Aoba Office

Chapter 19 Searching to no avail

"Arui is right. We have to at least visit the community and contact a few of their clients to prove that we have made great efforts to find him." I agreed with the thin man this time.

The thin man's expression was even more sad than before, obviously thinking about how deceptive that "mature face" was.

This is just like a bit player in a TV series. You have no chance to become famous instantly, and you don’t have a biological father, a mother-in-law, or a godfather and a godmother to spread money all over the place, so you can only work hard to look familiar, or at least be praised as a model worker, Dedicated.

"Brother Qi, can you give me your full name first?" The thin man looked at me pitifully.

I shook my head, "From what I heard this morning, there should be three of them, two men and one woman, all young. One of them is named Liu and the other is Ye."

"What's the use of this!" The thin man looked up to the sky and wailed.

I ignored him and continued to watch "New Year's Day". When I got off work, I listened to all the audio files. The surveillance video of Qingye Shen on the computer was frozen at the last second.

The surveillance was a bit blurry, but Yu Meng and Wang Fangjie were holding hands like a normal loving couple.

Who could have guessed that that man had been possessed by a malicious ghost?

Yu Meng died, Wang Fangjie disappeared, Xiao Zheng and Guitai also disappeared. Qingye's people never found the missing two ghosts and one person in the end. Are they living somewhere in this world? Maybe I have just passed them by...

"Lin Qi, are you okay?" Guo Yujie waved her hand in front of me.

"Oh, it's okay." I looked up and saw that the thin man and the fat man were still there, so I called, "Two more people."

This time I understood why Aoba recorded so many audio files, because one of their members could hear the ghost's voice in the audio files. And their "leader" was actually able to kill a ghost with one fist, which really surprised me.

"What?" None of the three understood.

"I said, there are a total of five people in Aoba's office."

"Oh, do you have a name?" The thin man's eyes lit up.

"No." I hesitated, "There is someone who might be able to look it up." I flipped through the file a few pages, "Zhang Dong, the former room manager of Junli Hotel. He has contacted Qingye Supernatural Agency."

It has a name, a surname, and an organization, which makes it easy to find.

Guo Yujie turned around and asked the two people: "Have you searched online? This firm can have business either through referrals or through advertising. Their business cannot be formal advertising, it can only be small online advertising." ?”

The fat man sighed, "I've checked it a long time ago, but there's nothing!"

"But this Yu Meng contacted them through the Internet." I recalled an audio file I heard.

"Maybe it was deleted." Fatty guessed.

The thin man had already called the police station and kept saying nice things there.

This matter is indeed a problem for the police station. They have asked them to investigate many people, and they may have to investigate more people next. Fortunately, we are the demolition office and have communicated with the neighborhood committee and police station in advance. They all understand and cooperate with our work.

After talking for a long time, the thin man suddenly became happy and took a note and wrote something down, "Thank you very much! Hey, I'll treat you to dinner when I have time! Okay, okay, thank you!" After hanging up the phone, the thin man raised his hand to us. The note read, "Finally someone is alive!"

Guo Yujie rolled her eyes and went to the toilet. When she came back and saw us listless, she asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

I whispered to the thin man, "That Zhang Dong left Qingye's contact information, which was his mobile phone number, but..."

"It's shut down." The thin man lay on the table.

"You can't find the person even if you have a mobile phone number?" Guo Yujie was confused.

"You didn't register with your real name!" The thin man pulled his hair.

Guo Yujie was speechless, "What about the name? You don't even know the name?"

"I don't know, I just know that my surname is Liu." The fat man replied. He was not as hopeless as the thin man, but he also looked depressed.

"Then come on." Guo Yujie comforted her casually and started to pack her things, "I'm off work!"

"Aren't you going to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants?" asked the thin man.

"It's time to get off work." Guo Yujie was confused.

"Yes, they've all got off work, and the person we're looking for has also got off work." The thin man said matter-of-factly, and at the end, he was lifeless.

"Don't you know? Lin Qi and I are responsible for two old men who are not working." Guo Yujie smiled slyly, "and these two people went to visit relatives and have not been in the city recently."

"You won't be able to work without you? Don't you have any other goals?" The thin man was filled with indignation.

"Not yet." Guo Yujie picked up her bag, waved to him coolly, and clenched her fist, "Bye! Come on!"

"Your sister!" The thin man cursed.

"I'll go with you to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants." I said to the thin man, "I'll get you the files."

The thin man looked surprised, "Brother Qi! You are my brother!"

The three of us then went to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants together.

While driving, the thin man said, "I think that place is really evil. Look at this address: Floor 6, Building 6, Gongnong Village, Lane 666, Guoqiang Road. A string of six!"

"Isn't that very sexy?" Fatty interrupted.

"Six farts!" The thin man was a little grumpy after the day.

After hearing what the thin man said, I realized that the address of Qingye Supernatural Office was indeed a coincidence.

"I think they deliberately chose this place to open a supernatural agency." The thin man continued, "How else could it be such a coincidence that all four families on that floor lent their houses, and they all borrowed them?"

"The Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants used to be divided into units, and the residents were all old colleagues. If you can persuade one of them, and someone can help, you might be able to persuade them all." Fatty proposed another possibility.

"You haven't found the owner of the house yet?" I asked.

We are actually not sure whether the property owner and the owner of Qingye are the same. There is no real estate transaction record, but the transaction may have been completed privately, or the original property owner may have died and the heirs of the estate received the house without completing the transfer procedures. To put it bluntly, it is better to find the person who is looking for the Qingye Firm than to find the original property owner of the house. The file at the real estate bureau is dirty and the name cannot be seen clearly. As the fat man said, this community used to be allocated to units. To find someone, you can definitely ask from that unit and other old residents.

"No. It's an old file over there, and it's handwritten! I had someone look through it all afternoon, and finally found it. The handwriting was so scrawled that I couldn't understand it at all." The thin man frowned.

I could only pat the thin man sympathetically and ask, "The other employees don't know either?"

"We made phone calls all afternoon, but no one remembered when I asked."

There were no empty parking spaces in the community, so the thin man parked his car in the parking lot of a nearby shopping mall. The three of us had a meal first, and then we walked to the community for a walk, entered the No. 6 building, and went up to the fifth floor together. Can’t wait to wave goodbye to me.

I was angry and funny, so I had no choice but to climb up to the sixth floor.

I don't know if it's because of the thin man's words, or because I listened to the audio in the afternoon, but I just feel that the temperature on the sixth floor seems to be much colder than below.

Maybe it's not popular. I thought to myself, took out the key and opened the door.

There was also a note from the police station on the door, explaining the break-in and the contact number of our demolition office, asking the owner to come to us to get the keys when he comes back.

When I opened the door, the note was moved and made a clattering sound, which was particularly abrupt on the quiet sixth floor. I couldn't help but look back at the stairs.

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