Aoba Office

Chapter 2058 Letters from the Dead (5)

There was a trace of fear on the man's face. He quickly closed his eyes, adjusted his facial expression, and calmed down his rapid breathing because of what he just said.

"He told me in the letter that the boy seemed to have replaced the manager of the transfer station and began to rule that area. That was real rule. He set unique rules and started to clean up that area according to that rule. The living people and ghosts in the area. That rule was equivalent to a curfew. He had heard some conversations with the neighbors before the boy came to the door. He no longer lived in his original house at that time, and I told him that he was nearby. He rented a house in the town, and because of time constraints, he looked for an apartment. There were neighbors around him. He learned about the curfew from them, as well as from local newspapers and media.

"That incident started as a social news. The local police station found a body in the trash can. The matter goes back to before the incident at the transfer station. Just a short period of time before that, the first deceased had appeared. . It was a homeless man who was found dead in a trash can. His body was probably thrown into the trash can after being killed. In fact, when his body was discovered, The police also investigated this aspect, but finally concluded that the cause of his death was sudden death. After that, similar incidents occurred one after another, and the police believed that the deceased was a serial murder at the transit station. After that, the incident became rampant. Some of the people I traveled with at night, some of whom were clubbers, disappeared in the bar. Others simply disappeared when they were discovered. Their companions saw some signs. They all said that it was unusual to see such a person at night, and what was even more unusual was that the young man would be standing next to him. Not far away, smiling at them. Then, the boy suddenly disappeared, and soon after, there were rumors of haunting in the area.

"After he heard about this series of things, he became uneasy. He guessed that the teenagers seen by the witnesses were the teenagers he saw. The local police issued a curfew reminder. It was not a mandatory measure, but an appeal to residents. Don't go out after ten o'clock in the evening. After that, the policeman on patrol became the next victim. His colleague, another policeman on patrol, went crazy and was sent to a mental hospital. The situation worsened. Came to the door and found him.

"The young man did not introduce himself, but recognized his identity and asked him to carry out his orders. Under the leadership of the young man, he met other ghosts who were accepted by the young man as his subordinates, some of whom were still involved in the transit station incident. I met him once. They were all ordered to patrol the streets and kill anyone on the road after ten o'clock in the evening. "

The man paused after saying this, "He confessed to me in the letter. When he first met the doctor rushing to the hospital at that time on the street, he followed the doctor in fear. The doctor didn't make a move all the way. He finally gave up and let the doctor go without being noticed, so he did it a second time... and when he did it for the fourth time, he met the doctor again. ...The doctor was called to the hospital urgently to treat the acutely ill patient... He was still ready to turn a blind eye, but when he saw the young man, he fell into extreme fear and could not control his mind and soul. He came and was already standing in front of the doctor's car. The doctor turned around to avoid him, and the car hit a trash can on the road and stopped. His fear became clearer, but his body and mind were able to be controlled. Now he has a sense of autonomy. He remembers walking towards the doctor, who crawled out of the car in a panic... He also remembered that the doctor saw him and asked him if he had any trouble and if he needed help. He could clearly see and feel that the doctor was confused about his appearance. Although he was doubtful and maybe scared, he still asked him if he needed help. But at that time, he felt that. The young man stuck behind him and grabbed his hand. He became unable to control his body again. He strangled the doctor's neck. When the doctor was about to die, he finally resisted and disappeared directly on the spot. Running around..."

The man's vision lost focus, as if he had seen the scene that day.

"As he ran, he turned back and saw the doctor lying on the ground, his body beginning to twist. The boy was standing next to the doctor. He didn't do anything directly or look at the doctor, but looked at him. The doctor... Bits and pieces twisted and deformed, screaming in pain, bit by bit...died..."

The man sniffed and continued: "He ran away. He ran home and wrote me a letter. After sending it to me, I lost his whereabouts. I went to that house to look for him, but he was no longer there. I The letters to him were also lost. It was like... what happened to grandma and the others.

"I feel scared. I don't know how to deal with the boy's problem. My ability is not aggressive... I tried to find the organization and the dead superpower, but they all failed. I found Traces of their existence were found, and records of the deaths and disappearances of some of their members were found. They seemed to be... destroyed just like the managers of the transit station.

"When I was desperate, I finally received a letter from my grandma."

Having said this, the man's face did not show a relaxed expression, but instead became more bitter.

"My grandma told me that she was safe. She is fine, and my friend's parents are fine too. What I have been through with my friend... His parents also sent a letter, and I handed it to him directly without reading it. It's our habit. I gave the letter to him...he..." Tears suddenly appeared in the man's eyes, "He was very happy. He told me that his parents found an entrance, which was similar to the forest guard. The place in the cabin has been cleared and we have spoken to the managers there. At that time, we thought that the world was so big, the transfer station was so big, and there were so many managers... I thought. Uneasy, but I never thought this would happen. People die every day in this world, right? There are always bad people in this world, and there are always people who do unbelievable evil... After all, good people are. Most of the time, the world is for the better... We never thought of those... things like that... He... He went... He originally asked me to go with him. I sent a reply to my grandma first. I didn't mention it, only his parents did. I think I had doubts at that time. I could have declined the overtime work that day, but I didn't. He went alone... …he never came back…I…I received letters from him. Letters without a return address, letters without a postmark…He…invited me to that place. Letters from my grandma arrived at the same time. , also let me pass..."

The man looked at the camera with eyes full of tears, "Have you ever thought that one day you will receive a letter about the death of your loved ones? When your deceased relatives send news, that should be a happy thing... Ever since I was a child From the beginning, I was looking forward to it...until now..."

The man reached out and took out a paper bag from under the camera. The paper bag was thrown on the table, and the letters in it were spread out, covering the table.

With trembling hands, the man took out a piece of letter paper and pasted it in front of the camera.

The subtitles translated one of the sentences: "Join us... and die together... Death is not terrible... Come on, die..."

"Every day, every day, I receive letters like this. From my grandma, from my uncles and aunts, from the deceased who I have contacted before, from... my friends... I said before that you should live well. , people who live a good life suddenly changed..." A man's voice sounded, "Just yesterday, I received a large cardboard box... It was like the plot of a horror movie... Inside were my parents. The corpses...the dismembered corpses...there was still fear on their faces...their hands still held a letter with only one sentence."

The man changed the letter paper.

The letter paper is more like a postcard.

There is only one sentence above.

"It's just you."

Good night everyone~

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