Aoba Office

Chapter 2108 Last words

I looked at my phone and started to feel dazed again.

I kind of don't know what to do next.

Maybe I should find Fatty and ask him to help take care of my parents... Maybe I should tell my sister. Although I have never thought about it before, now, I should consider letting my sister take on more responsibilities at home.

The screeching of brakes interrupted my thoughts. I jumped forward due to the sudden braking of the car, and was pulled back to the seat by the seat belt.

My back was so painful from the collision that I didn’t even have time to see clearly what happened. I subconsciously felt that I had been in a car accident. The next second I saw clearly that the car in front of the taxi was parked properly, I suspected that I had been attacked by the Ghost King.

The driver in the driver's seat was so panicked that he almost jumped out of the taxi that had just stopped, and made a ghostly scream.

The cry was quickly cut off.

The sound of crashes and brakes came from the side and behind.

The car behind me rear-ended me and I rushed forward again. This time I was prepared. My hands were still on the back of the passenger seat and my body was not hit.

There was a lot of noise outside, and I could hear people screaming.

I turned my head to look, and I could already see the driver's door that had been blown away, but my attention was immediately drawn to my side.

There was another figure beside me.

An old woman was sitting there. As if sensing my gaze, she slowly turned her head and looked at me.

Her face was expressionless, like the female ghost in most ghost movies, with a chilling expression, as if her whole body was exuding cold air, which would sting people's bones until they hurt.

But now I can no longer detect the Yin energy from these ghosts.

I can only use Nangong Yao's ability to see the nine chains on her body.

This ghost was an esper before he was alive, but I have never seen that face before.

She suddenly appeared, and she must be a ghost.

I immediately thought of the taxi driver who ran out.

Maybe this female ghost is not looking for me, but the taxi driver.

As soon as this idea came to me, before I could make any next move, I heard this female ghost speak.

"Young man, I finally see you." The female ghost's voice was like that of most elderly people, a little hoarse, and she seemed a little out of breath.

I didn't expect that she really came to see me.

The only possibility I can think of is Aoba.

This old woman might be someone Aoba has come into contact with.

I haven’t read all of Aoba’s files, and it’s impossible to remember every name, every voice, and every figure that appears in the files.

However, the ghost that can find me and come towards me is still a ghost that I don't know at all. The most likely person is someone Aoba has come into contact with.

I thought a lot at this moment.

The old woman seemed to be struggling to speak and move, as slow as a robot.

It also gave me time to think.

The figure of Xu Tiancheng emerged in my mind.

It can be said that Xu Tiancheng died because of me, because I touched God's taboo in that future world, and was forced out by Ye Qing to be the scapegoat.

If there is one Xu Tiancheng, there will be a second one.

Or maybe they were related people who were burned to death in the fire together with Xu Tiancheng.

Only then did the old woman start to say her second sentence: "I can't do it anymore."

I was startled. I could feel that something was wrong with the ghost in front of me, at least it didn't look like an ordinary ghost. It either had no sanity and only knew how to act according to obsession, or it had sanity and was as flexible as a living person. She should be sane, at least her eyes are clear. But her movements were really slow, and she seemed to have almost no sense of the outside world.

I can only put this down to her ability. She may have special abilities, and she found me through her abilities. My previous guesses about Qingye may not be correct.

"I can no longer protect Yueyue."

The name came out of the old woman's mouth, interrupting my thoughts.

I was so shocked that I forgot to ask for a moment.

I really didn't expect to hear this name here and at this time.

"Next, I'll trouble you. save her..."

Along with the disappearing sound, the figure of the old woman also disappeared.

While I was still sitting there, I suddenly thought of a possibility that I had never thought of.

I quickly looked for my phone and found Xue Jingyue's phone number.

We exchanged contact information after talking about Xiao Tianci's affairs. However, with the relationship between Fatty and her, if anything happens, whether Xue Jingyue comes to us for something or we come to her for something, we will always come to her first. Communicate with fat people and convey through fat people.

Guo Yujie, Chen Xiaoqiu and Xue Jingyue have a closer relationship and are often in contact. Before the situation was not critical, they would hang out together.

Despite this, Xue Jingyue still kept a little distance from our small group.

To be more precise, he kept a little distance from me.

I also heard Guo Yujie say in private that Xue Jingyue was a little afraid of me. Fatty and I have a good relationship, and she is Fatty's girlfriend, and she has decided to get married. It is not easy for her to tell Fatty about this kind of thing. After talking to Guo Yujie, Guo Yujie took the initiative to take over the work of easing our relationship.

I don’t have any grudge against Xue Jingyue, it’s just out of convenience, and neither she nor Fatty raised it, so our five-person working group remains the same. If there is anything, Fatty should tell her, and she should remind us. , all conveyed by Fatty.

Xue Jingyue was afraid of me, and when I found out, I was just worried about whether she had a premonition of something.

Guo Yujie told me this a long time ago. After that, supernatural incidents happened one after another, and the problems became more and more serious. I also forgot about this matter. Even though Qiu Ziyang showed me the tragic future, I didn't connect it with Xue Jingyue's incident.

Now, I think of everything from meeting Xue Jingyue to the last contact.

We have always felt that Xue Jingyue is capable, and that ability is a vague ability to predict.

But is this ability really Xue Jingyue’s own?

Even though it was hers, the old woman suddenly found me and left her last words, which proved that things had changed.

Regardless of whether the ability belongs to Xue Jingyue or not, such an ability to predict danger has lost its role in protecting Xue Jingyue.

I could only call Xue Jingyue immediately to ensure her safety as soon as possible.

The call didn't go through.

The car window and door were knocked twice, and someone opened the car door and shouted at me.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Get out of the car first."

"The driver was killed."

"Mind your own business! Didn't you see the driver running down just now?"

People around me looked at me strangely.

The call was hung up.

I'll call again right away.

"Brother, someone called the police and an ambulance." The man who opened the car door continued, "What happened in your car just now? Is it haunted?"

"Wow! What are you talking about?"

"There's a ghost!"

Because of this man's unbridled speech, the onlookers outside the car suddenly burst into laughter.

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