Aoba Office

Chapter 2086 Ghost in the Painting (9)

I expected Ye Zhengyi to know about those female ghosts.

Since he stayed in Minqing and paid attention to Qingye, he had a high chance of discovering those female ghosts.

Even if he had not painted the Luoqu River that flows through Minqing, he might have painted those female ghosts when he painted elsewhere.

I don’t even know how many places those female ghosts have been. It seems that they can be found wherever there is a source of living water.

Ye Zhengyi showed a troubled look, "Do you know how troublesome they are? There are too many of them, and their whereabouts are unpredictable. Even if I draw them, I can't guarantee that I can control them."

"Let's try it first." I didn't take Ye Zhengyi's words to heart.

He seemed to have regained his energy, and it was uncertain whether what he said now was true or false.

Ye Zhengyi changed his tone to a more sincere tone and said: "I guess you think that there are many of them, they can move along the river, they are easy to move, and they may not be weak in strength, so you want to take advantage of them. You have to figure one thing out. Ah. They are different from me. I am just waiting to die. I have some plans for the future, but I really don’t have the ability to do this. They are not... They are ghosts who stay in the world for revenge. They must not have finished their revenge. As long as one of them has not found the reincarnation of their enemy, they will not give up. They are completely organized. A small group with a very strong cohesion. They don’t care about the Ghost King at all. All they think about is revenge. If the Ghost King makes a condition, they might agree to help the Ghost King.”

"Do you think they just want revenge now?" I asked.

"Of course. This essence remains unchanged." Ye Zhengyi immediately answered, and then added, "If we change to that kind of world, it's not necessarily possible. The rules of the world are different, and they must be different too. "They must have changed now. The Yin Qi should be gone." Ye Zhengyi sighed, "Without the Yin Qi, we ghosts can't deal with the Ghost King."

"You can still have an impact on living people, but can't you on the ghost king?" I asked.

Ye Zhengyi was stunned, lowered his eyelids, and his expression changed.

"It can affect living people, so it can also affect ghost kings. I know that ghost kings are different from you. Just because they are different, they may be affected by your hallucinations and develop fear."

I have met several ghost kings. Many of them are capable, but none of them seem to be afraid of ghosts, but it is not necessarily true that there is no fear. If a ghost like Cheng Jiu can become a ghost king in the future world and become a useless ordinary person in the real world, then there must be more such people among the ghost kings, and they will definitely be affected by the hallucinations caused by ghosts.

"They have fear." I thought about the dream I saw. It can be determined that the guide and Song Zang are both fearful. Needless to say, the guide almost controls the land in Huixiang; Song Zang's taxi business is also in full swing. The strength of the two of them is not bad.

Coupled with the toy Ghost King who was replaced by Lina, I am sure that the qualifications of the Ghost King are really very different. Lina took advantage of the changes in the world's rules and successfully replaced the Toy Ghost King at that time, and the entire history of Morristown changed several times. Now that the rules have returned to their original state, and the ghosts have lost their Yin Qi, there is probably no way for Ye Zhengyi or the female ghost to replace a certain ghost king, but I think it is completely feasible for them to kill a certain ghost king.

Ye Zhengyi thought for a while and then said, "You can give it a try."

"Then just paint it." My Ye Zhengyi said, winking at the thin man, and putting away the self-portrait of Ye Zhengyi.

Ye Zheng glanced at me, but did not stop him. He just said coolly: "You have seen through it all, and I have no other choice. You don't have to be so guarded against me."

"How can I rest assured if I don't take precautions?" I said lightly.

I don't think Ye Zhengyi has given up completely.

When I exposed him, he must have been a little depressed, and even went one step further and gave up on himself. But after such a short period of time, he recovered. After all, he is an old ghost who has been around for so many years and has witnessed many big events. He is naturally weak-willed and should develop some resilience.

Ye Zhengyi said nothing more. With a wave of his hand, pen, ink, paper and inkstone appeared on the coffee table.

My eyelids twitched, and when I looked carefully, I couldn't see any yin energy.

"This is my ability and has nothing to do with Yin Qi." Ye Zheng didn't even raise his head, but seemed to see through my thoughts, "I would like to use foreign objects, but you don't have any painting tools here, right?"

"Is there a difference?" I asked.

"If the tools were better, the effect would of course be better. What Liu Che prepared for me back then were antiques. Antiques, understand?" Ye Zhengyi said bluntly, "Only with a little bit of history can I better utilize my abilities."

We definitely don’t have anything like this anymore.

But the thin man suddenly said, "Can I have a pen?"

I was startled and turned to look at the thin man.

"I bought a pen. Uh... the pen fairy uses it to summon spirits."

"Fountain pen, pen fairy?" Ye Zhengyi repeated these two words.

"It's all a combination of things now." The thin man scratched his face, "It's a pen left by a certain baron in the West. According to legend, he was so inhumane that he directly drew the blood of slaves as ink. He used that pen every day. I brought a lot of ghosts with me, so it’s just right.”

I'm a little speechless.

The thin man himself didn't seem to believe this.

"The fountain pen is an antique, that's for sure." He assured with a pat on his chest, putting aside the matters of summoning spirits and the pen fairy.

"Let's take a look." Ye Zheng nodded.

The thin man ran into the room and quickly came out with a gift box.

The box was in the shape of a gift box. It looked 80% new and had no sense of history. But when you opened the box, you could see the old pen lying inside.

The pen was a real old item with various signs of wear and tear on it.

The thin man directly handed the pen to Ye Zhengyi.

Ye Zheng played with it for a while, then opened the pen cap and observed the pen tip. He also disassembled the pen and observed the inner tank.

A hint of red can be seen in the liner of the pen, as if this pen had been filled with red ink before.

I don't see any weird whiff on the pen.

Ye Zhengyi reassembled the pen and pressed his hand on the coffee table. The rice paper on the coffee table turned into ordinary white paper, and the brushes and inkstones disappeared.

Ye Zhengyi looked at the drawing paper seriously.

When the pen tip fell, a little red appeared on the white paper.

As Ye Zhengyi's wrist shook, the pen tip drew beautiful lines on the paper.

Ye Zhengyi moved his pen as fast as he flew, and wrote as if he was inspired, without stopping for a moment.

The pen didn't need to be filled with ink, it just left a blood-red color on the paper.

In a few seconds, I saw the rudiment of the river.

Goodnight everybody.

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