Aoba Office

Chapter 2055 Letters from the Dead (2)

After saying the word "ghost", the man seemed to exhale and his shoulders relaxed significantly.

His solemn expression did not change, and he quickly continued: "Ghosts are the ghosts we usually talk about. Those horror movies, horror novels, and ghost stories I heard while reading...those things are real. I don't I know when those things began to exist... According to my grandma, uncles, aunts, and my friends' parents, there should be no ghosts in this world at the beginning. After people die, they enter the transit station and wait for reincarnation, or reincarnation. Waiting... There are only two situations. There is a legend in that transfer station, like a love story often heard. One of the lovers dies, and they are waiting for the other person to arrive in the world of the dead. , want to enter reincarnation together. But this legend in the transfer station is a tragedy, and it has never ended. After my grandma and others entered the transfer station, the man may still be waiting in the transfer station. He moved his body and changed his posture, "I'm not telling this just to share a story with you. I've heard a lot of stories about this kind of transfer station. The reason I say this is that the person was really waiting at the transfer station. It's been a long time. Legend has it that he was the first person to see a ghost. Well, he was the first person to know about ghosts and see ghosts. He saw the person who was killed by the ghost and also saw the ghost. They all entered reincarnation soon. He stayed and told others about the ghost. This fact has been passed down, proving that there were no ghosts in the transfer station from then on. People and ghosts killed by ghosts.”

The man changed his posture again, as if he was suddenly feeling unwell, and his expression changed slightly.

"This is what I know, the origin of things. It may not be correct, but it should be roughly true. It is undoubted that ghosts are not born from the beginning. It is also true that ghosts kill people. I learned from the dead I heard a lot about ghosts killing people there. They are not evil, they are a collection of negative emotions. This is how I view ghosts. They are all people who harbor resentment when they are alive or dying. The reason why they exist in the human world and do not enter the transit station is that they definitely want to kill people.

"I have never encountered a ghost. Neither have my friends or his uncle. But because of my superpower, my grandma and I have kept in touch. The friends they made at the transit station have people who ask them and me. Communicate with their relatives and friends in the world. I conveyed their last words to many people - I don't know if it is appropriate to describe them as last words. They were already dead at that time... They were basically words of farewell and some instructions. There are some code words. Some people died suddenly and did not have time to arrange their affairs. Some of them even asked me to help convey their wills and some financial arrangements..." The man smiled, as if he had thought of something interesting. "Some people. They were very stingy and didn't believe me. They would leave secret codes in letters and ask me to forward them. These things, as well as some correspondence, were actually very interesting. For a long time, I was like a curious reader. , looking at those novel stories...such as things about ghosts and stories about ghosts killing people, as a reader, there is one story that is quite exciting...ah, I'm sorry..."

He raised his hand to the camera and said, "The topic is a bit far off topic."

After a brief silence, the man cleared his mind.

"Transit stations, death... these things are basically what I talked about. This is like the rules of the world. The rules of the human world will change. The rules there are also. There were no ghosts in the beginning, but then there were ghosts. No one knows The reason. As time goes by, there are more and more ghosts. This is what Grandma and the others heard from the manager," the man said seriously, "The ghost kills the victim and the ghost. They have to enter the transfer station. They will take away the ghosts, and most of the time, the victims will also be taken away, because many ghosts are killed by the victims and then become ghosts. This is a cycle. It also appeared during that period.”

The man gestured, "It was originally like this. After death, people enter the transit station and wait to enter reincarnation. If they kill someone during their lifetime, they will be taken away at the transit station. They should be punished. No one knows the specific content now. It has not been passed down." He moved his hands to indicate that he had entered the next stage. "After that, the ghost appeared and no one knew why the ghost appeared. New measures to deal with it, superpowers appear.”

The man put his hand on the table, "Superpowers have superpowers, but superpowers will always encounter ghosts. This is not a cyclical relationship of perpetrator, victim, and avenger, but another relationship. People with superpowers have the ability to deal with ghosts, but in the face of irrational ghosts, people with superpowers can easily become targets of attack. I think the managers established this system to punish each other. This is a kind of balance. Means. Maybe at first, I wanted to use super powers to deal with ghosts. After all, it’s hard to manage too many ghosts.”

The man put away his hand and sighed: "Grandma and the others have been worried about my safety since they heard about this incident. I have indeed encountered some strange things and unexplainable things. I have encountered ghosts and seen them with my own eyes. I've been there. The ghost I met for the first time was a student from the same school. He died in an accident while playing sports."

The man showed his gesture again, "As I said before, the first stage and the second stage. The third stage is that the ghosts no longer appear for revenge. When they first appeared, they may not have done it for revenge. But in proportion , most of them were revengeful. Later, things changed. For example, my classmate died unexpectedly and seemed to have been on the route he was running on. He died there and stayed there after his death. Really, when I saw him for the first time, I didn't react at first, but then I reacted and saw his back running away until he disappeared. When I was in school, I only recognized his face, and our name was also after his death. I heard about it later. I was a teenager at that time, sixteen years old, and I tried to send him a letter. Oh my was so... —It’s a bit scary to think about it now. He didn’t know he was dead and was still running on that road. After receiving my letter, he realized that he was dead. When he found my home according to the letter address, I was almost scared to death. He looked very scary at that time, not like he was running. But he just left a suicide note and asked me to hand it over. After he entered the transfer station, we exchanged letters. It will be a new cycle soon.”

When the man said this, he ended his excited tone and moved his hands, "Then comes the fourth stage..."

His expression turned gloomy, he retracted his hands and looked down at the table.

"The fourth stage of my summary is also the change that I have personally experienced... everything has changed..."

He raised his hands and covered his face, "Everything has changed..."

Goodnight everybody.

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