Aoba Office

Chapter 2110 He was eaten (2)

I didn't look at the customers in the store, but walked towards the kitchen step by step.

I've seen the man in the white chef's uniform. The chef's uniform was not white, but stained with stains that could not be washed away, making it look mottled and disgusting.

The man was looking over in surprise, as if like everyone else, he didn't expect someone to intrude like this.

The brief silence in the store was broken again, but there were still many people looking at me quietly and curiously.

I heard movement and voices behind me, and I knew it was the traffic policeman coming in.

There were fewer people eating, some were looking at me, and some were looking behind me.

The man I was staring at no longer maintained his surprised expression. His facial muscles relaxed, his face expressionless, and he looked at me quietly. The things in his hands were also put down. The man stood up straight, as if waiting for me to walk over.

Everyone else in the kitchen did the same thing.

The person with his back to me turned around.

I paused slightly, feeling even more regretful.

The TV made a rustling sound, and the news broadcast voice jumped. It was replaced by a male voice, which is also a news broadcast voice that can often be heard. He suddenly said: "...This is the second body discovered recently. The police are currently working on investigation……"

There were exclamations all around.

I could picture what was playing on the television.

"...The deceased was a delivery rider before his death..."

"Ah! This is not, this is not-"

Someone screamed from behind, and there were sounds of tables, chairs, dishes and chopsticks being knocked over.

I have opened the kitchen door and entered the kitchen.

The chefs turned their heads and followed me with their eyes.

When I saw the minced meat on the counter, the nerves in my brain started to throb.

"Where is he?" I asked.

No one in the kitchen answered.

I looked at the face that I had seen at noon and only remembered now, and I pictured in my mind what he looked like before he died.

"Let me ask you, where is Chu Yuanguang!" I asked loudly, having already rushed forward and grabbed him by the collar, "Dong Feng! Are you fucking helping that ghost king? You are all helping that ghost king?" ! He killed you! Have you forgotten how you died?

The man I grabbed was unmoved.

This person is the deceased mentioned in the news, Aoba's client, the person who ate the food made by that new thing and killed him!

Another face that looked familiar to me raised his head, looked at me, pointed to the door outside, and said in a dull voice: "Those guests have left."

My body paused.

"After you bought something at noon and took it away, Chu Yuanguang came not long after. But it was already past dinner time. We just chopped him up before. We also used a meat grinder. There were no bones left. In the end One portion, just sold, is a takeaway. Our business here is very good, and the takeout volume is also very large." He changed the subject and continued, "You know what he is capable of. He can't be alive. There can’t be any left.”

I let go and stared at him with half-eyed eyes.

I also remembered this person's name at this time. Dong Feng delivered takeout to him, and Qingye checked on his death. Liu Chunan. His autopsy report is in Qingye's file. I have also seen it, his ID photo when he was alive, and the way he starved to death. I also recalled his struggling posture at the death scene.

"You were also killed by him..."

Now, they are all dogs tied up by the Ghost King.

Even the fat man...

Liu Chunan doesn't need to lie to me, the fat man must have walked in by himself. The fat man must not have struggled when they killed him.

I had thought of this possibility when I saw the Dream Weaver store before.

It is very easy for those ghost kings to kill people with abilities.

Thin people can be affected, and fat people are no exception.

And I have only seen one person with the ability to see through that new thing. That boy named Ikawa Mine, he had been killed by something new a long time ago.

At that time, I only thought it was to kill people and silence them. Now think about it, although the behavior of the new things was just to kill people and silence them, it had already shown the strength of these ghost kings.

Ye Qing protected me when I was young, allowing me to escape disaster and have the opportunity to grow up. Maybe he has been protecting me for the next ten years or so.

As for Fatty and the others... they were originally little people who were not noticed. Even if they are ability users, there are still many ability users in this world. Compared to adults like them, it would be wiser for ghost kings to abduct children and take action against people with special abilities.

A year ago, the future God did not make any big moves. God in the real world is still very active, and even takes action personally to deal with the Ghost King. The ghost kings don't have the confidence they have now.

Now, the tables have turned.

They no longer need to carefully hide themselves, no longer need to carefully select their targets.

All I'm doing is letting this real world hang on for a little longer. Even if there is no God in the future world, they can immediately rule the world with violence.

I closed my eyes.

Liu Chunan, Dong Feng... they are already dead.

I can't possess the fat man anymore, but I can possess these two people.

I can change history...


Suddenly, I heard a slight sound of chains.

The noise in the store disappeared.

I was in a subtle state, listened carefully, and caught the second sound of the chain.

I opened my eyes suddenly and reached out to grab the chain in the void.


Countless chains collided and made a loud noise.

My soul began to travel through time and space, and I wanted to find the new thing and the figure of the fat man. No matter which one of them I find, I can find a way to save Fatty.

I can't save Qingye's people, but I can save Fatty.

I can reach an earlier time point and kill that ghost king!

As soon as the idea came to my mind, I saw a figure.

It was not a human figure, but a monster figure. It had only a round head, like a baby in labor, and it was a deformed child.

I immediately stopped moving my soul.

I was so impressed by this new thing that without any hesitation I reached out towards it and grabbed its slimy, slippery misshapen body.

The thing's two eyes widened, rolled its eyes, and looked at me.

My ability has poured out from the palm of my hand.

I heard a scream and felt a resistance.

"Hehe..." The thing's roar quickly turned into a weird laughter.

My ability is almost the same as its Yin Qi. I can only consume its Yin Qi, but cannot directly affect it itself.

Even though I had expected it, I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

I gritted my teeth and almost made a desperate move, pouring my ability into the opponent's body in one breath.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

The new things that I was still confident about have changed.

The deformed body receded and turned into the appearance of an ordinary person. It's just that the man still has a facial deformity, and the proportions and positions of his facial features are different from those of ordinary people.

His face was ferocious, and his eyes showed fear.

"No! Impossible! Your power..." He screamed, his body changed again, and actually degenerated from an adult into a teenager. He suddenly changed his words and shouted: "Save me! God! Save me——"

Sorry for the late update today.

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