Aoba Office

Chapter 2031 The King of Children (12)

"team leader!"

Several SWAT team members immediately shouted and rushed forward to open the closet door.

I moved my fingers, and the wooden door that they couldn't open was completely pulled down by them.

The body of the SWAT captain was exposed from the closet. It seemed that he was slumped inside the closet. As the door was opened, his curled body stretched out.

Several people quickly pulled him out and checked his physical condition.

Others were looking inside the closet, searching for the child.

I'm afraid my face looks very ugly. Because the kid's actions were no longer those of a child. It's not a child throwing a tantrum, it's not a child's malice, it's an almost adult way of acting.

I remembered that I had seen something similar.

Those babies and children who died in vain and turned into ghosts are all like this.

They are not the children "abducted" by Han Yun, they are evil ghosts themselves.

I immediately remembered that one of the children Han Yun "abducted" included such evil spirits. In Yangshan District, I saw Han Yun taking away two such children. He watched them complete their revenge on their loved ones and took them in.

My back felt chilly, and my whole heart seemed to have sunk into an ice cave, suddenly becoming cold to the core.

I thought about the worst case scenario.

The cause of the matter may be those two little ghosts, or some evil ghost that Han Yun took in earlier.

Han Yun was no longer a spirit, and a new carrier immediately accepted this huge and powerful living human consciousness and became a new spirit. That carrier is among the many ghosts of children taken in by Han Yun.

If it were those two in Yangshan District...

The bodies of the two children followed Yangshan District into the future world, and they were probably destroyed directly.

It's harder to find something like that than to find the carrier of Mencet.

This is simply not something that can be accomplished in a short time.

This spirit will continue to act, continue to control the child and kill...

Just like the spirit that once possessed Chen Xiaoqiu.

If it cannot be eradicated, it will definitely cause great chaos. Furthermore, neither ghosts nor spirits can be hidden. If you take a step back, everyone's view of the "child" will also become very dangerous, and the spirit will become stronger as a result.

"I'm fine." The SWAT captain spoke, drawing my attention back.

I looked at him.

His exposed eyes showed a bit of exhaustion and helplessness. He should be in good spirits, but he was caught off guard and couldn't react.

He quickly stood up from the ground and turned to look at the small closet compartment.

"Is that a ghost?" He turned his head and looked at Chen Yihan and me.

"Just a little ghost. There are more powerful ghosts in this world. In the next period of time, you have to learn how to deal with them and help the people escape to a safe place under their attack." Chen Yihan said, skipping directly. Eliminate" step.

The atmosphere of this SWAT team has changed.

"We can't stop them?" the SWAT captain asked.

"We are still studying this aspect." Chen Yihan replied, "I never thought that their problems would expand so quickly."

"Is that the singing voice too?" a special police officer asked, his tone a little awkward, "Is Christina the stronger ghost?"

"She no longer exists. Don't think about her."

Upon hearing this answer, the SWAT officers all looked at me.

"It wasn't me. It was her choice. She let everyone hear her singing, and she paid the price." I explained Christina's situation.

The SWAT officer who spoke sounded very young, and he muttered with a hint of regret: "I like her songs very much..."

"That Christina just wanted to sing. Where are these ghosts?" the SWAT captain asked.

"Kill." I replied simply and concisely.

They just want to kill people.

I've just established this.

These imps want to kill people, the spirit wants to kill people. Like most spirits, its motto is to kill, and kill more.

"There are two more." I looked at the ceiling.

Our group went up two more floors. It was still the special police who took the lead, but they were a little more cautious than before. They have the strength and experience to face the mobs that suddenly appear, but they may not be able to escape the touch of an imp.

But the kid on this floor didn't hide.

Once upstairs, you could hear soft sobbing.

Sobbing came from a ward. Lying in the room were corpses, a woman, a girl, and three or four adults, two of whom were wearing police and firefighter uniforms. The three adults whose faces were exposed all looked horrified, and seemed to have suffered great pain when they died. There was also a person who only had one pair of legs exposed, and his body was blocked by the bed. He couldn't see the whole thing while standing at the door, but the joints of those legs were twisted, which was very abnormal.

The kid was a girl, and she knelt down next to the woman's body, with her back to the door, her shoulders twitching as if she was crying.

Next to her, there was the body of a girl who was similar to her and wearing a hospital gown. I couldn't see her face, but I saw the chains connecting the two bodies.

Glancing around, I saw the information board on the bedside of the hospital bed.

A note with the name "Xiao Wen" written on it was inserted in the information column, there was a bag of apples on the bedside table, and a fruit knife was inserted into the woman's body.

Wenwen...this is Wenwen.

SWAT team members surrounded her, their guns pointed at the girl.

The SWAT captain was not frightened by what just happened. He stood at the front and called the girl.

The girl didn't move at all, as if she was immersed in her own world.

I said out loud: "Wait!"

Everyone in the SWAT team was like frozen stone sculptures, motionless.

The captain took a step back, distanced himself from the girl, and then turned to look at me.

I frowned and said, "Get out of the way first. She is different."

I saw the chains on the girl's body. There were no spiritual chains on those circles.

I walked through the passage vacated by the SWAT team and turned to the girl.

I don't know if it was because of illness, but she looked thin and pale. His eyes were dull, and his little hands were holding his mother's hands, motionless. Only occasionally, tears welled up in those dull eyes, and she would sob a few times before returning to that dull state.

"Wenwen." I called out, but the girl didn't respond. I glanced over the girl's body and saw the obvious handprints on the neck. I thought of the collapsed man, looked away, and looked at the girl again, "I saw your father. He is downstairs."

The girl's body trembled, her eyelashes trembled, and she slowly raised her eyelids and looked at me.

"Wenwen, tell me what happened at that time, okay? I can help you, I can help your mother. Let everything go back to how it was before." My hand pressed on the woman's body.

The girl immediately sat up straight and stared at me warily.

The ability slowly entered the woman's body. I pulled out the fruit knife and saw the wound healed.

The woman groaned and opened her eyes in confusion.

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