Aoba Office

Chapter 1998 Inhuman (14)

The ghost conveys strong emotions. The chains on his soul and the chains on my body have become one.

Abilities began to be out of my control. In other words, I put most of my control over Liu Miao's abilities, and my own abilities were somewhat out of control.

The soul was pulled and entered the tunnel of time involuntarily.

I saw old neighborhoods. Looking at the slogans on the exterior walls of the houses and the banners stretched between the houses, it doesn't seem like they are in a certain community in Minqing.

Low and cluttered houses are crowded together, and several children walk through the gaps in the houses.

I found the ghost. He is still just a child, eleven or twelve years old, laughing and running with other children of the same age.

After a while, they passed through the community and reached the road, where they found an Internet cafe.

Several children continued to run, and the front desk of the Internet cafe raised his eyes and shouted, but the children impatiently ignored them.

They should know each other.

They rushed in, jumped on a few chairs, opened the game skillfully, and put on their headphones.

The gun shooting game starts soon. Several people were very involved in the game. They laughed because they killed their opponents and slapped the table and cursed because they were killed.

After several rounds ended quickly, new customers arrived in the Internet cafe.

Several children of the same age saw each other. They all knew each other, and instead of greeting each other cordially, they just choked.

I saw a little memory from the ghost's consciousness.

I am not interested in the disputes between these children. I just want to return to real time.

Mu Ai was still alone in that dangerous place. The ghost was not killed either.

I fumbled for the chains on my body, but I couldn't pull myself back.

The ability is not easy to control.

I can feel that at the other end of the chain, Liu Miao's ability is still being released.

I don't know if this is the little help the original Ye Qing provided me, or if Ye Qing is also watching me and helping me in this world.

These chains I saw may be Nangong Yao's ability.

To be honest, I wish I didn't have such ability now. Possessing their abilities means that, from a certain perspective, they may be dead.

I felt bored, suppressed the death scenes in my memory, and took a deep breath.

The air in the Internet cafe is not that good. It is not in the smoking area and makes people feel chest tight.

The quarreling children attracted the network administrator.

The network administrator had a cigarette in his mouth and raised his hand to hit one of the children on the back of the head.

"What are you arguing about? If you make any more noise, I'll kick you all out! Don't even think about playing anymore!"

"Cousin, what are you talking about? Drive us out and there will be no one here."

"It's better to have no business than to play for you and waste electricity." The network manager puffed up his smoke and hit one of the children again, "Stop arguing."

Several children were wilted and mumbling, but they did not dare to push back.

The two groups of people made contemptuous expressions and provocative movements towards each other, and then separated in different positions.

Soon, the ghost received a group message.

The two sides made an appointment to fight on the game and started fighting. Everyone looked excited, as if they were fighting a life and death battle.

I carefully fiddled with the chains on my body and adjusted the time.

He couldn't let go of Liu Miao's power, free the ghost, put Mu Ai in danger, and he couldn't let the dream progress slowly.

The time in the dream was pulled by me little by little and entered a fast-forward state.

I took a few glances at the situation and saw that the kid on the ghost side had lost several games in a row. They were so angry that their faces turned red and their necks thickened. They yelled and screamed in the headsets, calling for help from their teammates, calling their teammates incompetent and calling each other scoundrels.

The network administrator ran over again and knocked several children on the head to make them quiet.

The children are in a mood, but don't care about it. The network administrator came and it was quiet for a while. Then the network administrator ran away and started shouting again.

Several computers suddenly displayed network disconnection prompts at the same time.



"What are you doing!"

The children shouted at the same time.

The network administrator walked over with a gloomy face and said, "Okay, go home. Stop making noise."

"Big cousin!"

"Brother Qin!"

"Brother Da Qin!"

The children cried out.

"It's no use calling me anything. Get out now. It's so noisy. Some guests have complained. It's already time for dinner. Get out now. Get out." The network administrator patted their heads with authority and drove them all away. go out.

The children were not convinced and walked out reluctantly. When they got to the door, they stood in two rows and stared at each other.

They occupied a sidewalk, but the passers-by around them didn't obey the traffic very much and walked onto the motorway casually.

There are cars one after another on the road, and bicycles, electric cars, and motorcycles are also passing by quickly.

Several children stared at each other while walking in the same direction, swearing, showing off their rich vocabulary of curses.

At the intersection, the two groups parted ways.

They were obviously students at the same school, but they were divided into small circles based on their home addresses.

"Damn fat guys, they're looking for a beating! We'll cut them again tomorrow!"

"Isn't it true that your skills are poor? If I ask you to do a last hit, you just stand there!"

"You're so skilled, why do you want me to hit you with a last hit? You can't shoot a headshot with one shot?"

"Do you know how to cooperate?"

Without an opponent, the children started to quarrel on their own.

I grabbed the chain, and suddenly I exerted some force on my hand, and I felt the surrounding scenery fly out, forming streaks of light and shadow.

Time has been pushed forward a lot by me.

My soul moved forward and came to another point in time.

I saw the ghost huddled in his bedroom, circling restlessly.

His consciousness became intense again, just like before in real time, rushing directly into my soul.

I saw flames.

The bicycle's anti-theft lock is attached to the door handle. The two iron doors were tightly closed. There was liquid extending out of the crack in the door.

The ghost stood aside while another child took out a lighter and lit the liquid on the ground.

Inside the iron gate, someone was beating and yelling, but the sound soon turned into screams and howls as the flames sprang up.

The ghost trembled and took a step back.

The flames followed the liquid and penetrated into the crack of the door. The hot temperature rushed to my face.

I felt the heat and smelled the pungent smell.

The building in front of me seems to be a warehouse.

"Run!" the child who lit the fire said, turned around and ran away.

The ghost also started running, but he turned around frequently. Listening to the movement in the warehouse, his heart trembled and his body became unsatisfactory.

He wanted to cover his ears, but his hands were weak and he couldn't lift them up at all.

He only knew how to run after the child in front of him, and all he could think about was the smoking warehouse.

That's actually the school's sports equipment warehouse. A few of them easily broke in, poured gasoline inside, called the children, and locked them inside.

"Will they die?" the ghost asked tremblingly.

None of the children running together answered. They don't seem to have considered this issue at all.

"If you die, you will die." The one who lit the fire said nonchalantly, shaking his head, "Let's go! Go to the Internet cafe."

The ghost's steps were hesitant.

"What are you doing? Are you going back to save them?"

Several children looked at the ghost.

"They deserve to die. Even without us, they would still be dead. That damn fat guy beat Shura God online two days ago. He shot him in the head." The child who lit the fire sneered, and made a shooting gesture. "He will be killed sooner or later."

God Shura, another ghost king.

Good night everyone~

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