Aoba Office

Chapter 2084 Ghost in the Painting (7)

"Did I guess wrong?" I asked calmly, and with Ye Zhengyi on my back, I kicked the thin man's foot, "How much do you know about my abilities? How much do you know about me?"

The thin man calmed down and looked at the painting calmly.

"I don't want to be the Ghost King because I can't be." Ye Zhengyi didn't answer my question. Instead, he answered my last question, "I can't be the ghost king. Do you understand?" He laughed, "In your opinion, Come on, I have many choices, but since I met Liu Che, I have no choice. I have no choice, and I have no ability to change my destiny or the world. Not even Liu Che has the right time, right place, and right people. ...After waiting for so many years, he has gathered all the conditions. Can you use that ability of Nangong Yao? Then use that ability and look at this painting."

My heart skipped a beat.

I was sure that Ye Zhengyi didn't know my true ability. He will regard Liu Miao's ability as my ability. His understanding of Qingye should be limited to his understanding of Ye Qing, Wu Ling, and Xuan Qing. These three people are famous figures in the supernatural circle. Nangong Yao, Liu Miao and Gu Mo were not among them. After Ye Qing decided to take action, that is, after establishing the Qingye Supernatural Agency, he should be prepared to guard against all dangers. A ghost like Ye Zhengyi would never get close to Qingye.

Ye Qing should protect me even more closely. A year ago, I didn't even know I had special abilities. The "new thing" ghost king who originally targeted me was sent away by Ye Qing. Ye Zhengyi is even less likely to find me.

The current situation is beyond my expectation.

I'm afraid there's something wrong with my judgment of Ye Zhengyi's abilities.

I stared at Ye Zhengyi for a while, then turned to look at the painting.

Nangong Yao's ability allows me to see the chains on my soul. But other than that, I can't really see anything else. I can't see the future like Nangong Yao once did. Even in the car just now, Nangong Yao's ability fluctuated a bit, allowing me to see strange black and white gray scenes, and I couldn't decipher the meaning. Moreover, in such a short period of time, I almost died because of it.

Now that I use Nangong Yao's ability, all I see is that painting.

When I wanted to look away, I suddenly caught a glimpse of the change in the picture from the corner of my eye.

The woman in the painting is like ink falling into water and beginning to melt. A young man emerged from the thick black water.

I recognized at a glance that this person was Ye Zhengyi.

Just like what I saw in a dream, this is Ye Zhengyi when he was young.

Ye Zhengyi was wrapped in chains, and there was another chain hanging on the circles of chains. The other end of the chain was connected to the thin man.

I immediately realized that Slim Man's ability was activated.

Ye Zhengyi came to paint. As Shouzi said, he painted himself in women's clothing as an eternal carrier of his soul. He prepared this painting years ago in preparation for his own death. He lived and drank, enjoyed life, and didn't want to die at all. It is also true that he likes beautiful women, and it is by no means a helpless act like he described.

His childhood is true, it is true that he was burned to death, and it is true that he met Liu Che. My guess that Ye Zhengyi deliberately befriended Xu Tiancheng and Yao Nie was probably correct. He had long since found Liu Che's reincarnation, that is, Ye Qing, and had already begun to deal with this deteriorating world.

In that brief dream, I only saw this.

When I wanted to catch Liu Che, I returned to reality.

"Are you relieved now?" Ye Zhengyi's voice came to mind and interrupted my thinking.

I looked at Ye Zhengyi in surprise.

"Oh, it's really troublesome. If you want to save the world, just go ahead and do it. Why do you have to involve me? I just want to live." Ye Zhengyi sighed, "You really want to do this. More. I keep lying because I can't tell you. After listening to the story, don't you just let your friend do this? What if I am the spirit of magic? One knife? You really think too much..."

"What do you mean?" I looked at Ye Zhengyi, feeling a little upset.

Even though I knew this was an old ghost, I still felt a little unhappy after being tricked twice by him.

The last "old ghost" I dealt with was Han Yun. Before that, it was Mo Wen. Neither of them is the kind of guy who likes to beat around the bush. Even Mingsit can be considered honest.

Ye Zhengyi is the kind of guy who talks nonsense and is a liar.

I have already used my ability, and it is already difficult to enter the dreamland again and verify whether what Ye Zhengyi said is true.

I regretted that I had forgotten my abilities. Before, I was thinking about the ability to reverse time, and how to enhance this ability, completely end the current troubles, and start everything over again. I forgot that I still have the ability to enter dreams and travel through time and space.

On the other hand, the timing when I met Ye Zhengyi was not good either. One thing followed another, and it was before and after the world changed. I didn't rest for several days.

In fact, I haven’t had a good rest since Toy Ghost King. I keep moving back and forth in the changing world. The reality and the past, the world before and after the change, appear in turn. I have spent all my energy trying to distinguish these.

My spirit is still high, and I still want to change the world right away, but my soul and body are tired, and my thinking has become slow and chaotic.

I'm reminded of the side effects of my abilities.

Ye Qing should still be bearing the side effects for me.

But I now have a new appreciation for abilities. The so-called side effects are probably not something qualitative. Unlike the skills in the game, after using the skill, there must be a cooling time. Some skills also have a hard rule of damaging the enemy by 1,000 and damaging yourself by 800. There are no such hard and fast rules for ability users.

For example, with my ability, when I travel through time and space many times and change the past, it is inevitable that my brain will become cognitively confused.

What Ye Qing did was probably use his own abilities to influence me and control the operation of my abilities.

Before reaching the limit of my endurance, he will interrupt the operation of my abilities, just like he will drive me out of a dream when I am in danger.

He may have also used his own abilities to strengthen my soul so that I could withstand more pressure.

Looking back, Gu Mo's ability and Nangong Yao's ability have already proven this. The side effects of their abilities are actually the sequelae of the explosion of abilities. Gu Mo heard too much and exceeded the limit of his brain; Nangong Yao saw too much until he saw the taboo and was killed directly. This so-called side effect is the effect of the ability itself.

I felt a little worried, but I also thought of Ye Zhengyi's ability.

"You saw that taboo. You're not dead yet. Is that still the problem? You, Ye Qing, and Liu Che are not dead. The difference is that Nangong Yao is dead." I didn't look at Ye Zhengyi anymore. He just said to himself: "Because, the whole world has changed..."

Goodnight everybody.

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