Aoba Office

Chapter 2047 Death is everywhere (5)

I immediately realized that the person calling was Phenxit, and what was outside the door was not Phenxit’s trick.

There are two groups of people, both targeting Xiaotian and her colleagues.

Xiaotian and the pregnant woman may not have thought that much, but the same person and the same voice sounded from different places at the same time and said different words. There is no doubt that one of them is fake.

This is like the classic horror story: a couple went out with friends. After returning to the hotel, the man went out for a trip, came back, and told his girlfriend that his friends had died long ago and that what was in the hotel now was a ghost. , wanting to pull his girlfriend and run away quickly. On one side is the boyfriend who left midway but came back with evidence, and on the other side are friends who have never been separated. Who to believe is a difficult proposition.

This choice is a matter of life and death.

Xiaotian and pregnant women don't seem to have to go through this choice.

Two voices, one from outside the door and the other from the mobile phone, were both far away from them.

The fear they feel now is the fear of the unknown.

There is not complete trust between the two people. At least the pregnant woman doesn't completely believe Xiaotian.

Everyone is at an impasse.

Xiaotian gathered up her courage, held her breath, and walked towards the door of the room.

She cautiously probed her head and glanced at the cat's eyes.

At this moment, I saw Xiaotian's vision.

There were several people standing behind the slightly distorted cat-eye lenses. Everyone else could only see a little bit of their figure, but the person standing at the front had his entire face exposed. Her face is a little bulging because of the cat-eye lenses. His face was expressionless, looking at the door blankly.

These people were standing outside the door, motionless.

Suddenly, the eyes lifted up and looked at the cat's eyes.

Xiaotian and her looked at each other for a second. She squatted down reflexively and trembled for a while.

Xiaotian turned to look at the pregnant woman, walked backwards, and walked to the pregnant woman's side.

The pregnant woman did not run away this time, but her expression became more nervous.

"They are outside." Xiaotian whispered.

The pregnant woman's mouth was open, but she didn't make any sound, not even her breathing could be heard.

She was still holding her cell phone and covering her bulging belly with her other hand, feeling a little at a loss.

A voice came from the mobile phone in her hand, "Open the door, Zheng Jia, Jiang Xintian."

The pregnant woman threw her phone on the ground with a flick of her hand.

The heavy sound was reminiscent of a broken screen.

The phone rolled twice on the ground, facing up, and the screen lit up.

The screen was indeed shattered.

But the call is still on, you can still see the name of the "leader", and you can see that the call continues to count.

"Why don't you open the door?" There was still a voice coming from the mobile phone, "Do you... know?"

This question is profound and terrifying.

Xiaotian couldn't help hugging the pregnant woman, both of them looked like they were about to cry.

"You know it..."

Xiaotian seemed to be stimulated by this sentence, and suddenly rushed over, pressing the hang up button desperately.

She pressed it several times and moved the phone a few centimeters before successfully hanging up.

After doing this, she knelt on the ground exhausted.

I heard her murmur.

"It's all fake. It's an illusion. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid and it'll be fine. They can't do anything. If we're not afraid, they can't do anything." After repeating these words several times, Xiaotian turned to look at the pregnant woman, "Jiajia, Don't be afraid. I'm out of that building... As long as we're not afraid, there's nothing they can do..."

She said this, but her face was still so pale.

The pregnant woman held on to the armrest of the sofa, slowly sat down, and leaned on the back of the sofa. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Why did you come to me? You brought them... you brought them..." The pregnant woman covered her face, "What should I do... What should I do..."

Xiaotian was stunned for a while, then lowered his head, "I'm sorry...I, it's just...they came here, got to the hospital, and called...the police asked me a lot of things, and mentioned you...I don't know...I I don’t know what’s true. I’m so confused... I’m sorry... Ugh... I don’t know what happened... Everyone was working fine before. just me……"

The pregnant woman turned her face away, wiping her tears and not looking at Xiaotian.

Xiaotian crawled to the feet of the pregnant woman and hugged her legs, "Jiajia, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't know... I didn't know it would be like this... Jiajia..."

The two just cried and did not communicate.

This atmosphere did not last long.

The phone rang again.

The caller ID this time was "Jiang Xintian".

Both of them looked at the phone and saw that name.

The two of them were stunned at the same time.

No one touched me. After the phone rang twice, it was automatically picked up.

"Help! Don't come here! Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." A sharp female voice rang out. After a scream, it turned into a busy "beep" sound, and the call was cut off.

Although the tone of voice was unusual, you could still tell that it was Xiaotian's voice.

In the last scream, one can vaguely hear a strange and heart-wrenching sound.

The TV screen that has been ignored jumps.

After one episode of the TV series was played, the commercials were cut off, and the female anchor of the noon news appeared on the screen.

"Now a piece of news. One of the survivors who was rescued before was killed in the hospital. It is reported that the survivor died in a bizarre way. His neck suddenly broke..."


The abnormal news signal was interrupted, and the snowflake screen that only lasted for one second disappeared. The man's face appeared on the screen.

He seemed to be holding up his cell phone and filming himself.

His face takes up most of the screen.

The background is dark, but you can see a person lying behind him.

I narrowed my eyes and compared that figure with Liu Yingjie.

"They are dead." The man said depressingly, with a look that seemed to be crying and smiling at the same time. "It doesn't matter if they are dead. After people die... the world after death really exists. After people die, they are still there. Still. Here I am……"

Naturally, I didn't have a good impression of this man whose attitude tended to be that of a ghost king. When I heard him say such words in a dignified manner, I immediately realized that something was wrong.

Behind the man, Liu Yingjie's body suddenly sat up.

The man also turned around at this time.

The camera shook, and when it stabilized, it was already focused on Liu Yingjie.

There are two Liu Yingjies in the picture. One was lying on the ground with his eyes open. One look at it made people suspect that it was a corpse. The other one, whose figure was somewhat translucent, looked at his body blankly. After a while, he turned to look at the camera and then at himself behind him.

Liu Yingjie was stunned for two seconds before jumping up and falling to the ground again.

The camera captured him passing through tables and chairs.

"They want to kill us. It's useless... It's useless... After death, people can still live and exist... After death, they can still survive after death... This is a ghost. This is a ghost... "The man's tone became more and more weird, like a mental patient.

Liu Yingjie behaved like an ordinary person. Suddenly died, suddenly became a ghost. Still in a state of confusion and fear.

The picture flashed across the snowflake screen again, an advertisement played, and the title of the TV series sounded...

I heard Xiaotian's somewhat weak voice.

"Am I... dead too? Am I already, dead?"

Xiaotian asked, not knowing who he was asking.

I saw Xiao Tian who was in a trance, and I also saw the astonished pregnant woman.

The phone rang again.

The two of them subconsciously looked at the cell phones on the ground.

The phone screen did not light up.

The two were in a daze for a while, slowly turning their eyes.

Their eyes fell on the pregnant woman's bulging belly.

That's where the cell phone ringtone came from.

Goodnight everybody.

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