Aoba Office

Chapter 1860 Difficulties

Han Yun's expression made me a little embarrassed.

In terms of longevity, Han Yun is much older than me. To some extent, he is considered an ancestor. They are not ancestors by blood, but they are also ancestors of the same country and the same nation. But he looks like a child and still shows such an expression of pity for people's intelligence. How can people feel comfortable?

Han Yun sighed exaggeratedly, looked at me, then at the others, and suddenly said: "Okay, I understand. Just leave it like this."

"What?" Guo Yujie complained on my behalf, "Is there any way you can improve Lin Qi's strength? And mine! I don't even know what my abilities are yet."

Han Yun shook his head, "No. You two," he nodded at me and Guo Yujie, "have no use for desire."

These words stunned both of us.

"Let's go." Wu Ling said, already carrying the luggage bag.

She said hello to Gu Mo and Nangong Yao and walked at the front.

Guo Yujie and I looked at each other, but we could only keep up. Guo Yujie did not give up and continued to question Han Yun.

I glanced at Liu Miao who was walking with me.

There were four of us and one ghost, and Wu Ling was the only one without the ability. If you want to ask for advice, it seems that you can only ask Liu Miao. He once told me about abilities...

Liu Miao seemed to see through what I was thinking and smiled at me, "At that time, I just wanted to know how my parents died and avenge them."

I was stunned.

"Actually, all abilities have an opportunity. Some of them are innate, probably related to the previous life, and the other part is the opportunity." Liu Miao said, "Yin and yang eyes are born. My mother said that when I was a child, She would stare at one place for a long time. Well, she would be like a child in a ghost story, and she would see things. I have no memory. She only remembers some small things, and I never believed in ghosts. Until I saw that..."

When Liu Miao talked about the death of her parents, she was not sad, just slightly melancholy.

I thought about my experience.

I originally thought that my abilities only appeared after meeting Aoba. I met Ye Qing, opened my yin and yang eyes, and saw the ghost of Aunt Wang. That seemed to be the beginning. Of course, the real emergence of ability should be the matter of kimono. When I entered the dreamland, the first ghost I saw was the old witch possessing the kimono. The dream at that time was somewhat similar to now...

When I thought of this, I paused.

If there is an upgrade and evolution, the memory received now seems to be the evolution of the situation at that time.

But after that, I met Chu Run, and my ability was to possess ghosts and travel through time and space...

Was that really a dream?

"Have you thought of anything?" Liu Miao asked.

"Well, it's a bit..." I became confused.

Speaking of which, dreaming through time and space is one kind of ability, while reversing the time of living and non-living bodies should be another ability. Just like Ye Qing, he can unconsciously and uncontrollably enhance the abilities of supernatural things around him, and he can also blow up ghosts with one punch. Do I still have a third ability, the original and current ability to receive memories?

The three abilities should appear at different times...

The ability to reverse the time of an object appears earliest. It didn't appear after meeting Qingye, but it appeared before that, during Xiaobai's incident... Did I want to save Xiaobai, so that's why I developed that ability?

The ability to receive memories originated from the kimono incident. Because I want to know the truth about kimonos? This is a bit baffling. I'm not that curious...

And the ability to travel through time and space, is it because of Chu Run? Because I want to save those innocent women? I shouldn’t have such a strong sense of justice, right?

I'm confused.

What exactly is desire?

Did I have such a strong desire in my subconscious without even knowing it?

Han Yun, who was floating in front, looked back at me and then at Guo Yujie, who was chattering away. "Don't think about it. No desire means no desire. It's useless. When you have that kind of desire, your ability will explode."

"At that time, we might all be dead." Guo Yujie said seriously.

"That means your desire to survive is not that strong." Han Yun said bluntly.

Guo Yujie was speechless.

Liu Miao patted me on the back and said, "Han Yun is right. When the time comes, your abilities will explode."

He seemed confident about it, but at the end of the sentence, he sighed again.

Thinking about the source of Liu Miao's ability, I can understand his sigh.

If possible, Liu Miao would choose to be an ordinary person so that his parents could be safe.

There was a shadow in my heart, and my thoughts turned to the abilities of other people.

Gu Mo's ability is easy to understand, but Nangong Yao's ability is puzzling. However, my understanding of Nangong Yao is limited. I only heard him mention some of Nangong Yao’s childhood and past. He may have hidden something, and what he said at the time was not that detailed.

Another person who is easy to understand is Ye Qing. Ye Qing can blow up ghosts with one fist. He must be as eager for revenge as Liu Miao. Ye Qing's other ability seemed to be innate. This is very similar to Gumo. Gu Mo himself has good hearing, and his life experiences have allowed him to continuously hone this talent, which in turn affects his abilities.

Slim Man's abilities may have been forced out by his ex-girlfriend Qi Bai. Fatty's abilities seem to be innate. Guo Yujie's ability seems to be innate. And Xue Jingyue...

I have a headache thinking about it.

Desire...this thing is so elusive.

Most people do not have particularly strong desires, and most desires are very ordinary. When you are a child, you want a toy and play games; when you are a teenager, you just want to eat, drink, have fun, and be more sensible and want good grades; when you grow up, you should think about work, money, a house, and a partner. , family, health... those are all scattered wishes. Many people have lived their lives in such a state of confusion without any particular struggle.

When I look back on my life of more than 20 years, I basically spent it in such a muddle-headed way.

I struggled in my senior year of high school, and struggled to take the civil service examination after graduating from college, but I still had no success. The concentration at that time was nothing more than that.

After encountering supernatural events, there are more times when you are powerless. Occasionally, there are outbreaks, which only improve your concentration in a short period of time and become more focused.



From departure to boarding to getting off the plane, I was thinking about this.

I felt powerless again.

I do want to get rid of ghosts and restore the world to its original appearance, but this idea is not desire. It might be more of a complaint. Besides, I just hope Ye Qing can succeed. The rest is all anxiety.

"It will take five hours to drive there. There is no resting place on the way. Do you want to eat and use the toilet?" Wu Ling suddenly said.

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