Aoba Office

Chapter 1991 Inhuman (7)

"Express company?" Liu Yingjie showed a blank expression, obviously knowing nothing about the situation downstairs.

Liu Yingjie is like this, but Xiaotian is different. Her expression changed slightly, and she immediately wanted to cover it up. However, she is not good at this, and I still discovered her.

I turned my head to look at Xiaotian and narrowed my eyes.

Xiaotian was so frightened that she backed away, but her body just fluttered in place.

"I, I just went...downstairs, Yixun Express...they are all on the first floor, including the sales department, customer service, and a warehouse. I send things directly to them in the office building." Xiaotian answered quickly.

"What else?" I asked again.

Xiaotian became even more nervous, and there was a cry in her voice unconsciously, "Also, someone... someone..."

"Who?" I asked, my tone already impatient.

Xiaotian wiped the tears that fell unconsciously on her face, and answered in a low voice: "The person I don't know... is not their company, I thought it was another company... There is, there is a person, a person, who asked me for help... Let I rescued him... he was taken away... a boy, a primary school student... they took... they said it was a parent, they said they were bringing the boy!"

Xiaotian raised her voice and turned her gaze to the depths of the corridor, "It's our training class... I've seen it..."

"Go find it." I said to Xiaotian.

In this case, this so-called Little Sun Early Childhood Education is probably also under the control of a certain ghost king.

Catching children? human trafficking?

I thought of this right away.

The courier ghost seems to be doing this kind of business in the future world, helping the ghost king deliver couriers, including people.

This is what Luo Mu told me.

This probably hasn't changed either.

Xiaotian couldn't stand up, so she leaned on the wall and knelt on the ground with some difficulty, crying constantly.

I let go of Liu Yingjie and picked up Xiaotian.

She screamed in fright and struggled weakly. When she realized that I was just holding her, she slowly calmed down, but the tears kept falling.

Liu Yingjie wanted to run, but he kicked the wall with his toes and stumbled. He looked back at me in a panic. I just looked at him expressionlessly.

He stopped hesitantly when he was about to escape, and asked with some frustration: "They won't let me go, right? Murder and silence, right? How could this happen..."

Xiaotian trembled.

"Kill them, and you won't be killed." I replied coldly, then turned to ask Xiaotian, "Think again about what is going on downstairs."

Xiaotian sobbed, "I don't know... When I went down to find someone to send a courier, I saw that boy... He was at the other end of the corridor, something... something was wrong... he ran out from the other end and saw me , just stopped there. I just took another look and wanted to go find Xiao Li, who was the salesman below. The boy kept looking for him when I sent the express... He asked me to save him... ... He and I were alone in the corridor, still a few meters apart... Soon one of their employees came and grabbed the boy, and another one called me and asked me what I was doing. , and also explained that the boy is a child of a colleague, and he doesn’t do his homework well..."

"Do you often see children like that?"

"No. Just that one time. Other times, I saw people I didn't recognize... I don't know if it was their staff or other companies in the building who came to send express delivery." Xiaotian wiped her tears, "I was just ...I also felt that something was wrong. But I didn't ask...I didn't tell anyone...then I saw the student list and the photo...and then he dropped out of the class..."

"When did it happen?"

"Last year, last October, when I first became a full-time employee." Xiaotian said, stopping in her tracks.

We stopped in front of a house door.

Xiaotian took out the access card and opened the door.

The room was dark. She groped the wall next to the door and turned on the light.

The office was not that big and was filled with filing cabinets.

Xiaotian hesitated before entering the door, so I went in first, holding Mu Ai with one hand and dragging Xiaotian with the other before she came in.

Liu Yingjie was left at the end, pulling at the door frame, half of his body inside and half of his body still outside, his head looking around like a helpless herbivore.

"Here, inside this cabinet." Xiaotian pointed to a filing cabinet, stepped forward, opened the glass door, and rummaged through the files inside.

She quickly found a folder, pulled out a stack of documents inside, looked at them page by page, and picked out one of them.

"This." Xiaotian handed the file to me.

There was a form on it, with a photo of the boy in the upper right corner. The handwriting on the form belonged to an adult, and included the boy's name, age, hobbies, school, contact information and other information. In the large box at the bottom, under the adult's handwriting is the child's handwriting, which reads "I want to be a basketball player."

I looked at the date at the bottom, raised my eyebrows and asked, "Three years ago?"

"Well, I was a very early student and just dropped out of the class last year." Xiaotian replied.

There was also a paper clip clipped on that piece of paper, and the standard document on the next page was the class assessment. This boy signed up for a children's thinking expansion class, but the content of the course was just a make-up lesson without changing the medicine. It seems to be formal, and each course has teacher evaluations and student self-evaluations. After that, there are two or three hundred words of the boy's end-of-semester speech.

After six similar report cards in a row, the content was changed to information about dropping out of class. Forms similar to feedback forms are basically blank, with only a name, date and receipt of refund for withdrawal from the course filled in. The time was as Xiaotian said, it was October last year.

I raised my eyes and looked at the documents, "Are there many similar withdrawals?"

"A lot. Some children only took classes for one semester, and some took one or two trial classes and then stopped. I didn't expect..." Xiaotian was very sad, sniffed, and stopped crying.

"I said, should we go?" Liu Yingjie whispered at the door.

I returned the file to Xiaotian.

I guess this child is also a person with abilities, just like Muge who was captured.

The so-called early education classes may be a means for the Ghost King to search for people with abilities.

Just like the ghost king who runs a restaurant can find me, they will also find other children with abilities.

Compared to forced kidnapping and abduction, the abilities of courier ghosts are more ingenious. As long as they know the name, address and a courier, they can easily capture those children. Even for adults, it's simple. After the adults are brought to them, it may take some means to subdue them.

Children are more appropriate...if their goals are just ableists.

I wrote down the name of this early childhood education center and motioned for Xiaotian to go out.

Liu Yingjie breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked me if I was going to run away next. He obviously didn't want to stay here any longer.

I glanced at Mu Ai. I originally wanted to hide Mu Ai somewhere in the building, but now it seems that there is something wrong with this early childhood education center, and other companies may not be safe either.

"I'm going downstairs. If you want to leave, you can leave now. Just take the safe passage. There is no surveillance in the stairwell." I said to the two of them.

Liu Yingjie was very reluctant. He no longer doubts me, but wants to hug me. After all, I killed the female ghost who almost scared them to death in front of them, so it seemed pretty reliable.

Xiaotian looked at me and hesitated, "You have to go down... there are many people below them..."

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