Aoba Office

Chapter 1953 That’s not me (2)

I don't have much fear about it.

Especially when Guo Yujie was right next to me and kept chattering, I felt very calm.

I even remembered that one of the commissions Aoba had handled included something similar.

His body was occupied by ghosts, and he unknowingly drifted away from his family and friends, losing himself.

This shouldn't happen to me.

What he wanted to do was break me down and kill my soul, not isolate me and make me feel alienated from all my relatives.

At least, for now, he has not made such a move.

This is easy to understand.

He is another me, maybe schizophrenic, maybe the future me comes back to seize the body.

Don’t those suspense movies often have plots like this?

In essence, that soul is still me, and its enemy, the object it wants to destroy, is only me.

My family and friends are also his family and friends.

I wanted to protect them, and he must have wanted to do the same.

Our only conflict was one of ideas. The root of this conflict is actually caused by Qingye's people.

Thinking about it carefully, if it were not for Qingye's appearance, I would face the world alone, come into contact with supernatural events, watch the world slowly collapse, and fall into the rule of the Ghost King. The path I would choose would be to adapt to this kind of situation. Collapse.

I will adapt to this world, instead of choosing to go against the will and change the world like Ye Qing did.

Then, choosing to become the Ghost King on my own seems to be my inevitable destination.

"Lin Qi, what are you thinking about?" Guo Yujie called me twice.

I looked at her for a while, the pain in my chest and the memory that still haunted me, still reminding me of the deaths of the four Aoba people.

"What do you think of me?" I asked.

If in the changed past, it was that other "I" who lived on my behalf, and it was that "I" that Guo Yujie came into contact with, I might be able to confirm my own previous judgment from Guo Yujie's description.

"Huh? You?" Guo Yujie was surprised by my question, but she was not the thoughtful and attentive Chen Xiaoqiu, nor was she the thin and fat person who was familiar with me. After a slight surprise, Guo Yujie replied bluntly: "You are nosy. It sounds like you are willing to help others. But you are too independent. Moreover, you don't care what others think. You are too strong." She took a look. I glanced at him and said, "Too cold."

I said nothing.

Is that another "me", the future "me"?

I thought of the future Qiu Ziyang showed me, but I vaguely felt that something was not right.

That kind of person is so strange to me.

Even if my temperament changes drastically in the future, after returning to the past, I still want to try and take action in advance to see if I can prevent the deterioration of the world and the death of some people...

Doesn't this go against the Ghost King's plan?

I have never been a very smart or visionary person.

Fooling the Ghost King, driving them to work for him, and underneath that, hiding his true purpose - to change the past and the entire world... How is this possible?

It's okay to simply rely on strength to drive the Ghost King, and it's okay to counterattack the past from the future, but when it comes to formulating and executing a more complicated plan and acting in front of all the Ghost Kings, I don't think I have the ability.

"Have I saved many people?" I asked.

"That's not true." Guo Yujie answered bluntly, "I saved one or two. But you know, there are too many ghost kings. You saved them once or twice, but you can't save them every time. You shouldn't There's so much pressure on me." She looked at me with a mixture of helplessness and admiration.

The more I listened, the weirder I felt.

The ward door opened at this time, and Chen Xiaoqiu, the thin man, and the fat man walked in together.

"You are here."

"I brought you lunch."

"Brother Qi, you're awake!"

"Very good!"

They talked in a flurry of words, and eventually they all turned into a happy tone.

"Seriously, why are you always rushing forward alone?" As he spoke, the thin man complained just like Guo Yujie before, "We are not weaklings. There were times when we cooperated very well before. ?"

"Every time something big happens, you abandon us." Fatty complained.

I stared at the two of them in silence.

I realized that Chen Xiaoqiu was also watching me.

"This time I have to reflect carefully and write a review!" The thin man made a serious expression.

Guo Yujie laughed and added the conditions, adding a word limit.

The fat man joined in the fun, saying that he would check for plagiarism when the time comes.

Chen Xiaoqiu and I never spoke.

The three of them slowly became quiet, their eyes lingering between us.

The thin man coughed and said, "What about that? Your sister stayed up all night last night and will come over to see you in the evening. And there are uncles and aunts..."

"Who is Ye Qing?" Chen Xiaoqiu interrupted the thin man and looked directly into my eyes.

"The people from Aoba are the initiators and founders, you can say they are the captains." I replied.

The three men looked at each other.

"Brother Qi, was it because you saw that Qingye that you were unconscious before?" the thin man asked.

Chen Xiaoqiu still stared at me, "Who are you?"

The three people stared at each other again.

"Xiaoqiu, what did you say?" Guo Yujie asked blankly.

Kill me this way?

I felt a chill in my heart, but not much surprise.

Those images of death flashed through my mind again.

The four people in Qingye all died directly or indirectly at the hands of their relatives and the people they cared about most.

Was I also designed to die this way?

A "past" with a completely different personality from mine made me doubted by my relatives and friends, and then...

"That person is not me." I smiled bitterly, thinking of what happened over the past year, my parents and sister, "You are probably not you anymore."

"What are you talking about, Brother Qi?" the thin man asked, a little flustered.

The fat man was silent, but his expression was extremely ugly.

Guo Yujie's eyes wandered between me and Chen Xiaoqiu, feeling uneasy.

"Who are you?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked again.

I saw those three people take a step back and look at me with a hint of wariness in their eyes.

"I'm Lin Qi." I felt bitter in my heart, but I had calmed down my emotions.

If that "I" has this kind of mentality, it may not even be another "I" at all, but some other ghost king who has occupied the magpie's nest and pretended to be me for more than 20 years, then I cannot let the other party kill me. Lose.

Although, the appearance of the four people in front of me has not changed, their personalities have not changed, and their relationship with me is almost the same as before.

Even though I know that everything is different. The memories I hold are completely different from their memories. To say that friendship has deteriorated, it will become more and more distorted as the time we spend together increases.

Although... these are all facts.

"I'm Lynch." I took a deep breath. My body was still lying on the hospital bed in a miserable state, connected to a ventilator and an intravenous drip, but I had regained my composure.

When those tragic deaths resurfaced, I still felt a little bit of pain, but I didn't want that to happen to the four people in front of me.

"That's not me." I continued, "The person you know and have been with for a long time is not me."

Goodnight everybody.

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