Aoba Office

Chapter 1880 Mrs. Winter (2)

"It should work." It was Liu Miao who answered.

Guo Yujie had calmed down by this time and stopped Liu Miao from stepping forward.

"I'll do it." Guo Yujie squeezed past me, reached the wall, and smashed her fist into it.

Nothing strange happened. However, as she walked over the two steps, the creaking sound continued. The wall was destroyed, but there was no continuous sound.

The walls are hollow and the photos are stuck in the gaps.

Guo Yujie pulled out the photo.

I saw it correctly before, it was indeed a photo of a baby with its eyes gouged out. It's just that before I could only see an outline from the hole, now I can see the complete photo.

The size of the photo is different from ordinary photos, it is enlarged to normal baby size. The baby's clothes were a onesie. Because the photo was faded and yellowed, the original color could no longer be seen. There is no pattern on it either. But by the baby's calf, you can see a pair of hands holding him.

These should be full-moon photos and 100-day photos of children, all taken by adults holding their children. Sometimes, adults will be covered with a layer of cloth to serve as a background for photos.

I have a hundred-day photo like this taken in a photo studio, and my sister also has one.

But...this photo seems to be different...

The background behind is ordinary clothes, and plaid patterns can also be seen.

"It's a photo that was cut out alone. It might have been a family photo," Wu Ling said.

That makes sense. This photo does look unnatural.

"Did Han Yun and the others put this thing in?" Liu Miao asked.

I shook my head to express that I didn't know, and felt very heavy in my heart. If Han Yun really did it, things would be really troublesome. Han Yun may attack us, or he may not be able to exclude us from the rules of the game he established. We are also participants and we are also attacked.

The photo was collected by Wu Ling.

Guo Yujie looked very unhappy. Probably because he was "betrayed" twice. First it was Lina, and then Han Yun. Both ghosts came to her for help, but they both betrayed her in the end and attacked our group.

Wu Ling and Liu Miao said nothing and continued upstairs.

The sound on the floor was annoying, but not offensive. It was just annoying.

Compared with this voice, I think Han Yun's attitude and Han Yun's ability are more worrying. Just encountering a haunted house is not a cause for concern.

With Han Yun's ability, he could actually collapse the house and cause an accident, leaving us all dead or injured.

He didn't seem to have this intention.

Arrived at the second floor. The corridor here is much longer than that of Rena's house, with only three room doors in a row.

I could feel Mrs. Winter's negative energy coming from the innermost room door.

Wu Ling also went straight there without looking at the other two doors.

The sounds from the floor became shorter and denser. Of course these are not our footsteps. It seemed like there were many people walking down this corridor with us. The sound of footsteps changed from walking to running. People who could not be seen or felt were running in the corridor. They were still running back and forth without stopping.

At the door of the room, when we stopped, the footsteps also stopped invariably.

This is really weird. The whole house fell into dead silence again, and even the noise outside the house faded in and out.

I seemed to hear the sound of something being smashed at Ruina's house next door, but I couldn't hear it clearly.

Wu Ling's hand was on the door handle.

The door handle was twisted open and the door was pushed open. No weird noises.

The room was very dark. The strange thing is that when the door is opened, instead of the faint light from outside shining in, there is a shadow extending from inside the house.

The interior is not without light. There was still light coming through the window with the curtains drawn. The brightness of the light reminds me of the original appearance of the office.

The extended black shadow is the shadow of a person. The man was sitting in the room with his back hunched, his shadow stretched to our feet.

I heard a sigh. But the sigh did not come from inside the house, but floated up from below.

I looked down and saw a pair of eyes popping up on the elongated and distorted face, then disappearing in an instant.

"You are here."

This time the sound came from inside the house.

There was a hint of smile in Mrs. Winter's tired voice.

"Can you turn on the light?" Wu Ling asked.

"The light is broken." Mrs. Winter shook her head. I saw the figure in the room shaking my head, but the shadow under my feet did not move.

"We brought flashlights." Wu Ling added.

"Haha... then open it." Mrs. Winter replied.

Liu Miao turned on the flashlight, and the light shone into the room, but it did not dispel the shadow.

Mrs. Winter was sitting on the bed, her appearance had changed drastically, and her body had turned into a rotting skeleton. Only some rotten meat still hung on the bones. The clothes he was wearing were turned into rags. I also saw dirt and blades of grass.

I was shocked and looked down at my feet.

The shadow is still there.

"Did they dig up your body?" Wu Ling asked.

Mrs. Winter's skeleton nodded, and its jaw moved up and down as she spoke.

"I also suddenly heard a noise, and when I went upstairs I saw myself... I was dead. I have been dead for many years... Why am I still here?" Mrs. Winter seemed to be talking to herself.

"Have you never thought about it?" Wu Ling asked.

Mrs. Winter shook her head, and dirt slipped from her clothes.

"No. Never. I don't have anything I want to do, and I don't do anything special. I just stayed here... Maybe I missed it..." Mrs. Winter sighed.

missed? Did you miss the ghost mission?

The Jimny next door was also missed. He didn't reincarnate. When the ghost came, he completely turned into a ghost again.

Mrs. Winter may have encountered something similar and stayed in the world.

However, when talking about this before, she had a calm attitude, no regrets, and no entanglement. She seemed to be a different person, suddenly depressed.

"Do you know this child?" Wu Ling took out the photo.

Mrs. Winter raised her skull and stared at the picture with empty eye sockets. After a while, she shook her head.

"I don't remember. Children... I have seen many children. I don't have children myself, but there are many children nearby. I can't say whether I like or hate children... I may prefer older and more sensible ones. Child..." Mrs. Winter said to herself.

"Did you hear the sound of hide-and-seek before?" Wu Ling asked again.

Mrs. Winter raised her head again and knocked on the mattress with her hand that only had phalanges left. "That one? You heard it. I'm sorry, I can't recognize who that voice belongs to. Isn't it the person you are looking for?"

"Probably not." Wu Ling thought about it.


There was a soft sound from the window.

All of us looked at the window.

From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the shadow under my feet and turned its head.


The window was suddenly broken by something, and a strong wind blew in, like a howling sound. The curtains were blown, and the light from the window came straight in.

Mrs. Winter's skeleton and the shadow that stretched down to our feet suddenly moved.

The skeleton raised its hands as if to block the weak sunlight. The shadow also rotated and fell on the wall.

There was blood on the wall, a large pool of blood, like a splashed ink painting, displayed wantonly.

My heart skipped a beat, and a word popped into my head - murder scene!

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