Aoba Office

Chapter 2053 Death is everywhere (11)

For a moment, time seemed to have stopped.

I felt the smell of death again. This time the aura emanated directly from the phone and the thin man.

The thin man seemed to want to say something, and he raised his head and looked at me.

I stretched out my hand almost reflexively and grabbed the phone. I waved my other hand at the same time and swept it past the thin man.

The pain caused by the mark was fleeting. I felt my hand brush against something, but the thing dissipated immediately.

Looking at the phone screen again, the message had disappeared, as if it had never appeared. The phone screen was clean and there was no information in the notification bar.

The room was still quiet.

The thin man closed his mouth and carefully looked around, at his phone, and at me.

The fat man also set his sights on me.

My hands moved, trying to recall the touch I just felt.

What I encountered was definitely not a ghost or a spirit.

Something like that, as if death had been given a physical form.

I looked at the thin man and asked, "Did you feel anything just now?"

The thin man touched his heart and said with some uncertainty: "It seems like the lungs... the heart have been touched by someone. It just feels like being pressed."

This description is a bit abstract, but I immediately remembered the two hands that penetrated Wen Jing and Lu Tingting.

That thing doesn't look like a ghost either.

Mingxi was photographed. The video should also have been uploaded by Ming Xite.

It's like a declaration.

"It feels quite strange." The thin man seemed to think about it for a while and then said, "When I saw that message, I felt... quite strange."

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

The thin man's tone didn't sound like he was missing his ex-girlfriend.

"It just feels..." the thin man said with some difficulty, "it feels a bit sad. Aren't there many ways to deal with that kind of situation? There should be many kinds of subconscious reactions, right? I was thinking about it when I watched the video before. If something like this happened to me, what would I do, and what might you do. Throwing away the phone and running away might not work, but it should delay the situation for a while. Also, turn off the phone and unplug the phone card... ...You can also use your abilities. In the worst case, if we are killed, Brother Qi, there are always many ways to revive us, right?"

The fat man and I nodded in agreement.

When they are unprepared and are suddenly attacked, most people should only be left with fear. But when we are prepared, those of us who know the truth will always subconsciously think of ways to survive.

This is human nature.

The thin man touched the screen of his mobile phone, "At that time, when I saw the news, I didn't think of any of this at all. I just felt... I just felt sad. I couldn't explain why. I thought of Brother Qi, and then I felt like something touched my heart. That's about it..." The thin man said, scratching his head, feeling very troubled.

"Perhaps they are affected, right? Don't ghosts have some strange abilities? They can affect people's minds. The same is true for spirits. Can Mingxit do it too?" Fatty explained.

The thin man was noncommittal and seemed to still have doubts.

The fat man asked me: "Brother Qi, what did you do just now? Didn't you use your ability?"

I shook my head and looked at my hands again, "I seem to have caught something. Death...the God of Death...maybe that kind of thing."

This should be some kind of ability that Mencet gave me after giving me the mark.

I can feel the breath of Mencet, and I can touch Mencet.

I didn't feel this way when I entered the dreamland and possessed Phensite.

I looked at my palm again and suddenly had an idea.

"Mensit, you should have given me part of your abilities." I blurted out, saying something that I didn't even believe.

If so, what is her purpose in doing this?

Even if we are on the same front, our previous exchanges were considered friendly, but not to this point, right?

"Is she out of control now?" Fatty asked.

"Yeah. It's possible. Give me some of your abilities before you lose control...but I don't seem to be able to do anything." I frowned.

"Is there another big problem now? Not only is the phone not working, there is also a problem with the messages." The thin man reminded us.

"The message just now was the site information of the social networking site." The fat man immediately changed his mind.

The three of us looked at each other in shock because of these words.

"Sihai Wealth's investments include the communications industry and many Internet companies..." Fatty continued, his voice becoming extremely dry.

I had a headache.

Interruption of communications and networks is an extremely terrifying thing for modern people, and it is equivalent to a step back in time.

I'm afraid no one can accept this reality.

My palms ached again.

Suddenly I saw my sister's figure.

She was browsing the web with her mobile phone.

My heart was beating violently, and without thinking, I reached out to my sister’s cell phone.

I just heard a "pop" sound, and the phone was knocked away by me, hit the bedpost next to it, and fell to the ground again.

My sister's roommate turned her head in surprise.

But my sister sat blankly, slowly raised her head, and seemed to see me.

I quickly confirmed from her wandering eyes that she didn't see me, but just made a guess.

Her lips moved and she softly uttered the two syllables of "brother."

This scene disappeared before my eyes, replaced by the living room of Fatty's house.

I still stretched out my hand and kept waving.

My body was covered in cold sweat and my heart was beating violently.

"We're in big trouble..." I murmured.

Mencet really started killing people indiscriminately.

Fortunately she left a mark on me, but she only left a mark on me.

We have to find a way to stop Mencet.

I rubbed my forehead, and my first thought was to call Chen Yihan and ask if he had found any carrier related to Mingxit. Those manuscripts, figures... sculptures in the museum... and others...

"Wealth of the Four Seas! Inside Wealth of the Four Seas!" I jumped up from the sofa, "It's not from Mingxit, it's Wealth of the Four Seas! The network... the database... the server... it should be those!"

Mingxit should have been preparing to transfer his carrier a long time ago!

Compared with an animation work and its characters whose lifespan is unknown, the carrier of "network" obviously has stronger vitality.

She should have succeeded.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to carry out the current indiscriminate killing method. She would also need "underlings" to be the executors instead of doing it herself. The main body would appear in multiple places at the same time.

To solve the problem of this carrier of Phenxit, I cannot do it alone. I don’t even know where the database of Sihai Fortune is. It is even more impossible to solve all the servers and databases in the domestic network.

I took my cell phone and made the call anyway.

A "call in progress" notification came from my phone, and I felt nervous. I was worried that Chen Yihan would be attacked, and I was a little too anxious to contact him.

Both the fat man and the thin man stared at me, waiting with bated breath.

The wait of the three of us was broken by a buzzer.

The three people's mobile phones sent message notification sounds at the same time.

I didn't feel the smell of death, so I just checked the message.

The message was sent by Chen Xiaoqiu in the group, and it was a video file.

Just as I was about to open it, I saw a network interruption prompt on my phone.

Looking at the thin man and the fat man again, the thin man also looked helpless.

"I've downloaded it here!" Fatty shouted excitedly, waving his phone, and the video started playing automatically on it.

Goodnight everybody.

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