Aoba Office

Chapter 2018 Visitors (2)

"I came to you to change me back. Your ability is to change the time of objects, right? You can restore me to a month ago, a year ago, and you can also restore the destroyed sculptures, right?" Pensit didn't know. Hide your purpose.

"I don't have that sculpture in my hands."

"I will find it." Mingxit gritted his teeth, seemingly wanting to cut the person who destroyed the sculpture into pieces.

"Do you want me to use my power on you now?" I asked again.

"Hmph!" Mencete looked at me disdainfully, "Do you think it's possible?"

"I don't have to kill you." I said sincerely.

If I can change the whole world, it doesn't make any sense whether or not I kill Pensit now.

"But you prefer me with this ghostly look, right?" Mingxit was still disdainful, as if he had seen through me.

I have nothing to say.

"I'll come back to you when I find the sculpture!" Mingxit turned around and was about to leave.

I stopped her and said, "Before that, I have some questions to ask you. It's a deal."

Mencet turned to look at me with an impatient look on his face, but he did not leave immediately.

"Are you the first spirit to be born?" I asked.

"How do I know?" Mingxit curled his lips.

"How did it feel when you were born?"

Mingxit put away that expression and looked me up and down, "Feeling? No feeling. I was very confused at first, because your human consciousness is not that clear. How you see me is not sure and unified. . By the time I regain my consciousness, I will already be a god of death. You should have followed me a lot, right?"

"There are still many things I don't know." I answered calmly.

I don’t know how Mingxit founded a company in human society, how it penetrated into human society, and how it came into contact with Sihai Group.

Mingxit withdrew his gaze and looked at the door of the ward with a gloomy expression.

"What I want to ask is..." I spoke again.

Mencet shook his head and glanced at me, "I know what you want to ask. I don't think you have a chance."

I was startled.

"I heard the conversation between you and him." Mingxit looked at the seat.

Chen Yihan was sitting there before.

I suddenly realized that I seemed to have lost Nangong Yao's ability.

I can't see the chains now.

Cold sweat breaks out on my back.

Could it be that borrowing that kind of ability can only be achieved in a world where ghost kings are everywhere?

If you think about it carefully, Ye Qing had borrowed Liu Miao's ability in his dream a long time ago.

At that time I was in a state of soul. My abilities are not strong either. It is not yet certain whether Liu Miao's ability to kill Chu Run was used by me or Ye Qing.

I felt a bit of trouble.

If Nangong Yao is still alive after losing this borrowed ability, that is a good thing in my opinion.

But Nangong Yao was not resurrected, but I lost the possibility of using his abilities...

"...You can't change this world." Mingxit said unhurriedly, as if he was telling a truth.

I looked up at Mencet and put that trouble aside.

"I will change the world." I said firmly.

Mingxit's eyes wandered, not looking at me, as if he had no focus.

"You also know that I have been around for a long time and I have experienced a lot. I can tell you with certainty that there is no way to save this world." Hunsit finally looked at me again, "Because the people you want to save don't want to I want you to help me.”

Mencet's words reminded me of those followers of the Ghost King.

"My birth is the evidence. I am your human's understanding of death, and I am your human's understanding of demons and devils." Phenxit put his hand on his chest, not arrogantly, but narrated very plainly. , "What you want is this way of death, this world with superpowers and uncontrollable supernatural factors. You want a 'miracle'. Everything is based on this. It's not what we want." It was you who created us and created everything. From the ignorant primitive worship of ancient ancestors to the incredible worlds in various fantasy works today, it is all what you want."

I listened silently to what Mencet had to say.

She looked at me with some pity, "You have seen death, so you want to change the world. But for most people in this world, what you see, what you experience, and what you hate is what they yearn for." They want to be you."

I avoided Mencet's gaze, feeling as if my heart was being stung.

The thick chains on those souls, their clamors, accusations, and scenes of standing on the streets to promote the Ghost King all passed through my mind.

In an instant, I understood why God was going crazy.

It should be said that why the world is going crazy.

Ye Qing's words seemed to ring in my ears again.

He once said he wanted to establish new rules. Public trials, public punishments... those are probably part of the plan.

At this moment, I somewhat blindly trusted Ye Qing.

I said to Mencet, "We're going to change this."

As soon as Mingsit shrugged, his seriousness disappeared, and he turned into a non-serious and cute character in the animation.

"It's up to you, idiot, idiot, fool. Just do whatever you like." She was furious and wanted to leave again.

"How do you guide people's awareness of you?" I asked pointedly.

"You know me as a cunning devil. I just act like a cunning devil according to your imagination." Hensit made a face at me and ran away again.

"Do you know where there is an entrance to another world?"

She put her hand on the doorknob and turned to look at me, seeming to become serious again.

"I have seen it. My intuition tells me that there is too much death there. It is enough to swallow me up." Shenxit said seriously.

I thought of the scene in the future world and had to admit that Hunsit was right.

In that kind of place, people's chaotic and complicated consciousness will indeed destroy a soul.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the ghost king will be in power in the future world. The ghost king combines the identity of ghosts with the behavioral patterns of spirits and becomes the master.

"So, I never go near that kind of place. Oh, there is such a place in Minqing, but it is very unstable. You should look for it in a place with few people. In a big city like Minqing, there are many people with abilities who can Make those entrances and exits unstable," Mingsit suggested.

It seems that she really doesn't think much of me, and has no worries at all about providing help to me and destroying her own living environment and herself.

I thanked her and didn't stop her from leaving.

As soon as Mingxit ran away, a nurse opened the door and came to take a look.

She looked a little confused, "Mr. Lin, was someone here just now?"

It must have been the sound of Mencet opening and closing the door that alerted the nurse. She's smart, so there's no need to open the door to get in or out.

I said awkwardly: "Oh, I got up just now. Nothing happened."

The nurse looked at me and advised: "You still need to rest more. If you need anything, just ring the bell and call us." The suspicious eyes seemed to suspect that I would run away.

I can only agree.

After the nurse left, I didn't take a rest as instructed. Instead, I turned on my phone and searched for recent news.

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