Aoba Office

Chapter 193 Divination

"That Taoist priest is so treacherous. He just said a few words and made hundreds of thousands?" The thin man couldn't believe it and was a little envious.

"This money can only be earned by someone with real skills." The fat man sighed.

"Wouldn't there be retribution for leaking secrets?" Guo Yujie was confused.

We don't understand this. According to the common sense of ordinary people like us, fortune tellers and so on are all poor and blind men. This is mainly due to various movies and TV series. But according to what I saw last time, Master Xuan Qing was doing well and living a cool life. All five of Aoba's friends are dead, but this old man is still alive and well.

"This may have something to do with the changes in the world that Master Xuan Qing mentioned last time." Chen Xiaoqiu analyzed.

The world has changed, and there are many things that today's Taoist priests, monks, and Yin-Yang teachers cannot handle. On the other hand, perhaps this "uncertainty" allows them to live peacefully and make money by relying on skills that are beyond common sense and unscientific. Make ends meet.

I agree with Chen Xiaoqiu's analysis, but in the final analysis, these are just speculations by ordinary people like us. We don't know the truth.

"Is this a good thing? Has he ever thought of bad things?" Guo Yujie was more interested in the deeds of Master Xuan Qing.

"Yes." Chen Xiaoqiu sighed, "There have been cases of natural and man-made disasters, and they have found people to inform them in advance, but the results have been mixed. Some people believed it and made preparations, while some people did not believe it and drove him away. The worst one was A ministerial official in the capital had his whole family wiped out. Master Xuan Qing said in advance that he had no intention, and sure enough, his whole family died at the hands of burglars. Several officials believed it and made preparations in advance. Positions are being fought for..."

Chen Xiaoqiu did not continue speaking. Changes in central officials are too far away for us small civil servants. The old leader did not take sides, but always worked at the grassroots level. Many dignitaries were sent to me, some of whom had different political views, but I got along very happily with the old leader. This is also the skill of old leaders. Those of us who are working under old leaders now somewhat yearn for the old leaders’ ability to get things done in both directions.

"Is this the worst?" the thin man asked, "It sounds like a family, right?"

It is very tragic to wipe out the family, but Chen Xiaoqiu just said "natural disasters and man-made disasters", and we also know a little bit about Master Xuan Qing's ability. It is not surprising that the thin man has such thoughts.

I thought of that Ge Jiamu. There are twenty-seven people in the family. It is a large family. It is not as big as those aristocratic families in ancient times, but in the case of most modern families with two or three children at most, this is not a big family. Could it be that the officer was in the same situation?

"This is a certain thing. There are other uncertainties as well. Floods, fires, typhoons, earthquakes... He has predicted them all, but he will not directly spread them to everyone. Occasionally, they are small things, causing casualties. Not big." Chen Xiaoqiu replied.

Chen Xiaoqiu will not use examples for things that are uncertain.

"The family of the one who was exterminated had a family of more than 30 people, including some relatives. They were all killed when the old man was celebrating his birthday. The men were tortured and killed, the women were raped and killed, and the children were not spared. Poisonous hand." Chen Xiaoqiu said in detail.

Guo Yuji took a breath, "How many robbers are there? Is it really just robbery?"

"Wait! Could it be the prison break incident more than ten years ago?" The thin man shouted in surprise.

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded.

When the thin man mentioned this, I got an impression.

About 10 years ago, a prison breakout occurred in a prison in the north where serious criminals were detained. Six prison guards died and more than a dozen serious criminals escaped. It took more than half a year for all those people to be captured. During that time, there were rumors on the Internet that they had fled near the capital. Many people panicked, and some did not believe it. Some people thought that those people were stupid and looking for death. Didn't they flee to the capital and wait to be caught? Those remarks can still be found on the Internet, but later there were rumors that they robbed and killed people during their escape and committed crimes again. This was deleted as a rumor and did not stay on the Internet for long. During that time, people were indeed in panic.

Minqing was far away, and I was young at that time, so I just watched the excitement and fell into the ranks of the people who eat melons. When I was in college, there was a popular prison-themed online drama. I don’t know if it was because the audience was so keen on it, or because the crew was promoting it, saying that the drama was based on real events, and that many inmates in the prison had prototypes, so they brought up the prison break incident again. . I watched the show with a thin guy and a fat guy, and I was quite impressed by this incident.

The fat man suddenly realized, "He really killed someone. Is the news on the Internet true?"

"It's true, but it was suppressed. The scene was too tragic and they were afraid of causing social unrest. Moreover, they did not enter the capital. The family was killed in a holiday villa on the border of the two provinces." Chen Xiaoqiu said, "I suspect. Master Xuan Qing wanted to guide the police to catch those fugitives. They committed many crimes in that six months. The family extermination case was the first one, but it’s a pity..."

It's a pity that it was not taken seriously. No one thought that the family died like this.

"Can't Master Xuan Qing explain clearly?" The thin man frowned.

"He calculated that his family would be wiped out a year in advance." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

"One year in advance?" Guo Yujie clicked her tongue.

"He probably can't calculate it in such detail," I said.

All four looked at me.

"Brother Qi, your tone is not 'possible'," the thin man said.

I thought about it and said, "I'm really not sure. Either he can't calculate it in such detail, or he just can't tell it in detail. It's the same as he knows a lot about Aoba but can't tell us."

I believe Gu Mo’s words are not nonsense or perfunctory. He is different from Xuanqing Zhenren. He is obviously the one who wants to save Qingye, and he is sure that I can save them. In this case, Gu Mo had no reason to lie to me. If he said it couldn't be said and it wasn't time, then it really wasn't time. It's just that he acted like "I know a huge secret so I can't tell you", which really deserves a beating. Neither he nor Master Xuan Qing wanted to hide that they knew a lot. This is where I am most annoyed and helpless.

Xuan Qingzhen might have been in the same situation back then.

"What would happen if he calculated it and said it?" Guo Yujie said suddenly.

"The escape may not be successful, or the prisoners may have succeeded in another way," Fatty said.

"Will more people die?" Guo Yujie continued to ask.

We were all stunned.

"Isn't it like this in movies? If you want to change the past, things will become even worse. There is also a situation where this attempt to change itself has caused the current results." Guo Yujie explained.

The person who wrote the script may not have those magical powers, but they used their imagination to construct a logical situation.

Time travel, parallel universes, and various science fiction concepts have made precognition, a concept that has existed in human society for thousands of years, become full of uncertainty.

I thought about my strange abilities.

If I knew what Master Xuan Qing and Gu Mo were hiding from me, and it actually happened in the past, what would happen?

When I thought of this, I was stunned.

Just two updates today.

Two chapters are due this month.

I feel like such a useless person. _(:3 ∠)_

Set a goal: End 2016 debt-free! o( ̄ヘ ̄o*)【This goal is so unambitious(﹁﹁)】

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