Aoba Office

Chapter 2026 The King of Children (7)

It seemed that I was the only one who noticed something was wrong, and that something was wrong seemed to be just my imagination.

Nothing changed, it was just a coincidence that all the children stopped talking at that second.

I didn't find any evidence or see any abnormal changes, but I couldn't deny the strange feeling at that second.

"Xixi, give the toys to mom. It's time to put them away."

I turned my head, somewhat reluctantly.

"I still want to play. I still want to play with my sister." I pouted.

The girl opposite didn't speak, just looked at her mother with big eyes.

"We have to leave." Mom said helplessly, "I'll help you change clothes."

"No, no, no, no..." I cried aggrievedly.

I took the hand of the girl opposite, and the two of us immediately hugged each other, neither wanting to separate.

The parents on both sides were a little helpless. The other parents looked at the excitement and just thought the children were cute.

Dad soon came back with those medical records. Seeing this situation, he asked what happened. He couldn't laugh or cry afterwards.

"Let's go home today and see my little sister tomorrow, okay?" Dad said, touching my head.

"Tomorrow?" I asked aggrievedly.

"Yes. Come tomorrow. You can also bring the dolls at home tomorrow. Don't you have a doll with blond hair?" Dad said.

I thought and nodded reluctantly.

"Have the discharge procedures been completed?"

"Not yet. There is an order that I missed. Look for it in your bag. It's the medicine that was prescribed after the surgery two days ago..."

Mom and Dad discussed and rummaged through the things they had packed just now.

I haven't let go of the girl's hand yet, and there are still tears in my eyes, but I'm already happily talking about the blond-haired doll.

I still feel strange in my heart.

I could feel two heartbeats. Mine, and one more...

I caught a glimpse of something in the corner of my eye and turned back immediately.

I saw the figure walking past the door of the ward, which gave me a sense of familiarity.

I immediately chased after him, and with my light body, I arrived at the door of the ward. When I wanted to go out, I was pulled by a force.

I heard the strange sound of chains.

Turning around, I saw myself.

I was stunned.

The girl was still sitting on the bed, playing with dolls with another girl who was a few years older, talking about children's topics with a smile.

There is an invisible force connecting me and that girl.

I saw the chains on her body, and I saw the chains on myself.

My brain was confused for a moment, but I quickly woke up.

I turned my head sharply and looked at the figure in the corridor.

Han Yun only left me with his back, and then entered the ward in front.

I was pulled by my connection with the girl and couldn't get over it.

No, you have to change someone...change someone...

The idea came to me immediately, but I had only seen so many dead people in the hospital.

Who can get in touch with Han Yun...

The girl's father walked past me and walked towards the direction of the ward, holding the medical record in his hand and walking hurriedly.

My eyes lit up, but I hesitated a little.

Is he... dead?

I had this idea and closed my eyes.

The scenery disappeared, leaving only a void and chains in the void.

I found the bundle of chains belonging to the girl's father and established a connection with him without much effort.

he died.

I confirmed this.

Sun Wenxi was not the Wenwen who killed her mother just to eat apples, but she also attacked her parents.

Controlled by Han Yun, he was influenced and killed his parents.

I felt my heart being tugged.

But I quickly stabilized my mood and followed Sun Wenxi's father in my soul.

He walked through several wards.

My soul surpassed his and reached the room where Han Yun entered first.

I heard screams.

The room was already in chaos.

I saw the boy pulling out the hanging needle on the back of his hand, kicking over the rice bowl on the bedside table, and throwing a pillow at an old lady.

Han Yun was floating in the ward, watching this scene blankly.

"Han Yun!" I shouted.

This is Han Yun, not the vague Han Yun-looking figure.

Han Yun turned his head slowly and looked at me.

Behind him, the boy was struggling like crazy, yelling and insulting the old lady.

There was a girl of about the same age next to the old lady, with a frightened face, but slowly, she also showed an angry and crazy expression, and pushed the old lady hard with both hands.

There was a flurry of excitement.

Han Yun looked at me with a helpless expression, and his eyes seemed to reveal sadness.

"She said that all her and her husband's pension money were given to her eldest son's grandson to get married, and the wedding banquet was booked. Yesterday. Today she came to ask them for money, money for the young couple's honeymoon. Their family had previously lent money to Her eldest son is in business and even married her younger son... His father is the second eldest son. He used to do business and made money, but both twins have congenital heart disease. Her daughter just had an operation two years ago, and now it will take a long time. It cost a lot of money to take medicine. Daily expenses, capital turnover in the company... Now my son also needs to have an operation, and he doesn't want to lend money to his brother," Han Yun narrated in a calm voice.

With a bang, the boy took advantage of everyone to pull the girl away and smashed the rice bowl on the old lady's head.

Han Yun did not look back.

People were crowded outside the ward, and the nurse came in quickly.

"This is just a small thing. Compared with other children, this is just a small thing." Han Yun said softly, "I heard the call, but... he didn't want me to take him away. He..."

Han Yun closed his eyes.

"Kill you! Kill you old thing! Old witch! You all have no conscience! All of you die!" the boy shouted.

He wants to kill people.

A vague figure suddenly appeared behind the boy.

"Since you're here, it means things are going to be a big deal, right?" Han Yun raised his eyes and looked at me.

I could only remain silent as an answer.

"It's out of control... So, now..." Han Yun flew towards me and stretched out his hand to me.

I exhaled and wanted to grab Han Yun's hand.

The second before the contact, Han Yun's figure flickered.

I was startled when I saw a black hole-like entrance to another space suddenly opened behind Han Yun.

My scalp was numb, I thought of all the bad possibilities, and I quickly wanted to catch Han Yun.

I caught him, but saw the chains on his body.

Ten chains.

From the black hole, many children suddenly emerged.

They flew around the room, gradually coming together.

Han Yun looked pale and looked up at this scene.

"What happened!" I could already feel the change in Han Yun's breath.

Han Yun turned to look at me, "I was deprived of my power. They..."

All the imps taken in by Han Yun stopped and gathered together.

They merged with each other and gradually formed a spirit that looked like Han Yun!

The surprise and anxiety on Han Yun's face disappeared, and he just looked at himself in despair.

Looking at each other, the figure quickly disappeared, but the figure of Han Yun next to the boy became clearer and clearer, revealing his complete appearance.

The boy's expression became more and more crazy.

There was also such a figure behind the girl.

They attacked the old lady, their parents, the nurses and the helpers.

They were like two mad dogs, just venting their anger wantonly.

That kind of madness is not like a normal person at all.

"It's's hopeless..." Han Yun held my hand, but his hand passed through my wrist and didn't touch me at all, "Lin Qi, it's hopeless." The consciousness of a living person has exceeded my control. The anger towards the's all's useless for you to kill me now or to travel back in time to kill me. The consciousness is reflected in reality and affects reality. "You can't kill everyone."

I watched Han Yun cry like a child, and recalled in my mind what Mingxit had just said to me today.

"We didn't want to be born, but you created us and created all this."

It is every living person who created all of this together.

Goodnight everybody.

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