Aoba Office

Chapter 1978 Different worlds, same world

Chen Yihan spoke, interrupting my thoughts, "My guess is this. Your soul is very special. This is not just a matter of ability, it may just be a side effect of ability. You can move freely throughout the entire time, But no matter how special you are, you still only have one soul.”

"It is impossible for me to appear in two carriages of a train at the same time, let alone two parallel trains at the same time." I said.

Chen Yihan looked at me.

I remember that I came up with this metaphor when Wu Ling and I were discussing the future world.

The entrances and exits to those different spaces are fixed platforms.

Countless timelines are trains running in the same direction.

A ghost seized the opportunity and jumped from one train to another, thus traveling back from the future to the past.

My ability to use dreams seems to have a similar effect. It's just that I don't need those platforms, I need the souls of the dead as coordinates.

"There must be another me, or something else has replaced me." I continued.

If so, then it is difficult to define what that thing is.

Things are back to square one.

"I still think that is the Ghost King. He seized the opportunity and took over my body." I said, looking at Chen Yihan, "I understand what you mean, but you don't know that there are things like the past and the future in this world. The future is not created by us. Well... it should be said that we have created the future, but we haven’t reached that point yet.”

"You mean those entrances and exits to different spaces?" Chen Yihan asked.

I nodded.

The problems pointed out by Chen Yihan actually explained the questions that I had had in the past.

The thing that unites the Ghost King is not another me, but that thing. The existence that was discovered a long time ago discovered my ability. Occupy my body when I use my abilities. It may have experienced the future, or it may have come directly from the future, coming towards me with a purpose.

I thought of the ghost who opened the restaurant, and of the various powerful ghosts gathering in Minqing City.

I don't know the future, but there are many ghosts coming back from the future, and they must know a lot of things.

My face turned a little pale.

The past I know may not be the original past, but the past that has been affected and changed by the Ghost King.

Thinking of this, I felt a little dizzy, always feeling like I was trapped in an endless loop of time.

Parallel worlds and time paradoxes pop up all at once.

My knowledge in this area is limited to a few movies, so I can’t really say I’m proficient in it.

"We have always wanted to explore that world, but the opportunity is difficult to seize. None of the people sent out have come back. Ordinary people have not come back, and people with abilities have not come back." Chen Yihan said, "Among the ghost kings captured, some of them came from there. However, I can’t tell what’s going on there. The communication there is different from that in modern society. There are still telephones and Internet connections in the area. If you travel across regions, you can only rely on some travel. Travelers from different regions convey messages.”

That collapsed future world...

"The only one who knows the situation relatively well at the moment is Morris Town." Chen Yihan continued.

I frowned.

"The historical context is very clear and is of great research value. However, even Morris Town also had a period of hiatus. It is said that monsters invaded and destroyed the entire city." Chen Yihan took back the phone from my hand and opened the new window. document.

The content of the new document is the Mosley Township investigation report.

Of course, there is no chance to send people to investigate a small town abroad. This information is a translated document.

I only read the title and asked Chen Yihan: "International connections...cooperation, what is it like now? As a whole?"

If they were really intimate, things would be easier to deal with.

Chen Yihan shook his head, "There is international cooperation, but it's not the kind you think."

I'm a little disappointed, but that's to be expected.

It's probably a lot better than the original situation, but not to the extent I hoped.

I lowered my head and looked at my phone again, and found that Morristown had not changed much from the past, and the situation was basically the same as what I had learned.

It can be confirmed that there is an entrance and exit to a different space there, and it is also in the Ghost King's different space.

Because of the deaths of two generations of ghost kings, namely the toy ghost king and Lina, the different space in that place became very unstable, appearing and disappearing intermittently.

That's about it for the history of Morristown.

Because of this special environment, there have been records of contact between people from the future world and people from the real world.

Morristown appears and disappears in the real world, as well as in the future world.

"That place is a bit like your soul." Chen Yihan said, "There is only one, but it can travel through time and space. When it appears in the real world, it will disappear in the future world. And vice versa."

I said "hmm" and continued reading the information.

"Judging from what is known so far, this phenomenon has not existed since ancient times, but has only appeared in the past hundred years. This is also the case in the future world. Morris Town was originally a ghost town with a long history, and there has always been a ghost king. Legend has it that the place became unstable in the past hundred years after it was occupied by the Ghost King."

"In other words, the entrance to the alien space has only appeared in the last hundred years? Isn't that right?" I remember that the Toy Ghost King had passed through that entrance a long time ago and reached the real world. Or, it was the real world of that era.

I rubbed my forehead.

"No, the entrance has existed for a long time, but the space of the entire town has been abnormal recently. It is speculated that this abnormality is related to Lina. It is also inferred from this that there are two parallel lines." Chen Yihan raised two fingers, "Or, it is many timelines."

Both of his hands were open.

"People in the future can reach here through that entrance and change the past, and the world will enter another timeline. Each timeline connected by the entrance may be different. It may be more appropriate to call it a world line. If this continues, it may become countless different worlds." Chen Yihan looked at me, "And you, it seems that you can only exist in one world line."

I was stunned.

"Then what about you in other world lines?" Chen Yihan asked.

He retracted his hand, "My idea is that a new you will be born in those world lines. If you intersect with each other, the latter will disappear."

"You mean... that thing... is me?" I still firmly believe that that thing will not be me.

"The personality issue you care about is not the key. A person will develop different personalities in different environments. As you said, there was no ghost king in your original growth environment, but there is here. So your personality will be different."

"How do you explain the coma? I was in a coma most of the time, how could I develop such a personality?" I retorted.

Chen Yihan's idea cannot be said to be wrong, but if I was in a coma for a long time and did not participate in this world at all, the personality I developed should not be like that.

Chen Yihan shook his head, "There are many doubts. But I still tend to think that the soul has no malice. It just plays your role when you are not there. A clone, or a replica. He is still you."

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