Aoba Office

Chapter 2024 The King of Children (5)

The bloody and cruel scenes appeared continuously, giving people a strong impact.

Many people around were paralyzed on the ground, at a loss.

No one stopped the man.

The injured person who was still lying on the ground and had just been attacked by the child moved, gasping for air with his mouth open. After the child was smashed into a pulp, he squeezed out a hoarse voice.

"No... no... wuwuwu... ugh..."

"They're crazy." The man said dully, carrying the broken chair without wiping the blood on his face, "They're all crazy. They're killing people... These kids are crazy."

"That's my son...that's my son..." The injured man cried bitterly and stretched out his hand towards the child's body.

"No more. They are all ghosts! They have all turned into monsters!" The man raised his voice and roared.

I looked at the corpse on the ground and Han Yun squatting next to the corpse. The thing stretched out its hand to the corpse, got some blood on it, looked at it, and then stretched out its hand again. This time, he grabbed something from the body.

He picked up the child's ghost and floated it in the air.

After a brief moment of sluggishness, the child's eyes moved and he looked at the person who killed him.

He stared at the man, and a syringe formed by Yin Qi appeared in his hand, and he stabbed the man.

The man yelled, backed up, turned his head, and looked around for something to attack him.

His expression gradually changed, becoming increasingly frightened.

His weird movements also made the surrounding eyes look weird.

There was still chaos on the upper floors, and screams and cries could be heard from time to time throughout the building.

There was a bang, and someone fell from the upstairs platform. This time, he fell from a higher level and hit a woman in the lobby on the first floor. They both fell to the ground, twitching. Blood quickly stained the marble floor red.

I turned my head and glanced up, then looked up again, but saw no suspicious figure.

I kept walking and continued towards the man.

There are already many pinpricks on his body. People who originally doubted him also became afraid when they saw his clothes that were torn inexplicably.

That's the fear of the unknown.

The child smiled ferociously and raised his hand again.

I stood behind him and raised my hand to hold his wrist.

The child was startled and looked back at me.

Han Yun's figure also looked at me, his face expressionless.

I directly used my ability, and the child barely had time to think about what happened. The surprise of being caught by me still remained on his face, and then suddenly disappeared.

I looked at Han Yun.

His faint figure also disappeared along with the child, leaving no trace.

Turning around, I looked at the child coming out of the elevator.

He had been watching, but now he met my eyes, took a step back, and immediately turned around and ran away.

I looked up at the glass ceiling on the highest floor, my eyes sweeping across every floor.

The second floor is where the Yin Qi is the strongest.

"Where are the stairs?" I asked the man who was cornered by the imp.

The clothes on his body were torn and stained with blood. He looked distracted and pointed the direction to me blankly.

"Please lead the way." I grabbed the man's arm directly.

He resisted subconsciously.

"I want to ask something. What happened here?" I easily grabbed the man.

He was so frightened that he probably used up all his strength just now when he smashed the child to death.

The man was dragged by me and said hastily: "I don't know, I don't know! I just... my daughter..." With tears in his eyes, "My daughter killed my wife. She was fine a second ago... Let's listen There was a cry. It wasn't our floor, it was other places. There were a lot of children, but that one... that one was coming from an adult... we thought something was wrong with a child. Cry, there are always adults crying..."

He no longer resisted, just immersed in his own grief.

"Then there was the next ward. A few wards away, there were also screams there. The doctors and nurses went there, and some people went to take a look. I also went there, but I didn't see anything. There were too many people. They didn't know where they were. What to do. It seemed that the child was given an anesthesia. Then something happened one after another, and the whole building was very noisy..."

His tears fell on his feet, and I almost had to drag him upstairs.

People kept running down the stairs, with or without children.

There was no sign of Han Yun around those children.

I looked at the person passing me and continued to listen to the man's narrative.

"That's when Wenwen... Wenwen said to her mother that she wanted to eat an apple. How could she care about it at that time? Her mother asked her to be obedient and be quiet. The two of us were talking about what happened, what to do, and whether we should first Go outside...she...she..." the man choked, "she took a fruit knife and stabbed her mother...she didn't look like her at all. Her mother fell to the ground. Non-stop... When I caught her, she kicked and beat me hard. I tied her to the bed and wanted to call the doctor. It was a mess outside... a lot of kids, a lot of kids killing people... Crazy. They're all crazy."

The man covered his face with his hands and cried out in pain.

"My wife is dead. It's all blood... She's covered in blood... Wenwen, Wenwen was killed by me... She asked me if I could peel an apple for her. Her mother was lying there, and she asked me if I wanted an apple to eat! I...I...I beat her...she died...she was killed by me...I killed my, no, I killed the monster. The monster killed my daughter. daughter……"

The man seemed to have fallen into a chaotic mood, scratching his face with a ferocious expression.

I had already pulled him to the second floor and looked down at him kneeling on the ground.

I let go of my hand and ignored him.

The second floor was indeed as chaotic as I expected.

There was blood everywhere.

The corpses of adults and children were everywhere.

The ghosts of several children gathered together, laughing and chasing a couple. There were several figures of Han Yun beside them.

I caught one of them as they flew past me and obliterated him.

The remaining children and Han Yun all looked over.

I looked at them, not hiding the fact that I could see them.

I saw their anger, not their fear.

One of the boys rushed towards me, but I raised my hand to stop him. The next second, all traces of its existence were erased by me.

One girl got timid and wanted to run away. But she was the only one who escaped, and the others rushed over.

They just died and became ghosts, and they were just children, so there was no fighting ability at all.

I easily dealt with them, continued walking forward, turned a corner, and entered a certain outpatient doctor's office.

The office was messy, but there was no blood.

I closed the door with my backhand, but it was unable to block out the commotion outside the door.

I pulled out the office chair, stretched out my hand, and caught the ghost of the girl hiding inside.

The girl screamed, opened her mouth and bit my hand.

I didn't hit her, I just picked her up and put her on the desk.

Han Yun's figure was beside her, glaring at me angrily, his eyes full of malice, but it seemed that was all, without any means of attacking me.

I stared at the little girl and asked patiently: "What is your name?"

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