Aoba Office

Chapter 2112 Kill him (1)

I just felt that my brain went blank, and the scenery in front of me was replaced by black.

I couldn't see anything, only the breath of death belonging to Phenxit lingered around me. It seemed that if I stretched out my hand, I could grab Xue Jingyue and touch the fat man.

I don’t know if I reached out my hand, but I’m pretty sure my soul left my body again.

The brief blank space disappeared, and what was filled in my brain was what happened during the Love Tree.

I caught those two ghosts, I pushed them to ancient times, I killed them, solved them from the source, saved Jin Haifeng, and saved Fatty.

I saved the fat man that time.

Then I met the Nian beast and I rescued him again.

There is one, there is two, and there will be three.

I told myself so.

Although there was a faint voice in my heart that retorted.

I remembered the death of Jin Haifeng, and the people of Aoba who died at the same time.

No, that's different!

People in Qingye have a death wish, but I don’t have such a strong obsession with Jin Haifeng.

Fat people are different to me!

I felt the darkness fade away from my eyes.

I saw that kitchen.

The soul is not yet stable, and the breath of Mencet has not disappeared.

My heartbeat suddenly increased.

The fat man was lying on the stainless steel counter, surrounded by ghost chefs who had died long ago.

They were holding knives and I knew what was going to happen next.

For a moment, I forgot that I saw this under the influence of Phenxit's mark. I jumped out, trying to stop these people.

My soul seemed to move, but I still stayed aside and could only watch as their knives fell again.

Without Xue Jingyue's influence, I saw this complete scene.

The kitchen knife chopped off the fat man's muscles and bones and cut open his internal organs.

Blood splashed out, and more blood flowed directly on the table, fell to the ground, and entered the drain.

The fat man didn't cry out in pain or struggle. His body twitched with instinct. On the wound section, the muscle tissue jumped and jumped, and new flesh grew rapidly in a strange way.

But this growth doesn't last.

The kitchen knife fell much faster than the fat man could recover.

His bodily instincts were still there and his reflex nerves were still functioning, but his eyes had lost their luster.

I thought of the biological experiments I did when I was studying.

The poor frog was killed in this way, and we continued to stimulate the spinal nerves to verify the reflex function.

My eyes were sore, but my mood was unexpectedly calm.

Mingxit's aura completely disappeared as the fat man lost his human form.

The desk was deformed and was crushed under the ugly fleshy ball.

I saw a glimpse of clothes.

My body was shaking, and I struggled to get up.

"Oh, he's not dead yet." Meatball made a strange sound.

Bang bang bang bang!

There were shots fired from outside.

Immediately, something was thrown into the kitchen, causing a burst of smoke.

There were heavy footsteps outside.

I heard the shouting, but the voice was not understood by my brain.

My sight penetrated the smoke and saw a world in black and white.

The huge black object and the humanoid object next to it have sharp outlines.

My body fell to the ground and my soul floated out smoothly.

The chains on my soul made a loud clanging sound, strangling my soul, as if it was going to twist me into pieces.

I stretched out my hand hard and touched the black flesh ball.

Push the past!

The chains on his body were suddenly loosened.

The abilities in my body seemed to explode, and my whole soul was propelled forward by a huge thrust.

The black and white world became bizarre.

I heard the vague cry of Meatball.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. I was about to activate my ability to reverse time, but I felt like my hands were empty.

The sticky and slightly elastic feeling is gone.

The strange and bizarre scenery has also disappeared.

I was standing in a strange city, and all I could see were dilapidated streets.

The ground is overgrown with weeds, but there is no trash flying scene like in the movies. The walls of the buildings on the street are falling off, but there are no walls on the ground.

It's like an abandoned city invaded by nature.

I didn't see a single person.

I moved, and the chain made a sound, but I could feel that the chain connecting my soul and body now had an astonishing length.

I didn't find the chain that belonged to the meat ball, and I didn't feel the breath of the meat ball.

This scene feels familiar to me.

I seemed to have returned to the scene of Gu Mo’s death.


No one.

There should be someone there, but I just can't see it.

While I was thinking this, I felt eyes on me.

I raised my head and saw a figure at the window of an old building.

He was a rickety old man. He was on the second floor, but he seemed to be high up, looking down on all living beings and me.

He can see me.

I looked over and saw that without Nangong Yao's ability, it would take a lot of effort to feel his weak Yin Qi. Once you use Nangong Yao's ability, you can see the black outline of the old man and the floating Yin energy around the humanoid outline.

Around the old man, the scenery remained black.

I don't see a bit of other color here.

Pure black...

Only when I look up, I can see the gray sky.

The horizon further away is also gray.

This is a strange world...

This should be the future world.

"Here he comes."

I heard strange tones that were not in any language I recognized.

It was like watching a documentary about indigenous people and hearing a tone that I had never heard in my life.

The old man's appearance is within the scope of my knowledge, like the natives of the Arctic cold land in the documentary.

When I was thinking this, I suddenly realized that although I couldn't understand his language, I could understand his words.

I was startled and looked around.

Meatball is definitely still here!

It's just that I can't see it.

I simply spread my abilities directly.

The wind blew in the city, the weeds on the ground quickly withered, and the concrete floor became as smooth as new. Several surrounding buildings began to restore their walls, and on the bright walls there were graphic advertisements that could not be seen before.

On the empty street, a vague figure appeared.

Those figures disappeared quickly before they could condense into shape.

The wall covering completely disappeared, exposing the masonry inside. The masonry disintegrated and turned into a pile of powder. The cement floor that seemed to be still heating melted and disappeared in an instant, revealing solid soil.

The old man still stood there, motionless. His Yin Qi went from weak to high, then slowly disappeared. He returned to youth from an old state, but immediately turned into a baby, falling to the ground along with the disappearing building.

In the black world, a richer black appears.

I turned my head sharply and felt myself being pushed away by a strong force.

There was a loud bang and it exploded in front of me.

The Yin Qi turned into a huge wave with terrifying force, hitting the surrounding buildings, crushing them one step faster than my ability.

Entire cities were razed to the ground.

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