Aoba Office

Chapter 1886 Calling

Not only was the body rotting, but bodies elsewhere were rotting as well.

Bodies decompose very quickly. After rapid decay, even the bones and dregs turned into fly ash. This scene was the same as what had happened to Mrs. Winter before.

No bones remain, but the ghost remains.

I can feel the ghostly energy re-condensing in the Green house. Not only that. Similar phenomena are seen in other houses.

The Green man, who was laughing crazily, stopped what he was doing and let out a wild cry.

There seems to be a new level of chaos and killing.

I had doubts at this moment.

Can everything stop once we find the girl and end the hide-and-seek game?

The ghosts who swarmed away apparently misunderstood the whole thing, thinking that the hidden ghost was Lina. They thought that finding Lina would change the situation. Perhaps some of those ghosts are sane and realize that their own death and the death of everyone in Tissante Town are irreversible, and they just want to seek revenge on Lina.

No matter what the outcome is, if the hide-and-seek is over, the whole thing will not be over.

Does such a game still make sense?

Or will the situation change after the game is over? This game also comes with a powerful brainwashing function?

I couldn't figure it out, so I glanced at Han Yun.

Han Yun hummed a song, put his hands behind his back, and disappeared leisurely. When he disappeared, he was still smiling, as if he had thought of something interesting.

"Are we going to just wait and see how things develop?" Liu Miao asked, "Should we follow over and see?"

"There's no need to follow." Wu Ling shook his head.

Guo Yujie suddenly turned her head and looked at the path next to her. It was a path formed by fences and exterior walls between two houses. It was blocked by small trees in the two yards, making it impossible to see the entire road clearly.

Guo Yujie looked hesitant.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It seems... I heard someone calling me." Guo Yujie said, having already taken a few steps in that direction.

The three of us followed.

I didn't hear the sound, nor did I feel the yin energy, but Guo Yujie's appearance showed that she had indeed heard something and was following the sound. She didn't look around, her eyes stopped in one place.

There should be no one walking on that path normally, and neither of the two families on the left and right had pruned their own trees.

After walking past the courtyard fence, the fence of the house on the left becomes the exterior wall of the house. There is a window on the wall, and the curtains are drawn so that the scene inside the house cannot be seen clearly. No sound came from the house. On the other hand, in the courtyard on the right, small saplings were swaying, as if something was walking between the dense branches.

The sound of rustling is endless. The surrounding suddenly became very quiet, the screams were gone, and there was no wind. There was only the sound of leaves rubbing against each other.

The window we had just passed suddenly shattered with a loud noise.

I turned my head and saw a hand retracting from the broken window. There was a little blood on the broken glass.

After just this movement, the house became quiet again. The small tree on the other side also stopped swinging.

The entire path was quiet, giving people a sense of depression.

Guo Yujie crossed the road first, turned her head left and right, stood for a while, then glared and shouted: "Stop!"

As soon as she drank like this, the person rushed out.

Following her was Liu Miao, who also immediately started running.

I secretly screamed in my heart that it was terrible. After Liu Miao chased me out, I immediately shouted Guo Yujie's name.

I saw Guo Yujie pause and look back.

The house next to him exploded at this moment, and the huge air wave blew away the walls and fences.

We were caught off guard and were all knocked away.

I fell to the ground, and the bones in my body ached.

When I looked up, I saw gunpowder smoke filling the air.

Guo Yujie hurriedly wanted to run over, but her figure flashed away in the smoke and disappeared.

"How..." I was stunned, ignoring the pain in my body, and hurriedly climbed up and rushed to where Guo Yujie was standing just now.

There was no one there. There was no manhole cover or anything like that on the ground, and it didn't look like there were any traps around.

The occurrence of this situation can only mean that Guo Yujie entered another different space, or left from Thyssen.

"Han Yun!" I shouted immediately.

Only Han Yun could do such a thing. If he didn't do it, he must know something.

Han Yun did not appear.

The smoke has dissipated, and no ghosts have escaped from the surrounding houses. Those who had the courage to run out would have done so long ago, and now they have followed the crowd to the supermarket in the town. The remaining ghosts are hiding in the house.

Wu Ling walked past me and walked towards the ruins of the house, kicking some gravel.

I saw an arm exposed under the stone.

The arm soon rotted and turned into ashes.

"Is it..." I didn't finish my question.

Wu Ling shook his head, "It should be suicide. In fact, there are many such people. Most people will choose to escape when encountering such desperate supernatural events. This... includes suicide."

I was stunned.

"Miss Guo must have been captured by Lina," Wu Ling said.

"Eh? Isn't that very dangerous?" I looked at Wu Ling's calm appearance and felt anxious.

I'm worried about Guo Yujie, and I'm also a little dissatisfied with Wu Ling's attitude at the moment.

Wu Ling smiled at this time, "This shows that Lina is also anxious. Taking Miss Guo instead of you will prove that her strength has been affected."

I frowned.

Despite this, there is no guarantee that Guo Yujie will be safe.

"The only ones who know who the hidden child is are Han Yun and you. She will find him." Wu Ling said.

In the ruins of the explosion, ghosts condensed and took shape. The ghost stood on the ruins, showing an expression of despair and pain, and knelt down and screamed.

There was a ghost beside him, watching his actions indifferently, and then looking up at us.

The female ghost was holding a child in her arms. She held the crying child in her arms and walked down from the ruins, her steps staggering but her expression firm.

Wu Ling looked at her.

"Take him out...can you get out? Please, take him out," the woman said.

The roaring man looked up, his eyes sparkling.

Wu Ling shook his head, "We have no way to get out."

The woman lowered her eyes and gently touched the child's cheek. She didn't say anything, just hugged the child and walked away, not knowing where she was going.

The man suddenly shouted and rolled down from the ruins, looking at the pile of rubble and the part of the house that had not collapsed in horror.

I heard laughter in the ruins, the mischievous laughter of children. Laughter appeared and disappeared suddenly.

The man got up from the ground and ran after the woman, still yelling and screaming, looking like he was frightened and panicked.

"How can we find Guo Yujie?"

I put the episode out of my mind. The fright these ghosts received seemed to me childish. Although a few of us are trapped here, we won’t enter the house or get close to these ghosts, and we won’t see any strange movements.

What Han Yun did was still very targeted.

But we can't stay here forever.

"Now that Lina has taken action, she will definitely contact us again. You have to seize the opportunity." Wu Ling just said this.

I don't have the patience she does, especially after Guo Yujie was taken away, I became even less patient.

I was getting anxious when I heard a voice.


I turned my head and saw nothing.


The sound went directly to my ears.

I turned my head sharply, but still didn't see anything weird.

"What's wrong?" Wu Ling and Liu Miao both looked over.

They heard no sound.

Only I heard the sound.

Just like Guo Yujie just now...

I clenched my fists.

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