Aoba Office

Chapter 2007 The Power of Fear (4)

Express orders were spread all over the floor.

I knelt down and looked around, and found that the senders all had the name "Wang Qiang" written on them, and the recipients were different, with addresses all over the country. There was no address like Songbai Cemetery in Luolan Jening Village, Huangyang Mountain. very common.

This should be the escape method that the ghost left for himself. As long as the express delivery is activated, he will be sent to these places.

I entered the capabilities into a courier note.

As expected, the express order turned into pure Yin energy and was easily erased by my ability.

I collected all the express delivery orders on the floor.

Mu Ai ran around and helped me pick up all the express orders.

"Thank you." I touched Mu Ai's head and destroyed the express delivery slips one by one as I walked. At the same time, I also recorded every recipient information on it.

Accompanied by the sound of taking pictures on my phone and the light of the flash, I took Mu Ai downstairs and arrived at the Yixun Express outlet.

There is no Yin Qi in the office building, and when I get close to the window, the Yin Qi will escape.

I found the office of Yixun Express and searched for their express deposit receipts.

It didn’t take me long to find a whole office of express deposit slips.

Some of the recipient information on it is normal, and some is wrong at first glance.

Addresses or names such as "Mengyou Pond", "Lord of the Clouds" and "Cave King" must be the territory of the ghost king or the ghost king of the future world.

I continued to take notes while destroying the express deposit receipt.

I can already feel the change in the yin energy outside the office building.

It didn't take long for me to find the name "Muge".

That ghost didn't lie to me. Of the two deposit slips about Muge, one was addressed to Lan Ji, and the other was sent to Songbai Cemetery.

"I found your father's." I showed Mu Ai the express delivery slip.

Mu Ai looked up at me, "Can we go find dad now?"

"Well..." I looked at the pile of express deposit receipts left.

"It doesn't matter. Big brother, you can do your thing and I can wait." Mu Ai said empathetically, "Can I help big brother?"

"Of course. Help me look for someone named Tang Yu. The soup of chicken soup, the language of Chinese language." I encouraged Mu Ai and put the phone up for more stable lighting. The camera function is no longer needed and the video recording function is turned on directly.

Mu Ai immediately helped me search.

Within a minute, I stopped and held Mu Ai's shoulders.

I turned and looked at the door of the office.

The first thing I saw was the Yin Qi, and the second thing I saw was the chains.

What is a little strange is that the chains on the courier ghost are vague and not so clear. It has an illusory feel and sometimes double images appear.

I'm a little unsure if this is a trait only possessed by powerful ghost kings, or is it that the courier ghost's own abilities are in the space category, so that's why the chains on his body are so unstable?

The sound of high heels got closer and closer, and the lights came on first in the office, then in the corridor.

One lamp after another lights up, extending into the distance, illuminating the figure of the courier ghost.

She hasn't changed much. The Yin Qi has indeed become stronger, but its appearance has not changed.

Along the way, she restrained her Yin energy, gathered all the Yin energy on herself, and gradually formed a strange armor.

Her body was in the armor, and she carried the armor with her every step she took.

The Courier Ghost does not have the creativity of the previous toy Ghost King. The so-called armor is boxy and has traces similar to the combination of steel plates. This is a shield that protects the courier ghost's body.

She originally had a solemn expression, but when she got closer, she seemed to adjust her mood and smiled at me.

"Hello, unknown intruder. Forgive my subordinate for provoking you by making his own decisions. I can punish him, or hand him over to you directly, and you will punish him personally." The courier ghost released his kindness, Stand two steps away from the office door.

I raised my eyebrows, not expecting the courier ghost to call me that.

She didn't seem to know me at all, and she didn't associate me with Ye Qing.

When I didn't answer, the courier ghost changed the subject, "Is there anything I can do for you? Are you looking for this little girl's father?"

Mu Ai hid behind me and grabbed my clothes tightly.

"Can you get the person back?"

"Well, it is a bit difficult. Lan Ji is not easy to talk to. But as long as there is someone more beautiful, I can exchange her father back. It is not difficult. I can also get his body back. You have the ability to resurrect him, right? ?" the courier ghost said in a relaxed tone.

"Then do it now." I said decisively.

The courier ghost smiled and said, "This is not easy. We need to find someone to exchange..."

"I'll give you ten minutes. With so many of your subordinates, there will always be someone suitable. Right?" I interrupted the courier ghost.

The smile on her face froze and she looked me over.

"Now, immediately," I continued.

"I need to talk to Lan Ji in person, apologize to her, and propose an exchange. We can't do it in ten minutes." The courier ghost refused.

"I don't believe that Lan Ji is better than you." I pressed my hand on the entire file cabinet, "Ten minutes."

The expression of the courier ghost was distorted for a moment, and he raised his eyes to stare at me, his eyes becoming dangerous.

I took the phone in my other hand and jumped out of the timer. There was a ticking sound in the office.

"You still have nine minutes and forty-seven seconds." I put down the phone.

The courier ghost laughed, "Do you think these deposit certificates can affect me?"

"Otherwise, why would you come in to negotiate with me?" I replied calmly.

The courier ghost put away his smile.

"Without these, you will lose your power. These express orders are the source of your power, not the fear of others. Every transaction gives you power." I said unhurriedly, "Others Things like this are meaningless to you. As long as you have these, no matter how many of your subordinates die, I can still recover most of your Yin energy, right?"

"That's a bit wrong." The courier ghost said with a cold face, "This is the power of fear."

I frowned slightly, then immediately relaxed my eyebrows.

"This is the rule I set." The courier ghost said again, raising his hand, holding an express deposit receipt between his fingers.

I saw the name on it, it was Muge's express deposit receipt.

I touched my pocket and found that the deposit receipt was still there, but the writing was fading.

I looked at the courier ghost.

"The deal is established. I will bring this person to you." The courier ghost said coldly, with a brand new courier order in his hand. Writing appeared on it, the sender column was empty, and the recipient was Lan Ji.

"There's another person," I said.

The courier ghost looked up at me and waited silently.

"Soup language." I said.

The courier ghost's face suddenly changed color, and he stared at me for a long time, "Who are you?"

"Muge and Tang Yu, two people." I didn't answer, I just made the conditions.

The courier ghost gritted his teeth and said, "Okay."

The express delivery order in her hand burned and turned into a black hole, sucking her figure into it and disappearing immediately.

I looked at the blank express deposit receipt.

Turning his wrist, the densely packed clauses on the back were revealed.

"The power of fear..." I muttered to myself, "the power of rules..."

The courier ghost is undoubtedly an outlier among ghost kings. Her rules do not involve direct killing. She acts as a logistics service provider among the ghost kings.

These rules restrict the courier ghost and also the ghost king.

A common rule can bind everyone, regardless of whether that person fears the courier ghost, whether he wants to abide by her rules, or whether he knows the rules she has set.

I looked at my body.

Among the ten chains, the clearest ghost king chain is the chain belonging to the courier ghost.

Not divided according to behavior, not according to region, not according to time. Even like the chain of the soul, it may be fastened to people at the beginning of their birth.

I also have such a chain on my soul.

Such rules have nothing to do with the world line. As long as the courier ghosts establish their own express outlets, they can bind their own rules to everyone with just one outlet.

Even the ghost king cannot escape.

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