Aoba Office

Chapter 1931 The call is connected

"Brother." My sister ran towards me and threw herself into my arms.

I felt her shaking slightly, probably from fright.

"Go home." I could only hug my sister's shoulders and rub her head.

"Why do you do that..." My sister murmured softly.

I can't answer this question.

The boy had an emotional breakdown at that moment and acted irrationally.

Under those circumstances, it would not be surprising for anyone to behave that way, nor would it be surprising for the police to shoot him.

I'm afraid this isn't the first time something like this has happened, nor will it be the last.

Many of these students will probably have similar emotions, or maybe another extreme emotion.

I'm a little worried about my sister's condition, but I don't know what to do.

Although I myself have witnessed many supernatural events and have experienced fear and anger, over the past year or so, I have experienced so many things that no emotion has time to ferment.

I could feel myself being pushed along.

Originally it was Ye Qing who pushed me forward, but now it is the changes in the world that push me forward.

I didn't have much time to think.

"It's over." What I said was very feeble. "It's just that some people can't think about it. When you encounter this kind of thing, calm down and think about what you can and should do... There is no problem that cannot be solved. No. Something happened."

My sister looked at me and forced a smile, "Brother, don't worry, I won't do anything stupid."

"Well, I'm not worried." I twitched the corners of my mouth and gave my sister a forced smile.

I remembered when my sister had an accident in high school.

At that time, my sister's sadness was very clear. She was sad because of the death of her classmates and friends.

My sister is now becoming gloomy.

The death of a classmate is no longer an accident or an incident, it has become an inevitable and recurring tragedy in life.

I took my sister and walked out of school.

When the phone turned back on, I received a call from Wu Ling.

Wu Ling didn't speak, but Wu Ling's breathing was heard on the other end of the phone.

"Is it...Nantian?" I asked in a dry voice.

Nan Tian is dead?

"Yes." Wu Ling responded, "Gu Yan is dead."

I was stunned.

"Where's Nan Tian?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone again.

Dead too?

I couldn't help but stop.

My sister turned to look at me.

"Amiao and I will go deal with Li Yu tomorrow. His movement range has been reduced. We will deal with him." Wu Ling suddenly changed the topic.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Let Nangong Yao and Gu Mo stay here like this? Like this..." I frowned, always feeling that this was not good.

"We can't delay it any longer. Master Xuan Qing contacted us. It's impossible for a city with millions of people to be without water for too long." Wu Ling said.

It seems that can only be the case.

"Is there anyone else?" I asked anyway, "Or..."

I glanced at my sister.

My sister grabbed my clothes tightly.

She had just been frightened repeatedly and was emotionally unstable.

I wanted to say that I would have gone instead, but I couldn't say it at the moment.

"Nangong means the same thing. Don't worry." Wu Ling said.

I sighed and could only accept their arrangement.

After thinking about it, I still told what happened yesterday.

Ye Qing's situation was unknown, and Wu Ling had to be informed about Han Yun's situation.

Han Yun is no longer our partner. He has become a dangerous ghost king and is likely to do the same things that a ghost king does.

Ye Qing might also...

But, facing Wu Ling, I couldn't say such words.

Even if they say it, Wu Ling and the others might not take it to heart.

They had long said that Ye Qing was a ghost and that Ye Qing could lose control at any time.

They are also more adaptable to the current environment than me, and they understand the Ghost King better than me.

"I understand." Wu Ling's tone was calm and he didn't care about Han Yun's situation.

She must have expected this situation.

In her consciousness, Han Yun was originally the Ghost King, and the previous cooperation was only temporary.

When I think of this, I feel a little helpless.

Only Ye Qing and I know what happened, and we have to hide this secret.

I'm not good at doing this kind of thing.

It turned out that I hid the haunting from my family, but now, they all know what happened. On the contrary, I know nothing about the past, and I still can't talk much.

When I said this in front of my sister, it was a bit of a test.

My sister is different from my parents. She has long known that there are ghosts in this world, and she should have guessed that I have contact with these things.

"Lin Qi." Wu Ling called out.

"Huh?" I came back to my senses and looked away from my sister's face.

"Nothing." Wu Ling said.

I feel strange.

"Only Nangong and Mushroom are here... If you need anything, come to them. ... Be careful." Wu Ling said.

I agreed.

After hanging up the phone, I felt a little worried.

Isn't Li Yu's situation simple? Is it difficult to kill Li Yu?

That old fisherman?

An idea flashed in my mind, and I thought of the old man fishing, and then I thought of the faceless female ghost I had seen before.

I called Wu Ling.

This time Wu Ling answered the phone quickly. After listening to my instructions, his tone was still calm and he just said he understood.

I still feel strange and don't know what the problem is.

If it weren't for Li Yu, there would only be Nan Tian.

I exhaled.

"Brother, aren't you going out?" my sister asked.

"Well, I won't go out. Oh, no." I suddenly changed my words.

My sister immediately became nervous.

"I have to go out tomorrow." I smiled at my sister, "I have to go to work tomorrow."

My sister breathed a sigh of relief and rolled her eyes at me.

I saw that she was back to her previous self and she was in a much better mood.

The good mood lasted until I got home.

My parents were worried to death, and they cried while holding their little sister who had just walked in.

When my sister was in front of me, she shed tears and showed her uneasiness. Now facing her parents, she put away those emotions and comforted them instead.

"It's okay. Don't worry." I advised my mother.

"How can we live like this? I can't do anything. I don't know when I will die..." My mother was still crying.

When I heard her say this, I felt sad.

This is also the most difficult thing about ghosts. For ordinary people, such existence is a disaster.

My mother was very emotional, and my father scolded her a few times, but she also calmed down.

I feel even sadder.

I can tell that this is definitely not the first time for me to feel such dissatisfaction and fear. They have become accustomed to this kind of life, just like the people in the future world I have seen, who are accustomed to living in fear and carefully abiding by the rules of the Ghost King in order to survive.

I comforted the three of them for a while before returning to the room.

When you close the door, the world seems to be quiet.

I sat quietly for a while and then searched for news on my phone.

The people Gu Yan killed were not only students from Minqing University, but also people from Minqing.

This was a mass killing across the country and even abroad.

The killing stopped.

Officials also announced that Gu Yan's ghost had been solved, but there were no detailed reports.

It should be Wu Ling and the others who took care of Gu Yan.

I searched for Nan Tian’s name.

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