Aoba Office

Chapter 1854 Whistleblower (3)

The woman was unaware of this and was still looking worriedly at the crowd gathering in front of her.

The men were checking things that had been moved out of the room. Boxes and plastic bags were opened, and the items inside were taken out one by one. Someone else entered the room and carefully inspected the small room.

The store owner looked at it and said to the new sister: "Look, there are no mice. Our store has always been very clean, so there won't be any mice. Did you see anything else? There can't be cockroaches either. Clean it every day. There won’t be any bugs here. Did you see anything else? Did the napkin get blown somewhere?”

The new sister's face was solemn. Others were uneasy, anxious, and seemed to be in a bad mood. They really saw something.

I saw an earlier memory of that woman.

Still on the second floor of the restaurant. The woman drank her drink and looked up at the decorative painting on the opposite wall. She saw that the painting was full of roses, being fiddled with by a black hand.

The hand appeared at the edge of the picture and disappeared in a flash, but the shaking of the rose petals did not stop soon.

The woman was stunned for a moment, then jumped up excitedly. She still had the straw in her mouth, and with her movement, she knocked over the drink.

Women cannot see ghosts. I saw the ghost standing next to the frame.

This memory flashed away, and then others seemed to see something and were startled. These people were searching on the second floor. Their emotions weren't right. They knew they were seeing something, but they weren't sure exactly what they were seeing. They were desperate for reassuring answers.

The woman soon saw something again.

She felt something touch her eyes.

It was the ghost who got close to the woman and covered her eyes with his hands.

The woman's evasive move caused the ghost to retreat and fly past the table. Others also saw the dark shadow passing by.

These people became excited and wanted to find the black shadow.

"There really is something!" someone yelled at the boss.

The woman's eyes were completely covered. She blinked, stiffened, and looked at the promotional posters spread out in the crowd.

It says "10% off", the two characters are the largest, and there are discount dishes such as "50% off" and "20% off" below. There are round rabbits painted on the corners, which look like small patterns added casually. . Neither the handwriting nor the pattern can be considered beautiful, just very conspicuous.

But in the woman's eyes, the mottled discount poster turned into black and white. It's black and white, with text on the border, and the border is made to look like a photo frame, with a black and white photo in the middle. The text on it says "Gu Yan", and the black and white photo is also a cutout of Gu Yan.

The woman trembled and her eyes rolled slightly.

Next to the discount poster, there is a recruitment poster for the restaurant, with black characters on a red background and the type and number of employees to be recruited.

Similarly, in the eyes of the woman, this scene transformed into a photo of Gu Yan's death, but it was not a standard photo of her death, but a photo of a tombstone.

Another promotional poster for a new recipe was pressed at the bottom, and the exposed corners seemed to the woman to be the mourning picture used by fans on the Internet. However, the title of Gu Yan in the mourning picture was not "goddess", but "goddess". It's a "bitch".

The woman shivered even more.

Her memories took me to a time long ago.

These pictures were actually made by women themselves.

She had forgotten the reason. She only remembers being in another group, talking with fans of other celebrities, and they became indignant, and after they insulted and ridiculed her, she made these pictures.

She didn't hate Gu Yan. When others scolded her, she followed them, but she didn't go to the extent of boycotting Gu Yan. She would always take a look at Gu Yan-related news and works she starred in.

She didn't even remember the cause of the incident, she just had a flash of inspiration and wanted to show off her skills.

Her photo retouching skills are not superb, she just shows off her wit.

I could see the woman's forgotten memories, and I knew that the group she joined at that time was a fan group of another female star. Because of a TV series casting, fans on both sides had a fierce conflict.

Of course I didn't know about this kind of thing, let alone that this kind of thing would set off a fierce scolding war on the Internet. Fans scolded each other, and those entertainment-related media accounts even said that you sang and we appeared on the stage. I don’t know if I received money from a certain party. I talked about this matter for several days, and my position changed. One moment, they say that Gu Yan's acting skills are amazing, and the next moment, they say that Gu Yan has dirty tricks. One minute, she can applaud Gu Yan, but the next minute, she starts to expose Gu Yan's dirty stuff.

In this chaos, I just feel that everyone's emotions are abnormal.

They are angry, but they are also reveling.

During this carnival, the woman wanted to show off her creativity and skills. After making a few pictures, she posted them in the group and then spread them.

The wanton expression of malice attracted both abuse and applause.

Now, women have almost forgotten this trivial dispute in their lives.

"Okay, put your things away." The store owner directed the employees.

The new sister has nothing to say.

The boss negotiated with them again and asked them if they wanted to leave.

If the commotion is so unpleasant, we should break up and go home, or find another place to talk again.

The woman saw the posters rolled up and stuffed into the box.

She was still shaking and overwhelmed.

The man carrying the box was the man on the live broadcast. He passed by his colleagues and bumped into the wall while trying to avoid them. Just the poster inserted in the box fell out, fell to the ground, and unfolded slightly.

The woman saw half of her face.

That half of the familiar face belongs to her!

The woman screamed. Unable to bear it any longer, she rushed forward and unfolded the poster.

She sprinted and got rid of the ghost.

The unfolded poster is a discount promotion, not a posthumous photo.

The woman collapsed on the ground, unable to hold the poster with her trembling hands.

"Are you OK?"

The people around were shocked.

The woman shook her head, crying and laughing.

This abnormal mental state makes the boss afraid.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable? It's better to go back first. Forget about the booking fee, forget it. You go back."

Judging from the boss's appearance, he seems to suspect that these people have mental problems.

The new sister agreed and asked people to pack her things.

The woman was still slumped on the ground. After a while, someone came to help her. Her face was already full of tears.

The man doing the live broadcast didn't dare to pick up the poster in front of her. He hurriedly put the box in his hand into the room and looked at the boss when he came out.

"Get your things first and leave first." The boss said, asking his two employees to go down with him. When they saw this strange situation, they were all frightened.

I heard them whispering as they came downstairs.

"Did you take drugs?"

"Did you see them eating when you came up before?"

"Do you want to call the police?"

Their voices fade away.

The people on the second floor were still emotionally unstable.

The ghost moved to the woman again and reached out to cover her eyes.

In the woman's field of vision, the decoration of the room changed and turned into a mourning hall.

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