Aoba Office

Chapter 1893 Singing

As Guo Yujie's voice rang in her ears, it also echoed in her mind.

I was startled, and when I looked around me, I saw Han Yun already sitting on Guo Yujie.

"What's going on?" Wu Ling turned around and asked in a serious tone.

"The rules of hide-and-seek. The person you find becomes the person hiding in the next round." Han Yun said.

This rule is still different from the hide and seek rules I know. Normally, hide-and-seek should be done by one person searching and many people hiding. Of course, there is another kind of hide-and-seek, where one person is blindfolded and catches friends running around. The person who gets caught becomes the one who gets caught in the next round. In that case, you can also add rules, such as correctly stating the identity of the other party when caught.

The rules of the hide-and-seek created by Han Yun are a bit confusing, but from the perspective of the scale of the game and the participants, the rules he formulated are more appropriate than the original rules. A ghost in a small town looking for a hidden ghost is more interesting than a ghost looking for a ghost in a small town. Such a huge game space is not suitable for playing blindfolded hide and seek.

"Miss Guo now..." Wu Ling frowned.

"Don't worry, they don't know. Under their inertial thinking, they will think that the person is hiding in the town. Moreover, there is no punishment for haunting this time." Han Yun crossed his legs, shook his feet, and said proudly, "Give them a little It will take time for them to adapt to their new identities. If someone doesn't want to continue their usual life, then leave that place. It's hard to say what will happen to her. "

"I haven't been able to find it yet?" Wu Ling asked.

"The game will never end." Han Yun replied, "As long as the game never ends, they will always be under my control. I can also add punitive measures according to the situation."

Han Yun is obviously not that interested in adding punitive measures. If he retains this right, he will have a lot of room for maneuver.

"Is this kind of rule okay?" I thought that none of the ghost kings I had met before seemed to be so arbitrary. Even in the game of hide-and-seek just now, Han Yun's rights were restricted by the rules.

"Of course. The basic rules cannot be changed or cheated, but the additional rules can be adjusted at any time. Otherwise, how could I scare those people before?" Han Yun nodded.

This additional method of haunting and scaring people can definitely still be used, but Han Yun has not chosen to use it now. If a ghost did something extraordinary, he could use his ability to restrain them.

Compared to these ghosts who have just discovered that they have undergone major changes, Han Yun has more experience as a ghost.

"Is she not in danger?" I glanced at Guo Yujie.

Guo Yujie seemed to already know the whole thing. She didn't say anything or worry.

After hearing my question, Guo Yujie smiled at me.

"Don't worry, it'll be no problem." Guo Yujie said confidently.

Han Yun, who was sitting on her, also nodded confidently.

"In other words, will the game never end?" Wu Ling had turned his head and his voice floated over.

The confident expression on Han Yun's face froze slightly, "Of course not. If everyone agrees, the game is over."

"Everyone?" Wu Ling said two more words.

Han Yun's smile completely disappeared. He hummed and looked away, "You guys are really troublesome. We never think about such things. Why should the game end? Isn't it fun to keep playing?"

The "we" Han Yun refers to are of course the group of children he leads. They are like-minded and are a unit, obeying Han Yun's orders. Even if Han Yun's attitude is not so tough, he is still the de facto king of this ghost group. Perhaps, he also has the right to kill those children.

To them, it makes no difference whether the game is on or the game is over. They can pause the game at any time and agree on whether to play or not.

Now that there are so many ghosts whose details are unclear, the game has taken a different path.

I sighed and didn't continue to ask about the game.

It's just that a shadow casts a shadow on my heart.

Sure enough, we still have to completely eliminate the supernatural beings.

If this continues, who knows what the world will become and how many troubles we people will encounter.

In the supernatural world, there is no absolute power or absolute guarantee.

The ghost king who is stronger than me has been killed by me, and the ghost who is weaker than me may also hurt me.

There is no legal system or rules in such a world. Too dangerous.

I still prefer a peaceful life. I believe the same is true for most people in this world.

The car drove for a distance, but no ghost followed.

The method Han Yun used was very unstable, but he was not completely wrong.

Under this situation, it is impossible for those ghosts to find Guo Yujie for the time being.

The longer time passes, the less likely they are to find Guo Yujie.

All four of us were physically and mentally exhausted. It was almost a day and a night without a wink or a break.

Liu Miao's willpower was very strong and she drove all the way.

Guo Yujie has fallen asleep. Han Yun also disappeared.

I was half asleep and half awake, but I didn't see any dreams or any strange scenes.

When Wu Ling woke him up, the car was parked in a motel.

There is no negative energy in the hotel, so there seems to be no danger.

"There are still two hours to go to the nearest airport. Then take a plane to the city where Christina died..." Wu Ling looked at the map and airport information.

Get rid of Christina and we can go home.

"Where is her alien space?" I asked vaguely while eating bread.

"Not necessarily. It could be in her hometown, or in the cemetery where she is buried. It could also be at the original location of the agency or record company..." Wu Ling answered me without raising her head, still looking for information intently. .

Wu Ling is doing all the itinerary arrangements.

We ate, washed up, and went to sleep.

More than five hours later, Wu Ling called us and set off again.

Arriving at the nearest airport, boarding the plane, and after a few more hours of flying, we arrived at our destination.

I felt unreal.

The appearance of the town of Thyssen was still imprinted in my mind, lingering before my eyes. It seems that the cries of ghosts can still be heard in my ears.

I have a vague impression of the whole journey. I can’t even remember what happened when I boarded the plane before.

My steps were a little frivolous, as if I were stepping on clouds.

Guo Yujie's body was also swaying. She has not yet recovered from the influence of that yin energy.

"Let's rest for a day. It may not be that easy to deal with Christina." Wu Ling looked at the two of us and decided.

She and Liu Miao did not have such symptoms, as if they were used to this kind of running around and consumption.

I nodded helplessly.

Now is not the time to show off.

We found a hotel nearby.

As soon as I entered the room, I couldn't wait to throw myself on the bed and immediately fell into sleep.

"You make me free..."

There is singing in my ears.

A soft and beautiful female voice keeps repeating the same lyrics.

Suddenly, the voice became shrill and shrill, and the pitch suddenly rose, like a thick and long needle, suddenly piercing into my brain.

I woke up with a start, opened my eyes, and found that I was still in the hotel room.

When I turned around, I saw that the bed next to me was empty, with no sign that anyone had slept there.

Liu Miao is not here...

My heart is still pounding.

I sat up, got out of bed and opened the door.

"Christina! Come on! It's your turn!"

In the corridor, a middle-aged man pulled me and pushed me forward eagerly.

In a blink of an eye, I was standing behind the curtain.

The curtain slowly opened, revealing hundreds of spectators.

I stood on the small stage and the spotlight hit me.

At this moment, I became Christina.

Is it a dream?

No...I can feel this body. It's me who controls this body, not Christina's ghost.

I grabbed the phone and was at a loss.

The band had started playing, and after the intro, it was my turn to sing.

Of course I don't care about the outcome of this performance, but now this inexplicable situation makes me anxious.

Countless pairs of eyes looked at me.

These seem to be living people, living people from decades ago, scenes that happened in the past.

I heard beautiful singing coming from my mouth.

It's not my voice, it's not me singing, it's not even this body that's singing.

I turned around slowly.

Behind him is not the background of the stage, but darkness.

The singing came from there.

Christina's soul is there!

Good night everyone~

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