Aoba Office

Chapter 2060 Letters from the Dead (7)

Footsteps sounded in the video, and some figures appeared in the screen one after another. They approach the men, their faces not captured on camera. There is something strange about the body captured on camera. Not only are they tall, short, fat and thin, but their clothes don't look like ordinary people. The man in black robe walking at the front had a wide body, blocking the figures of those behind him. The exposed corners of the clothes of the people behind are mostly dark, but it can be seen that some of the clothes are very gorgeous, while others are in tatters.

The footsteps came closer and became dull. Those figures approached, like a dark cloud, surrounding the man.

The man was trembling slightly, and the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

The ghosts exuding gloomy energy didn't speak, they just stretched out their hands and grabbed the man.

The man struggled subconsciously and raised his head, as if he saw something that shocked him, and he suddenly lost his resistance.

I could see the smell of death in the video.

This shocked me.

The man was dragged, and the sound of a chair overturning was heard.

The men surrounded the man, bumped against the table, and kept the camera moving.

The man made an inarticulate cry.

The laptop keyboard appeared in the video, followed by the camera rolling, and seemed to fall to the ground.

The man's feet appear.

Among the people surrounding him, some had no legs.

The camera continues to move, being kicked and rolling.

The notebook was closed and the lens turned dark.

But the next second, the camera suddenly lit up.

At this time, the camera has moved a long distance.

What appears on the screen are many heads.

The heads are different, including skeletons, red-skinned monsters, and pale-faced weirdos...

I saw the poster on the wall. The typical Menset look surprised me again.

The camera rolls again.

By this time I could already confirm that the "lens" had changed. Not the lens of the notebook, but the man's eyes.

I have experienced this kind of vision many times in dreams, and I can already make a judgment.

I could even look at the scene and imagine the scene of a man being dragged, taken down, and pulled.

It was not his dead relatives and friends who broke into the man's house, but a group of reapers.

These symbols of death, like Phensite, should be spirits.

But now, every one of them carries Yin Qi.

As the man struggled and moved, I saw more scenes in the room.

Men should be in love with the concept of "death". Animation and movie posters, abstract paintings, sketches... books, models, artworks placed in the cabinets... the collections in the house are all related to death.

I suddenly thought of the carrier of Phenxit.

That carrier should be in the man's collection.

While I was thinking about it, I saw that the symbols of death in the video had changed in appearance.

The skeletal Death grew flesh and skin, turning into a ghost. The red-skinned monster lost its weird color and turned into a ghost, but it was bigger than the previous ghost.

They change one by one.

The man's struggles weakened.

He said something, but his voice was too soft, and all he could hear was a hum. There are no subtitles below the video.

The man was lifted up and continued to walk out of the room.

The video shows dazzling sunlight.

A young man stood in the sunshine. There was a figure standing next to him.

My heart skipped a beat.

The figure wearing a wide-sleeved robe is undoubtedly a ghost in ancient costume.

The young man smiled, contented.

The costumed ghost looked casual and raised a courier bill.

The young man quickly moved his gaze and stared at the express delivery slip, his eyes becoming intense.

The man turned his head, as if to get a clear look at the person holding him.

An old lady appeared in the video, following the man.

"Grandma..." the man shouted, this time the voice was clear and the subtitles were translated.

After that sound, tears should welled up in the man's eyes. The video footage becomes wet and blurry.

"Huh...I have imagined many times...I have imagined many times that when we meet again...but..." The man's voice seemed to be separated by a layer of cloth, and his voice became a little strange.

The picture suddenly became clear, and you could see the old lady sitting on the rocking chair and the man sitting on the ground, looking up at her. What is a bit incongruous is that there are children's toys at the man's feet. The man in the picture suddenly turned into a little boy. In a blink of an eye, he saw the old lady standing there waiting in the gray world again. The man rushed to her in one breath, bent down and hugged her shoulders. Suddenly, the grown man turned into a bad old man. He could just hug the old lady's shoulders without bending down.

"It's not easy to find you, but it's much easier to catch you."

The boy's voice broke those images.

The man turned his head, and a boy and a ghost in costume appeared on the video screen.

The young man withdrew his gaze, no longer staring at the delivery list, but said arrogantly to the man: "You are really strange. Powerful abilities have fallen into the hands of useless people. The abilities should be in the hands of people who match them. right."

After he made the announcement, Yin energy emerged from his body and he pounced on the man.

The video screen was covered with a layer of gloom, like fog, making it difficult for me to see the scene clearly.

The man groaned.

He could vaguely see that his vision was blurry and out of focus.

The lens picture appeared like this, but just when I thought the picture was going to disappear, it became clear again.

The Yin Qi was withdrawn, but the camera had unknowingly shifted significantly.

The ghosts appear in the camera lens. The old lady and the other ghosts all had dull expressions on their faces.

I saw it clearly this time.

They have their own Yin Qi, as well as the Yin Qi of costumed ghosts.

Suddenly, their figures became extremely blurry, as if they had evaporated on the spot.

"Just like that? They have some weird powers." The young man's voice sounded very close.

"I'm not interested." The costume ghost replied coldly.

The young man looked at the costumed ghost. To be precise, he looked at the express delivery receipt.

"Leave it to you." The costume ghost let go.

Before the express delivery order landed, the boy caught it with Yin Qi.

He laughed out loud and shook the express delivery slip. The form style on it had changed significantly. The words "Yixun Express" were also changed into foreign languages.

The clothes of the costume ghost disappeared directly from the corner of the screen.

The young man laughed twice more, continued to shake the express delivery form in his hand, moved his eyes, and stepped into the door.

He walked leisurely indoors and entered the room where the man had just recorded the video.

The room was a little messy. Compared to the room that looked like a fight had taken place, the scythe hanging in the air and the girl sitting on it attracted more attention.

Mingxit seemed to hear the footsteps, turned his head, and stared at the young man indifferently.

The young man's vision obviously shifted slightly, and the focus fell on the poster on the wall, and then moved to the small figure on the table.

The carrier of Phensite should be one of them.

My heart was raised, I was afraid that the young man would destroy Mencet's body in one fell swoop.

The video screen continued to rotate and returned to Phenxit.

It seems that the young man did not intend to attack Mingxit's carrier, but came for her herself. Or maybe he wanted to say something before taking action.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but then I held my breath again.

Yin energy emerged from Mingxit's body.

I watched in amazement as Mencet transformed from a spirit into a ghost, and felt the breath of death. This time, the breath of death gathered on Mencet.

As Mencet disappeared, the breath of death also disappeared.

I was completely stunned.

Such a disappearance is like the death of the ghost just now, like the death of any ghost.

"Hey. You still have some consciousness." The young man smacked his lips.

You can see the video screen rotating. The boy had no intention of attacking anything in the room and walked directly out.

Until then, the screen stopped and the progress bar reached the terminal.

"What does this mean?" The thin man blurted out and asked, "Is that the Phenxit you mentioned, Brother Qi? There are other ghosts... what is this?"

I shook my head, feeling a little confused.

For some reason, the young man’s words, “Powerful abilities fall into the hands of useless people” came to mind.

Goodnight everybody.

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