Aoba Office

Chapter 2104 2015 Childhood (1)

"Well, you're right. There are also people who are close to each other. Your mother and I have brothers and sisters who are close to each other. We are all part of the same family, and we don't really care about much. In order to accommodate them, and for the sake of the peace of the family, there are always some people who take advantage. Someone suffered a loss," Dad said.

At this point, what we are talking about are just household chores, just like the chores that every family encounters, there is nothing special about it.

I looked at my parents, and asked again, "Are you still in contact with them? Are they still alive?"

Mom lowered her head, clasped her hands, and moved her body slightly unnaturally. Her body was shaking slightly.

I suddenly felt a strong sense of regret and wanted to end this conversation.

Dad spoke at this time and looked at me with red eyes, "Son...did you see it?"

His voice trembled, the last note disappearing in his throat.

My heart was shocked.

This one question alone has given me the answer.

Mom couldn't help it at this time and made a sobbing sound.

Dad put his arm around her shoulders. Both of them had middle-aged and stout figures, and they didn't change much in the following years. Now, they were leaning on each other, both crying.

I just feel like I have become a sinner and I am helpless.

"Son, Lynch, did you see it? Who is it?" Dad asked again, looking at me with red eyes, waiting for an answer.

I shook my head, "No. I didn't see anyone from our family."

"Really?" Mom asked impatiently.

"Really." I replied affirmatively.

They all seemed relieved, but also cried tears of joy.

I waited for them to calm down, still not sure what to say. I don't know how to comfort them when they cry.

They calmed down and seemed to have been relieved of a heavy burden.

Dad opened up the conversation and said proactively: "You probably... encountered that kind of thing again. After you entered the demolition office, you said that working overtime and traveling on business were all because of... that kind of thing, right?"

I didn't answer, but I already acquiesced to the matter.

Mom wiped her tears and didn't look at me.

Dad patted his thigh, sighed and said: "We originally thought... you were just a child..." He glanced at his mother, and the two looked at each other and held hands together. He continued: "We didn't lie to you. When your grandfather passed away, you were only two or three years old, and you were still ignorant. Let me tell you straight now, your uncle was not a human being at that time. How much did your grandfather treat us when he was alive? All are fair, but he always felt that your grandpa secretly gave money to other people. Your grandma happened to be sick at that time, but you were so young, and your mother stayed at home to take care of you and only visited your grandpa a few times. While the family was having dinner, I mentioned a few words, saying that people cannot take care of the elderly at their bedside. Your mother's other brothers and sisters should share more of the burden. Our family must at least have enough money, and we must take more care of your mother's brothers and sisters in the future. He felt that your grandfather had given our family money. Your grandfather had a heart attack not long after, and he refused to let go, saying that all the tens of thousands of dollars your grandfather had saved were given to our family. Two thousand yuan, and the rest will be given to our family. He also talks nonsense to you and makes a lot of noise when he comes to our house."

When Dad said this, he seemed to recall his mood at that time and became angry.

He gasped and did not continue.

Mom wiped the corners of her eyes, patted the back of his hand, and said for him: "You were frightened by your uncle at that time, and you had a fever at night. We sent you to the hospital, and the doctor gave you an injection and suspended you. "Salt water, you are not in good condition. If there is anything wrong with you, we will fight with your uncle." She said seriously, but after finishing speaking, she closed her mouth again and fell into hesitation.

Dad has suppressed his anger. He made a decision earlier than his mother, and now he said directly: "You stayed in the hospital all night, and you were in a daze and didn't wake up. At dawn, when you woke up, just say "Tai Zi" , Taiwan. We didn’t know what you wanted. After we took you out of the hospital, you refused to go home. We didn’t know what you were going to do, and we were afraid that you would be... Grandpa is here. You cried and called you grandpa, and there was nothing we could do. We took you to your grandpa's house, but your uncle refused to give it to you. Your second uncle and I called the police to unlock the house, and you pointed inside and said..."

When Dad said this, he paused and said, "What you have been talking about is the desk table at your grandfather's house. There is a glass plate on top of that table, and there are a lot of old photos on it, some invoices, and some phone numbers. I carried you to the counter, and you almost fell out of my arms. I pointed at a phone number that didn’t have a name on it, it was an out-of-town number.”

Dad looked at me, his expression became extremely complicated, "We made that phone call. We all thought... it might be your grandpa... That phone number came from your grandpa's hometown. He didn't tell any of us a few years ago. We visited the ancestral graves of your great-grandfather and great-grandmother in your hometown. Your great-grandfather and great-grandmother were your grandfather’s sons. They both died long ago. None of our brothers and sisters have ever seen your grandfather. They died when he was a child. I went to Minqinglai by myself and never went back. We didn’t know that there were your great-grandfather and great-grandmother’s brothers and sisters in my hometown. Their graves were also watched by your relatives. Grandpa said that the two tombs were about to collapse and asked your grandpa for money. When we called them, they thought your grandpa was still there and asked us to come over and play. They said that the tombs had been repaired and we should go back. , burn paper and kowtow.”

When Dad said this, the whole thing seemed to be finished.

I could imagine what was happening to me. I was not possessed by my grandfather and told the truth, but I had the original ability and I saw my grandfather's past. It is even possible that I saw my grandfather's life.

"I've made it clear about your grandfather's deposit... Your uncle still doesn't believe it, and he says that we colluded in making the fraud. When the bank records were pulled out, he didn't believe it either, so he asked us for money. We don't dare to let him talk nonsense to you again. That's right. We also moved with you so that no one could tell him about the inheritance later. We brothers and sisters thought it would be better to have more than less. If he wants more, give him more. Please figure this out soon. We are going to your grandfather's hometown later, and your uncle has to go with us. If you are afraid of us doing something behind your back, just go with him. There is something else going on on that trip... He and his hometown. The relatives over there were also unhappy.”

"That uncle of yours is just a second-rate guy." Mom cursed at this time.

"Anyway, after this incident, we won't have any contact with him." Dad said.

"We also cut off contact with other relatives... Did other things happen later?" I said slowly.

The two looked at each other and nodded at me.

"You... saw things after that, and told us some... some nonsense." Dad said carefully, "No one around us died. You... said it while watching the TV. . News on TV, some social news, after you see it, you will always say something..."

Goodnight everybody.

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