Aoba Office

Chapter 2114 Kill him (3)

As the monster got closer, some things that had been covered up were revealed.

Dust was flying under the monster's feet, and a crowd blocked his view. Only then did I see—or rather, the old man saw. There were many strange animals densely packed around the monster's feet.

Those small animals looked like jackals, tigers and leopards, about the same size. They rushed into the crowd and started biting.

The ghost king floating in the air smiled contemptuously, and the Yin Qi on his body turned into something like the giant elephant monster, blocking it directly in front of the giant elephant.

An earth-shattering sound exploded behind the old man.

He turned around hastily and saw water waves rising into the sky on the horizon in the distance.

I saw shadows swimming in the waves. Soon, something rushed out of the water curtain, ejected directly, bit the Ghost King's body, and took him flying into the sky.

The old man collapsed on the ground in fear.

I opened my eyes wide, trying to see the new monster clearly.


It’s the five-clawed golden dragon from the East!

I was a little stunned, and what surprised me even more was that I also saw a small human figure on the dragon.

What I heard this time was not the sound of a bell, but the sound of a flute that was masked by the roar of a dragon.

The music has a majestic momentum that I have never heard before.

The giant elephant composed of the ghost king's yin energy suddenly dissipated and returned to him to protect his soul.

The sound like breaking glass came from high in the sky.

I couldn't see what happened next.

The old man got up, turned around and ran away, falling into the chaotic crowd.

The monster's one-sided slaughter of them lasted for a long time.

There were bloody corpses all over the ground.

The old man was among the pile of corpses. One of his legs was broken, and his face and body were covered with the flesh of others, but he was still breathing weakly.

He squinted his eyes and looked feebly at the half piece of meat on his head.

The monster riot has subsided.

I saw the figures of the two giant monsters jumping to the ground.

The sound of their voices came and made me tremble.

"...The speed is too slow. We must kill them all as soon as possible..."

"This is impossible. Someone has already sneaked in..."

The brief conversation between the two ended quickly.

They're back to monsters.

I felt the Yin Qi coming at a rapid speed.

The Yin Qi was more powerful than the previous Ghost King's Yin Qi, almost turning into dark clouds covering the sky, directly blocking the sun and covering the earth.

Those little monsters whined, as if they were exposed to poisonous gas, and died quickly when touched by the Yin Qi.

Both the giant elephant and the golden dragon roared uneasily.

Bells and flutes rang at the same time, but they were completely disrupted by the voices of two monsters.

I saw the two monsters running wildly and charging.

It seemed that someone shouted angrily, but it had no effect.

The moment the monsters came into contact with the Yin Qi, their roars turned into screams.

"Who are you?" the strange voice heard before asked, but it immediately changed its tone, "Yang Xianren..."

At this time, I can already confirm that the powerful Yin Qi is 80% similar to the Yin Qi of the costume ghost, but it seems to be a bit weaker than the costume ghost.

Is this...a costumed ghost from the past?

Yang... A ghost called him Mr. Yang before. There should be no mistake.

It’s just this immortal...

"Sure enough... you have already sneaked in."

Another voice cheered me up.

"Give up." The voice of the costumed ghost came over.

It's not so much a sound as it is a wonderful communication of consciousness.

Even though he was so far away, the old man also heard these conversations. He didn't understand the language, but he understood the meaning.

"Suffer death!" The unfamiliar voice roared angrily.

The two monsters were still struggling, but a small figure flew out from the giant elephant, carrying a radiant light, and crashed into the huge Yin Qi.

I couldn't help but feel in a trance, as if I was watching a special effects movie with outstanding technology.

It's not like I haven't imagined such a scene before. If I see such a picture on a computer or in a theater, I will definitely be hooked. If someone posts the words in ancient legends about moving mountains and seas, flying swords and flying immortals, it will also make me excited.

Legendary gods, legendary fairies, legendary monsters, and battles that can destroy the world always make people living in an "ordinary" society feel excited.

But that's just a legend.

Even if I know that there are ghosts in this world, and that the ghost's yin energy can simulate various objects, even if I have seen monsters raging in the future world, I never thought that I could see a living person. Have this power.

Escape from the earth and fly into the sky, this should be the ability of gods. Maybe there are experts who can use magic to do such a thing, but it should only be a low-key magic, without that kind of majestic momentum.

I have seen the vast Yin Qi of ancient costume ghosts, witnessed supernatural phenomena with such momentum, and also witnessed the thunder caused by Nangong Yao.

But I still find it hard to accept when I actually see someone who can fly and turn his body into a powerful missile-like weapon.

It's like someone from another world, like something that doesn't belong to this world suddenly arrives.

As if to confirm my thoughts, the figure that could light up the sky streaked across like a shooting star and extinguished in an instant.

The Yin Qi silently swallowed up the figure and the two monsters at the same time.

The huge Yin Qi began to shrink, and the blackness receded, leaving behind two corpses that looked like mountains.

The conversation started again.

"You are finished." The costume ghost said calmly, "There is no chance of winning."

"Well, I think so." Liu Che's voice also sounded calm.

I couldn't help but hold my breath.

"Making a choice as early as possible may not be a bad thing. Such consumption is meaningless at all. You..."

"This is not something I can decide. Just like your actions, they are not decided by you, right?"

The costume ghost didn't answer.

"You should be able to see it. Such a world has no development prospects. Annexing us will only allow this place to survive for a while. If you live for a while... you will watch how this place slowly dies." Liu Che's voice was rational and calm, but also had a strangely bewitching flavor, "But this is not something that cannot be changed."

I suddenly felt a change in the atmosphere.

Even though I was so far away, I still had a creepy feeling.

"You don't need to do anything. I will restore everything to its original point. When the time will have the chance to be free." Liu Che said word by word.

I couldn't see Liu Che or the ghost in costume, but I could see the old man's body shaking slightly under the cover of those corpses.

I wasn't here in body or soul, but I still felt the shivers.

Just like a tiny human being falling into the deep sea, huge sperm whales and king squids were rolling and fighting beside me, causing my body to roll in the ocean, and might be crushed into powder at any time.

Along with this emotion, I felt a shift in my perception of these scenes.

I saw the old man again, and time seemed to have reached the point where he turned into a ghost after his death.

I saw his worried face, saw him clinging to the entrance and exit of the different space, and saw him suddenly take the initiative and start to expand. That dead city was prosperous for a while and depressed for a while.

The fragments of these contradictory scenes are intertwined.

Occasionally, I would see a deformed person or ghost suddenly appear and disappear. There's no meat ball image, nothing new, it's just an ordinary ghost.

All of this slowly fades into darkness.

I'm having a hard time getting through life, it turns out today is Saturday...

The student party still has two days of probation. 【funny】

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