Aoba Office

Chapter 2041 Conversation (5)

The three of us soon started talking about other things.

After drinking all the beer at Fatty’s house, we ordered takeout, and then the three of us were so drunk that we passed out.

When I was woken up by the ringing of my cell phone, my head hurt as if it was about to split.

Looking around, both the thin man and the fat man were lying on the ground, and garbage such as wine bottles and snacks were scattered around.

I fumbled for a long time, found my coat, and took out my phone.

The call was from my sister.

I rubbed my head and picked up the phone, "Hello. Cough, cough, cough."

"elder brother?"

"Hmm. Why did you call here? Well..."

"Where were you yesterday? You never answered the phone..."

"Oh, I went to drink with Ari and the others. It's okay. Don't worry."

"I hope you're okay. Did you just wake up?"


"Aren't you going to work today?"

"Huh?" Only then did my slow brain remember going to work.

I looked at my phone. It was Tuesday, and it was already eleven o'clock.

There are also records of several missed calls on the phone, all from Chen Xiaoqiu and Guo Yujie. There are also many messages in the group.

I hung up the phone in a hurry and woke up the fat man and the thin man.

The two of them were also confused.

"Go to work, go to work..." I pushed the two of them.

"Ask for leave...I asked for leave yesterday." The thin man muttered.

"Anyway, there's nothing going on. The agreement has been signed, and the next step is the demolition, the engineering team... and the relocation of household registration... nothing more." The fat man muttered, turned over, and continued to sleep.

It's okay for only one person to take leave, but it's really outrageous for all three of us to take leave.

But this time is also very awkward. I go to work now, I rush to work, and in two or three hours, I have to get off work again.

I first called Guo Yujie and the others and got good news.

"...The old leader didn't come today either. He went to the city for a meeting. Many people from other groups also left early. You know that, right? The atmosphere is a bit strange. The toilet is still empty. Jiang You and his office are also very busy. Strange..." Guo Yujie said.

"Then we won't come." I said immediately.

"Okay. Got it." Guo Yujie replied angrily, and then asked, "What did you say to Ye Qing yesterday?"

"Well, I said a lot. You should be careful about him in the future. I don't know what he will do." I couldn't help but sigh.

Guo Yujie agreed without asking any further questions.

After hanging up the phone, I touched my stomach and asked the two of them what they wanted to eat. The two of them still looked dead. I washed my face, said hello to them, took Fatty's key and went out.

After going downstairs, I breathed heavily and dialed Chen Yihan's number.

"Bureau Chen." I greeted him first.

"Well, hello. Did you ask anything?"

I heard the sound of Chen Yihan moving.

"No. He...has other plans." I said uncertainly.

It is certain that Ye Qing knows something about the future world, but a lot of what he knows may come from Tang Yu who has lived there for many years.

Ye Qing was very confident, thinking that his judgment was correct, and that he was not entirely partial to Tang Yu. However, he also said that he had adopted Tang Yu's suggestion, and that was how he came up with the big plan.

I always have some doubts about Tang Yu.

A child who has no one to rely on and survives in such a world, what kind of person he will be when he grows up, is really imaginative.

He will never be weak and incompetent and survive entirely by luck.

But his thoughts and concepts are not the same as those of people in the real world.

The most basic point is that in that future world, the concept of government must be very thin. The Ghost King and the Celestial Master are on one side, and the governments of various countries are taking a back seat. This is completely different from the real world.

There are also monsters that appear from time to time...

I don't have a comprehensive understanding of that kind of world, but judging from the bits of information I have, it's very chaotic there, and death is a common occurrence. No organization has absolute dominance.

It is not difficult to guess how people who grew up in such an environment view the government.

I can only give Chen Yihan a vague answer.

Chen Yihan probably didn't have much hope, so he simply responded and stopped asking questions.

He may have done some research and analysis on his own and has some grasp of the situation.

"I have something else to ask you. How about the substation...that thing?" I asked tentatively.

Chen Yihan answered directly: "Well, the autopsy has been completed. The identity has been confirmed. Next, the regular procedures will be followed. It should become an unsolved case."

My heart sank and I laughed to myself.

Wasn't this result already guessed?

Ye Qing could even sacrifice his own people, so how could they care about Qi Bai and others who had nothing to do with them?

"Then be careful. I don't know what Ye Qing will do next. It may be against us or against you." I reminded Chen Yihan.

"If he just wants to kill us, none of us can escape." Chen Yihan said calmly, "Isn't this what you are most worried about about the Ghost King?"

I was stunned and found that what Chen Yihan said hit the nail on the head.

I have always been afraid of ghosts, wary of ghosts, and disgusted with ghosts, because when they want to kill people, it is difficult for living people to resist them.

Even those with abilities may fall victim to this trick.

Everyone in Qingye has died twice. The last time, they may have let the water go and saw the flaw, but they still stepped into the trap. But when they died for the first time, they didn't go to die. They were really unprepared and were killed by ghosts and spirits.

A living person is like a lamb to the slaughter in front of them.

If they are just the embodiment of human consciousness, and they are just the existence transformed by obsession after death, then it is easy to say.

The ghost who died violently will enter reincarnation after taking revenge.

Spirits born out of thin air will eventually disappear one day.

But now that they have "self" consciousness, they want to exist forever, and they want to truly control living people, things have become out of control.

"Be careful yourself. They are targeting you when they deal with us. As long as you don't cause any problems, our death will only be temporary." Chen Yihan said.

My heart was shocked and I wanted to say something, but I couldn't.

"There is still a meeting here. Hang up the phone first." After Chen Yihan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

I looked at the phone screen and could only smile bitterly.

Suddenly a pair of small leather shoes appeared in his sight.

I looked up and saw the exaggerated figure of Pensit.

No one around me glanced at her. I guess I was the only one who could see her.

She had a straight face, a little serious, and looked straight at me.

"What's wrong? Have you solved those problems?" I looked at my phone and asked, while motioning for Menceto to follow me.

Mingxit didn't answer, but followed me obediently to a corridor in the community.

The ivy on the corridor is withered, and no one is sitting here to enjoy the wind in the middle of winter.

I swept away the dead leaves and dust on the wooden bench and sat down directly.

Mencet didn't sit down, but still stood in front of me.

I looked at her doubtfully and saw tears suddenly falling from her eyes. Her expression was not sad, just tears rolling down her face.

Good night everyone~

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