Aoba Office

Chapter 199 The murderous teddy bear

It watched the girl cry, and with trembling hands, carefully cut open the sutures of a companion. The things falling out of the companion's body made the girl scream and vomit. It is even more frightened when it thinks of things in its own body. It doesn't want to scare girls. No matter how old the girl is now or what kind of person she has become, she will always be the drooling child in its mind. It should protect her, always and forever, and bring her a sense of security, not fear. It is also afraid of being thrown away by girls. It may not be so lucky and wait until the next good owner.

The police took it and all its companions away. The girl kept crying and held its hand, and was finally helped away by the police. They were cut open at the police station. Those policemen are not as gentle as girls. Its head, limbs and body were separated, and the few cotton in the body was escaped. At the same time, human internal organs were also taken out.

"It's so disgusting. That girl looks quite normal, why does she have such a perverted hobby?"

no! Its girls haven't done anything like this!

"None of these bears have been removed, and the sutures are intact. How were these organs put in?"

"My sewing skills are very high."

"They are all children."

"How about the interrogation over there, captain?"

"Still crying, saying I don't know."

Its girl is crying and it can't be there to comfort her.

The teddy bear, who is supposed to be gentle and protective of his owner, kind and warm, showed negative emotions for the first time. It creates hate. There was a subtle dissonance between the two black eyes and the ever-smiling mouth.

But it can't do anything.

The organs that appeared in its body were taken out, and it could feel that the strangeness in its body disappeared. It's not happy. It knows that those things are not completely gone. They might even be looking for his girl.

It should protect her... it should accompany her... instead of lying in a narrow box, crowded together with the parts of its companions!

The hatred is so strong that one day it will move.

I know that it gave birth to a spiritual body. Its companions were born with it, but they did not have as clear and independent consciousness as it did. It even smartly knew that in order to return to Lu Qiaolan, it needed to wait for the police to solve the case. It even senses where the abnormalities that once existed in their bodies have gone.

It went to visit the girl, but it only had a broken body at the moment. Its embrace no longer made the girl feel warm, but hurt her heart.

The hatred in its heart became stronger and stronger, making its spirit body stronger and stronger.

It pursued it and found the place where the babies were buried. Staring hatefully at the hole without the body. It continued its pursuit and found the ghosts and spirits of those children. It also accidentally discovered its original owner.

Li Wen is an aging, vicissitudes of life, full of sorrow old woman. She is bloated and has many wrinkles on her face. It’s hard to imagine that she was born in a family of high-level intellectuals, that she could still go to college in that era, and even had the experience of studying abroad for a short period of time.

I couldn't connect this woman with the girl Teddy had been with, but Teddy recognized her at first sight. The anger and hatred in its heart deepened. That negative emotion reached its peak when she saw Li Wen being beaten by Qian Hu. But it can't save Li Wen.

Qian Hu heard the roar of the bears in the room and was so frightened that he broke open the door and ran away in a hurry. Teddy was helpless facing Li Wen who fell to the ground. All it can do is take revenge.

Its mouth, sewn with thread, was cracked, and instead of cotton, there were fangs inside. Its round limbs sprouted sharp claws. These limbs that do not belong to it make it painful, and revenge fills it with pleasure.

After all, it is a teddy bear, a toy made to accompany children.

When it came back to its senses and realized that it had killed someone, it watched the ghosts of the children pounce on the body in Qian Hu's hands and bite them, and it pushed away. It missed its girl. Looking at the claws on its hands and touching the fangs in its mouth, it felt that it could not go back. I can never, ever go back to the girl.

The teddy bear was heartbroken.

This is somewhat ridiculous. In another scenario, if someone told me that a stuffed animal would be desperate, I would probably laugh out loud and compliment the person on their sensibility. But I can feel it clearly now. This strange-looking Teddy with sharp teeth was desperate. It has gained mobility that it didn't have before. It can even kill the humans who used to manipulate it at will, but it feels hopeless.

Teddy's spirit body returned to the box in the police station, waiting for it to be thrown into the garbage dump, burned or buried. No matter which kind of destruction ended, it didn't mind.

However, when it and its companions were removed from the shelf by the police and the lid of the carton was opened, it saw its girl.

The girl's tears fell on it, and at that moment, its desperate heart came to life again.

The girl personally takes them to the place where they were born to be repaired. It was repaired first, and the girl came back with it and took it to see its original owner. It is very sad and very happy. Being held in the girl's arms and gently touching the cold body of its original owner, it did not feel at ease.

The girl was still sad and would touch its stitches from time to time. That's its "wound". No matter how superb your sewing skills are, you can't completely cover up the damage. There are always some small details that are different from the original. Ordinary people can't tell the difference, but girls can.

It decided to wait and not waste its precious action power.

This Christmas, it had its chance. It stretched out its claws again, opened its sharp teeth, and swallowed the spirits of the babies, including the ghost of the older child. Its "injury" is healed, and its companion's "injury" is also healed.

The girl showed a bright smile, held it in circles, and called "miracle"! The girl was not frightened by its difference, but was full of surprises. Of course, it doesn't tell the girl what it did. The girl took a family photo of them.

It will protect her forever and ever.

The dream was fixed on the ferocious and bloody smile of the teddy bear.

I opened my eyes and suddenly remembered my childhood toys. For boys, there are more toys and cars. I remember that I had a lot of toy cars, including expensive remote-controlled cars and cheap plastic models. Where have they all gone? I do not remember. They might have been thrown away during a move, or they might have been put in a junk box, or some would have been given to relatives' children. I have no memory of those, but I have seen where my sister’s toys went, and I can guess the ending of my toys.

Among them, there is probably no toy with a spirit body like Teddy. My love for those toys is not as much as that of Li Wen and Lu Qiaolan. Naturally, those toys will not give birth to spirits.

At this moment, I can't explain what I feel in my heart. I feel a little regretful and a little lucky. If Lu Qiaolan knew that her bear had killed someone, would she still treasure it so much? It definitely will. Only with such a master can the teddy bear give birth to a spirit body.

My cell phone rang, interrupting my chaotic thoughts.

Guo Yujie called me to ask for leave. She was with Zheng Xinxin in the hospital.

"Are you okay? Why did you end up in the hospital?" I was shocked.

Guo Yujie was very resentful and shouted: "He's not the victim yet! He's really sick! He suddenly goes crazy and attacks people!"

"Is it okay, Zheng Xinxin?"

"Xinxin was punched by him and hit his head. It's nothing serious."

I breathed a sigh of relief and thought to myself, psychiatrists are also a high-risk profession. It would be really tragic to be attacked by a patient.

Today's update is complete, good night everyone.

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