Aoba Office

Chapter 1987 Inhuman (3)

"Of course." I nodded, indicating that I was willing to help her.

Regardless of whether the Mu Ai in front of me is the original one, my goal is to destroy this place. There is no problem in rescuing Muge easily.

Muge's ability is really strong and practical.

If those ghosts hadn't taken advantage of him and killed him directly, or used some long-range means to attack Muge, Muge would not have died.

If they caught Muge, they wouldn't do it to kill him. There is no need to go through so much trouble to kill him.

Muge is still alive. Maybe even control some of the ghosts here. At best, he might have escaped.

But when I saw Mu Ai's grateful smile, I lost this confidence.

The premise of all this is that Muge used his own abilities.

He himself...should know the side effects of his ability, right?

If it was for Mu Ai, he would most likely give up using his ability. Then he has no defense ability.

"When was your father taken away?" I asked.

Mu Ai immediately replied: "Last Friday."

"Four days?" I confirmed.

Mu Ai nodded.

I asked tentatively again: "Do you know your father's ability?"

Mu Ai looked up at me, a little confused, but soon realized, "You mean, Dad can always convince others?"


"Dad said it can't be done anymore." Mu Ai lowered her head sadly, "If dad can still do that, he will definitely come back."

My heart skipped a beat.

"Why doesn't it work?" When I asked this question, I had a vague feeling in my heart, and my heart beat faster.

"Dad said, he gave that to someone else. He doesn't need that anymore." Mu Ai replied.

"Give it to Ye Qing?" I blurted out.

In the original world, Ye Qing used Mu Ge's ability. Aoba and I have all suffered side effects from this.

But that time, Ye Qing only used this ability on the Behemoth monster. The time was very short, and there were many people who shared the side effects. Therefore, in comparison, Muge's wife was not in such pain at that time.

But, everything has changed now.

Has this changed?

"You haven't seen me before?" I asked.

Mu Ai was a little confused and thought for a while, "No, I have never seen you. Aren't you Ye Qing?"

"It's not me." I was a little disappointed.

"That person called you Ye Qing..." Mu Ai stared at me, a bit wary in her eyes.

I took out the envelope stuffed in my pocket and unfolded it to show Mu Ai, "I... someone I know received this."

Mu Ai's eyes widened, "Did your friend also receive this?"

"Is the sender the same?" I asked, without correcting the title of "friend."

I'm still not sure what Ye Qing's condition is now.

Whether it's out of control or completely changed, I don't know. If Ye Qing didn't tell me, it would be difficult for me to determine his true situation.

Mu Ai nodded vigorously, the wariness in her eyes disappeared, and she and I became comrades with the same disease.

She took the initiative to reach out and hold me, "Brother, we will find my dad and your friends."

"Yeah." I responded, but I didn't have any hope.

Ye Qing was not caught at all, but Muge, without his ability, might not be able to resist. It just depends on what the courier ghost wants to do to catch him.

Mu Ai pulled me and hurriedly wanted to continue climbing the stairs, when we heard footsteps in the stairwell.

Someone was chasing him downstairs, and someone upstairs seemed to have opened the door and entered the stairwell.

When he looked up, he saw the emergency exit door on the floor above opened. People in security uniforms were lying on the railing, looking up and down, and soon saw us.

"On the second floor! Hurry up!" the man shouted.

I saw his ferocious look and the baton he pulled out from his waist.

This posture was really beyond my expectation.

"There is a little girl!" the man added.

Mu Ai was stunned.

I glanced at Mu Ai.

The yin energy in her body has changed slightly after the wave of emotional fluctuations just now. She shouldn't be able to control her current form, nor can she control Yin Qi, so she unknowingly turned into a state that ordinary people can see.

"Run away!" Mu Ai pulled me and wanted to get out through the emergency exit door on this floor.

She was a little panicked, her body flew up and she had to jump over several flights of stairs.

Below, people also wearing security uniforms rushed up.

"'s a ghost!" the person in front shouted.

"It's other ghosts! It's other ghosts! No wonder..."

Those people seemed to have exploded, and something was not right.

"Kill them! Kill them quickly! They are Miss Yixun's enemies! Kill them!" The people upstairs ran down, jumped over the steps, and fell to their knees when they landed, shouting hoarsely. roared.

I looked at this group of people and saw the chains emerging from their bodies disappearing into the void in the same direction. Just in time, that direction is right behind me. I didn't think about using this chain to find the courier ghost. The current situation left me with no way to escape, so I just chased the chain. I reached out directly and wiped off the chains.

The courier ghost's men before and after all let out desperate screams.

After the most ferocious man howled miserably, his teeth were bloodshot. He jumped up from the ground, his feet were still a little clumsy, but he rushed towards me with great momentum.

The energy seemed to be unstoppable. Even if he died here, he would not regret it.

I stared blankly at the face that magnified before my eyes.

Mu Ai screamed in terror and grabbed my arm tightly.

I was hit by the man and my back hit the wall. He pinched my neck with both hands, and there were bulging veins on his arms and forehead.

He used all his strength and I couldn't breathe for a moment.

This man really wanted to kill me.

This is not what surprises me. What surprises me is that the chains on his body are gradually recovering, and have not yet recovered to the extent that they can cover the chains of his own soul.

He is obviously an ordinary person... he is obviously alone...

"Big brother!" Mu Ai screamed.

She held my hand and let go.

I saw other people drag her over and hold her down with hands and feet. Some people raised their rubber batons and were about to smash them down.

I raised my hand and touched the man in front of me, and my ability entered his body. In my eyes, his body gradually became smaller, changing from the form of an adult to that of a child, and then disappeared. The chains disappeared together.

I put my hands on the reassembled chains, and my ability extended to those people along the chains.

They didn't scream, and they might even have disappeared without realizing what happened.

I heard the scraping of chains.

The chains under his hands disappeared.

Mu Ai was lying on the ground, turning her head and looking at me with eyes red and swollen from crying.

I walked over slowly and pulled Mu Ai up.

Mu Ai sniffed and asked, "Where...have they gone?"

I didn't look at Mu Ai, I stared at the hem of her clothes and pulled her clothes up.

"Going home. I sent them back to their own homes," I replied.

Mu Ai was silent for a few seconds, "Am I a ghost now? Am I... dead?"

"Of course not." I looked up at Mu Ai, "You are a human being. You are the human being."

Instead of those... inhuman things just now...

Lynch opened it up, I feel a little uncomfortable writing it..._(:3」∠)_

After all, he is used to being a coward...

Well, there are only two updates today.

Goodnight everybody.

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