Aoba Office

Chapter 188 No. 041-Haunted House (7)

The small sword is only one hand long and is yellow in color with red lines on it. Yellow is the copper coin and red is the red thread. This sword is tied with copper coins and red thread.

The young man swung his sword at the TV, made a few gestures, and didn't know what he did. The red thread was loosened, and the coins flew out. The jingles scattered on the ground, and he even hit the TV a few times.

I could see a black shadow flashing as the copper coin swords dispersed.

The TV suddenly exploded, without sparks or smoke, and suddenly exploded into pieces.

The man was startled, and the young man smiled proudly.

The dark figure stood where the TV was originally and turned around slowly. In this way, I saw the front of the black shadow clearly. The black shadow is human-shaped, the back is completely black, and the front only has a face. The face was very strange, with hollow eyes and a sunken nose, like a skull, but in the mouth, there was a bloody red mouth and two rows of white teeth.

Its empty eyes stared at the young man.

The young man was comforting the frightened man, "Okay, it's okay."

The man asked doubtfully: "Is this good?"

The young man nodded affirmatively.

The black shadow moved slowly. It had no hands, and the tentacle-like thing flicked away the two copper coins that fell on the TV cabinet. Black smoke came out of the tentacles and quickly dissipated.

After the young man communicated well with the man, he went to pick up the copper coins.

The man asked: "What are these?"

The young man replied perfunctorily: "They are copper coins. However, these are antiques, coins from hundreds of years ago. Coins in the prosperous times have righteousness and can destroy ghosts."

"Then this is gone..."

"This is a ritual. You don't understand."

The young man put all the coins into the cloth bag and made a noose with the three-meter-long red rope. He gestured as if he had caught something.

But I saw that the black figure was still standing there, staring at the young man with empty eyes, and occasionally looking at the man.


The young man also put the knotted and balled red rope into the bag.

The man sent the young man out eagerly.

The dark figure followed him out.

The video ends here.

Video file 04120071130(2).avi.

It's still the same house and the same man.

The man entered the house leisurely, changed into comfortable slippers, and held a large bag of things in his hand. When he closed the door, the dark figure came in from outside.

Compared to before, the shape of this black shadow has changed slightly. There were two more red light spots in the empty eye sockets, which looked even more terrifying and weird.

The man carried the things into the toilet and opened the several-layered plastic bag, revealing a bucket containing red liquid. The man twisted the lid, whistled, poured the liquid into the bathtub, and put the empty bucket into the cabinet. After doing this, he left the toilet, went to the bedroom, and lifted the quilt, revealing the torn mattress underneath. He stood the mattress up, unzipped the back of the mattress, got in, and zipped it shut again. These actions are done in one go. I don't know how he controlled it. The mattress fell down, everything returned to its original state, and half of the opened quilt fell to the ground.

A curse came from the mattress. A hand stretched out from the hole in the front of the mattress. The man reached out and hooked the bedside table next to him, and found his cell phone. He retracted his hand and stretched it out again, only lifting the phone out of the hole and exposing a little of his mouth.

The phone was not connected, and a mechanical female voice came out: "The phone you dialed has been turned off..."

The man cursed again, hung up the phone, turned over with some difficulty, and got out of the zipper on the back of the mattress. He panted, wiped his sweat, and dialed the phone again.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry to bother you. Well, there's a problem with the plan. Ge Song's phone is turned off and I can't contact him. Uh-huh... Okay, okay. I understand. Okay, I won't bother you. Yes, Mr. Lin. Where are Mr. Xiao and Mr. Wang... Oh, why don't you excuse me, I'll make a call... Okay, okay, I'll trouble you, Mr. Lin. Okay, bye."

The man changed his groveling expression, cursed a few more times, went to the toilet and looked at the red liquid in the bathtub, hesitated for a while, and threw it there without putting it away. He looked at the time, changed his clothes, lay down on the holey bed, and soon fell asleep.

The dark figure did not follow him. When he took action, he glanced in the living room for a few times and then turned his head. It floated to the balcony, shining in the moonlight, and its back became darker.

Video file 04120071130(3).avi.

It's still the same house and the same man. The man came back from outside and brought a lunch box. The dark figure stayed inside the house.

I don’t know how long it was between the two videos, but look at that black shadow, the red dots in the black holes in its eye sockets are now moving. It was looking at the man.

The man sat down to eat. In addition to the lunch boxes, there are newspapers inside the plastic bags. He ate while reading the newspaper. After eating, he threw the lunch box into the kitchen garbage and took out a cigarette.

It can be seen that he is not as leisurely as he appears. I flipped through the pages of the newspaper without reading it at all. When I smoked, I frowned and smacked my lips. I felt uneasy.

After smoking a cigarette, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm sorry to bother you. Yes, it's something that hasn't been started for a long time. I know, I know that Ge Song is missing. I always followed your instructions when I went to the police. Yes, yes, it's a script It’s been several days, and there’s been no response from the police or Ge Song’s wife. You see...ah...that’s it...that’s good...what? Thank you so much! Oh, you are such a good person, no, what about that word? You mean...generous! You are too generous...Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I am...ah? Hello? Hello, hello? Damn it!"

The man threw away his cell phone. After a while, the corners of his mouth curled up, he rubbed his hands, hummed a song, and got ready to go out.

When the man was about to open the door and go out, there were two sounds of "click" and "crash", like the sound of something breaking.

The dark figure was still in the living room, and the man went to the toilet to look at it suspiciously. The black shadow only moved at this time, and only turned its head.

In the toilet, the mirror shattered and a fragment fell into the sink.

"It fell off. Do you want to get a new one..." The man said to himself. When he looked up at the mirror, his movements suddenly froze.

The camera looked at his side face and captured the red light flashing in one of his eyes.

The man's expression became numb. He stared at the broken mirror, reached out and grabbed the mirror fragments in the sink, turned around stiffly, and walked towards the bathtub.

The bathtub is empty. The man put the gag in place and raised his hand. The mirror fragment cut his throat and blood spurted out. The man seemed to feel no pain and stood bent over, letting the blood fall into the bathtub.

The blood flows like a fountain, endlessly.

The man's body shriveled up visibly to the naked eye. Even though the camera could only capture his back, you could see that the clothes on his body had become loose, and the parts close to his back highlighted his spine and ribs.

There is more and more blood in the bathtub. This amount is no longer in line with the human blood volume. The bones on the man's body became more and more prominent, and the whole person turned into a mummy. He can still move. After there was no more blood or any fluid, he straightened up and his bones rubbed together, making a tooth-piercing sound. He turned around and walked out of the toilet.

During this period, the black figure was looking in the direction of the toilet, making no movement, only the red dots in his eyes became brighter.

Today's update is complete, good night everyone.

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