Aoba Office

Chapter 1946 Pressure

That hot spring villa?

I stared at the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva carved out of stone and got up from the ground.

Looking around, there is only quiet wind in the mountains.

My movements seemed to be unrestricted, and my soul was flying freely through the mountains.

But, there is no one.

There was no one as far as the eye could see.

I ended up stopping at a shrine in the mountains.

The cat's body hanging there was gone, leaving only an empty house. None of that rope is left here.

No blood, no killing.


I lowered my head and stared at the shrine, my original anger and anxiety slowly turning into numbness.

"How to crack it?" I asked softly.

"Ye Qing, how do I crack it? How do I get my abilities back? Or..." I muttered to myself.

One goes down and the other goes up.

Perhaps another soul has gained absolute dominance. He can use all my abilities, he can change the past, he can recreate reality. But I can only be a bystander...

No, I can't even be a bystander anymore.

I can't see anyone.

These dead things have no meaning at all.

If I destroy the shrine, destroy the hot spring resort not far away, or destroy the entire mountain, it will be of no use.

I can't influence anyone.

I can't even let the villa collapse and kill the people inside. The best I can do is make it disappear completely and never exist.

"How do I save Gu Mo and Nangong Yao? How do I change the real world?" I closed my eyes, my heart pounding.

In my pain, I heard footsteps.

I was overjoyed and opened my eyes, but what I saw was darkness.

I saw a figure. After a while, my eyes got used to the darkness and could see the figure clearly.

It was a stranger, wearing a nurse's white uniform.

"Are you awake? Do you see me? What's your name?" the nurse asked, turning on the bedside light.

I squinted my eyes and realized that I was indeed in the hospital.

This is not a dream.

My chest and arms hurt, and I had difficulty breathing. The oxygen mask made me uncomfortable.

The other person asked the question again to make sure I was awake.

I struggled to answer and asked, "What happened? What's wrong with me?"

"You were struck by lightning." When the nurse said this, she had a complicated expression and her eyes were quite strange. "There are burns on the chest, abdomen and arms. It's okay. He is out of danger. The burns are not very serious."


Is it that lightning?

I thought of Nangong Yao, and the heart-wrenching pain spread through my body again.

Nangong Yao's body was gone, and his dream ability was sealed and could not be used.

How can I save him?

"You take a rest. I've used the analgesic stick for you, but it can't be used now." The nurse comforted.

"Phone." I said weakly.

As I regained consciousness, the pain caused by the burns became more obvious, but the pain was not worth the struggle in my heart.

"Your family has just returned. They will be here tomorrow morning. You can't stay overnight here," the nurse said.

I exhaled and insisted, "Phone. Phone!"

The nurse was a little impatient, but she glanced at me and didn't continue talking about the hospital's rules. She sighed and said, "I'll contact your family for you."

"No, it's not." I stopped the nurse, "Mobile phone, phone..."

The burning feeling had invaded his internal organs.

Only then did I realize how badly I had been injured in the aftermath of the thunder.

I wanted to use my power to recover myself and reverse the body's time, but I couldn't use the power at all.

The nurse hesitated for a moment and asked me to wait.

She ran out of the ward and came back after a while, "Your family members already know about it and are coming over."

No... not my parents and sister... now...

"He reassures you that he is already contacting a person named Wu Ling," the nurse relayed.

I stopped struggling.

Contact Wu Ling? Then it can't be my parents and sister.

Slim, they sent me to the hospital and didn't tell my parents?

fair enough.

I breathed a sigh of relief, my body gradually relaxed, and the pain seemed to decrease.

"You have a good rest." The nurse told her and left the ward.

Drop - drop -


The only sound in the ward was the sound of instruments.

I could hear the sound of the ventilator working and my own heavy breathing.

It felt like something was pressing on my chest, making me unable to breathe.

I half-closed my eyes to keep myself awake.

No matter what, we have to find a way to solve the problem of unusable abilities.

Wu Ling may know a way. The premise is that Wu Ling is still alive.

I thought of Gu Mo and Nangong Yao, and their dying words echoed in my mind.

"I can hear the sounds of that world clearly now! There..."

"Be careful in my house. They may have..."

His last words were not finished.

It was as if an invisible hand had cut off their last words.

What did Gu Mo hear? The voice of the future world? Or... the voice of "my"?

Nangong Yao asked me to be careful about his house. I remember his family is Sihai Fortune Group. His brother's body was invaded by ghosts and he has died long ago. Where are the others in his family?

I let myself ponder these questions, ignoring the fact that both men were dead.

But I couldn't help it. What I recalled in my mind were not only their last words, but also the fire and thunder.

Empty streets, rooms filled with fly ash...

I felt more and more miserable.

I had obviously saved them, pulled them out of an earlier death.

I have obviously saved them...

I immediately thought of Jin Haifeng.

Qingye's people rescued her, I rescued her, things have turned around for the better...

I also rescued Lu Qiaolan and her bear.

They are all dead...

what is this?


No, it shouldn't be fate.

God is dead!

No one can control our destiny anymore!

"Twenty years ago, I took over this body. Twenty-two years ago, to be precise."

Nantian's voice echoed in my mind.

Twenty-two years ago... that was almost when the firm was first established.

Ye Qing broke away from the expert database, found Liu Miao, Wu Ling, Nangong Yao, and Gu Mo, and established the Qingye Supernatural Agency.

At that time, the ghost focused on Nangong Yao and replaced Nangong Yao's younger brother.

They...have already seen the future.

They are from the future!

I gritted my teeth, feeling that half of my body was still in burning pain, and the other half of my body had fallen into the ice cave.

It was all planned.

If so, why start now?

Twenty-two years...what are they waiting for?

Wait for the world to become like this?

wait for me?

I stared at the bedside lamp that was still on.

My eyes quickly grew blurry.

This time I really felt an invisible hand squeezing my neck, making me unable to breathe.

I can't escape, I can't struggle.

The wall Qiu Ziyang showed me flashed before my eyes.

Everyone is dead...

everyone will die...


The door to the ward was opened.

I rolled my eyes and glanced at the door.

Chen Xiaoqiu walked into the ward, closed the door with his backhand, and walked towards me step by step.

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