Aoba Office

Chapter 2021 The King of Children (2)

"Well, that's it. After all, you are considered a spirit, right?" I'm not so sure, because in Han Yun, I didn't see the strong negative emotions and behavior patterns of ordinary spirits.

He did kill people, abduct children, and even thought about abducting adults. But his behavior pattern is more like that of an ordinary child. The concept of good and evil is very vague, and the purpose of doing things is also very pure, all based on preference.

Killing is not his preference.

But now that I think about it, there are already differences in personality between the Han Yun in front of me and the Han Yun that Qingye and the others first came into contact with.

Han Yun in the file is more well-behaved, like an introverted and shy boy, not shy or afraid of strangers, but not so lively. When he comes into contact with Qingye, he always feels alienated. Able to listen and reason. More cold in character.

But the Han Yun in front of him was not like this. He is a bit overly flamboyant, lively, sensible, confident, and intelligent. He is like an adult pretending to be a child. He has obviously grown up, but he still plays the role of a child and deliberately behaves like a child.

I think of Phenxit because this kind of transformation also happened in Phenxit.

The death figure with a skull and scythe refused to communicate with me at all. In the subsequent image, he has a human side, and he is also a big boss among living people. He looks at people with a condescending look. Although she maintained this condescending attitude after becoming Mensit, she no longer had the arrogance similar to that of a god, but became the arrogance of a human being.

Neither of them are ordinary spirits.

Han Yun was transformed from a ghost, and Mingxit was a spirit that had existed for an unknown length of time and almost coexisted with human beings' understanding of death.

I even have some doubts that Mencet is probably the spirit that was first born.

Ghosts appear in the world, and God creates spirits to fight against them.

The two are supposed to be opposites. But inexplicably, they are in opposition to living people, and they are all born from living people. The three are in a subtle relationship.

"Children today are very precocious. Moreover, they have a strong sense of self. This should be different from before, right?" I said while thinking.

Han Yun didn't answer.

He turned his head sideways and looked at the window, not looking at me, just like Mencet who had just left not long ago.

"Han Yun?" I called out uneasily.

Han Yun then turned to look at me, his eyes showing alienation and exhaustion that he had never seen before, "I don't know."

My heart skipped a beat.

He immediately changed back to his original tone, "Let's solve that problem first. Change me back to my original state."

As he spoke, he extended his hand to me.

I held Han Yun's little hand.

That is a hand that belongs to a child, and I can hold it completely in my palm.

I carefully input the ability into Han Yun's body and slowly sensed Han Yun's condition.

Han Yun frowned, "So weak. Did you spend too much in Morristown?"

"Yeah. That's about it." I could also feel the emptiness inside me. As soon as the ability is used, my head and soul will feel pain.

"Forget it, forget it. I'll come back to you in two days." Han Yun said helplessly and withdrew his hand.

"Is it too late?" I was a little worried, "You and Guo Yujie, can you hold on?"

"It should be possible. Don't worry." Han Yun puffed up his chest and said proudly, "Don't underestimate me. I can still do it to this level. I'm just looking for you just in case. I'll come back to you in two days. ”

After he finished speaking, he walked through the wall and left without giving me a moment to say goodbye. He didn't say goodbye to me either.

I felt that he was running a little hastily.

Involuntarily, I thought of Mencet again.

They probably don't like their current situation. I don’t like the current people. I don't like the current consciousness of people.

But, inevitably, they were swept up in this trend and forced to move forward and change.

Most people probably don't like change. Most people like to reminisce about the good old days. The past wasn't all good though.

I don't know why, but I have a very bad feeling.

I picked up my phone and sent a message to the group, telling Han Yun what happened.

"...Be careful lately." I reminded Guo Yujie.

"Will any children come to me?" Guo Yujie asked.

"It's a brat." The thin man corrected.

"It should be nothing, right? Those who came to me before were all asking for help. As for the children, most of them should be fine." Guo Yujie didn't seem to take this seriously.

"Today's naughty kids should not be underestimated." The thin man preached, and he also found some news about naughty kids killing people, and sent the link to the group.

Guo Yujie said contemptuously: "Don't be alarmist. Even if this kind of thing exists, it is an exception. Could it be said that someone in Minqing killed someone, and all Minqing people are murderers? Most of the people in this world are good people. A few of them will be bored. To kill people casually?”

"The problem is, it's a ghost that's looking for you. What happened in life doesn't mean what will happen after death. Little ghosts are the most evil. Children who die young or die violently have very strong resentments." The thin man said in a dignified manner.

The two got into a verbal spat.

Guo Yujie wants to believe that there are many good people in the world, which is not wrong.

I am also willing to support her statement. However, after seeing the world where most people supported the Ghost King, I was unable to say anything in support. Han Yun's situation also worries me.

"Anyway, you should be more careful." I interrupted the argument between the two.

Guo Yujie agreed.

I feel tired.

Lying on the bed, I browsed the news and various gossips on the Internet for a while. After seeing nothing new, I slowly dozed off.

In the evening, I was woken up by the nurse and had hospital dinner.

My sister came over to visit me at this time.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell my parents. They don't know anything. I came directly from school." As soon as my sister opened her mouth, she blocked my mouth.

I can only sigh.

My sister looked at me, turned away, and then immediately back again, and asked, "Brother, how are you feeling? Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just a little tired." I smiled.

"Don't run around when you're tired." My sister lowered her head and grabbed the zipper of her clothes.

I'm a little unsure of how much my sister knows the truth. In the changed world before, she knew almost everything. Now, I've been hiding it from her, but she should have noticed. I was abroad for four days, so she should be suspicious. When she woke up, she was on the side and heard what Slender Man and the others said.

I started to beat the drum in my heart.

My sister looked up at me with a look of surprise, and her expression immediately became complicated.

I instantly understood that my sister probably knew a lot.

My mouth was dry for a moment and I didn't know how to explain it to my sister.

The ward became extremely quiet.

I saw a shadow appear behind my sister.

I was stunned and said subconsciously: "I have nothing to do. You should go back to school as soon as possible. It is not good to stay in the hospital. You should be careful in school."

My sister was a little dissatisfied, "You drove me away as soon as I came here." She seemed to have noticed my gaze, and her body stiffened instantly. After saying something angrily, she closed her mouth, pursed her lips, looked at me, and stood up in frustration.

She silently wanted to leave.

I saw that figure following my sister, and I immediately realized something was wrong.

"Wait!" I blurted out.

My sister stopped and looked back at me doubtfully. The figure floated behind her, staring blankly at her sister's face without any reaction.

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