

When the wind blows, flames float to the tourists, igniting them directly and turning them into new fireballs.

My eyes widened and I reached out to stop him.

My body and soul are not here.

"Ye Qing!" I wanted to shout, but my voice couldn't come out.

The flames raged and the number of victims quickly increased.

Why is this happening? how come……

My eyes are broken and I want my soul to come here.

This is no longer a matter of scapegoating, this is massacre!

If it is not stopped...

Flames suddenly shot towards me, turning into giant hands, as if they wanted to grab me directly.

I felt the temperature of the flame, and I was surprised that the temperature did not reach the height I imagined. Just like when water boils, the water vapor that hits the face cannot directly ignite people, but it can also hurt people.

But this kind of injury is still tolerable.

At least, the moment I come into contact with it, I can activate my own abilities.

Just one such contact...

There seemed to be a transparent layer in front of me, directly cutting me off from the flames.

The temperature in front of me dropped suddenly.

The flames seemed to be stimulated and suddenly surged, as if they were going to engulf the thing and me together.

The fiery red color filled my field of vision, allowing me to see the outline of a person.

The next second, these were gone.

I have returned to the ward.

I heard a gasp and touched my hair, only to find that the ends of my hair had been burned off. There was also a hole in the hospital gown that had been burned by a spark.

I touched the hole in silence, not knowing what to say.

I closed my eyes and wanted to look at Binjiang Avenue again, but I only felt a headache.

"Mr. Lin, what just happened?" the man in the suit asked.

"Binjiang Avenue. Go there to save people." I replied helplessly.

Several people's expressions changed.

The men in suits looked at each other, and one of them ran out.

"What I just said, there are some things I can't say..."

That glance before was a return shot from God in the future world, or whether I had touched another taboo, I couldn't confirm.

I'm even more unsure whether the countermeasure I came up with is correct.

Disclosing the existence of supernatural beings, popularizing knowledge in this area, and forcing everyone to adapt quickly is a double-edged sword in itself. Many people would immediately defect to the side of the Ghost King, or even commit suicide without hesitation, becoming ghosts and ghost kings themselves.

But if it is not announced, the ghost king's tentacles have spread all over the world, how to deal with them?

"I want to go to Morristown again." I made my request. "The black hole there is very important. This should be the only black hole that is easier to control so far, right?"

"You want to say, where did the Ghost King come from? Where is the underworld and hell?" The man in the suit asked.

"No..." I considered, "That place can be regarded as the future world. If this continues, that place will be the future."

"Can you tell me more specifically?" the man in the suit asked.

"That ghost king is the old man who caused me to be hospitalized this time. Don't you all know what he did? In that future, these are public. They can kill whoever they want, and whoever they want to kill, no People stop." I gave an example.

That absurd world should be difficult for people in the real world to understand.

The man in the suit had questions and wanted to ask more, but was interrupted by his companion who came in from outside.

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