Aoba Office

Chapter 1836 Separate Actions

At the same time, I felt the yin energy erupting in reality.

I heard a scream, the sound sounded like a man but not a man, a woman but not a woman. It was impossible to tell the difference between old and young.

"No-no! You can't do this! You can't!!!!"

The cry turned into a clear roar. The voice was still difficult to distinguish, but the content was easy to understand.

The doll in front of him showed a twisted smile, and tears seemed to flow from his crudely made eyes. It opened its mouth and roared silently, and the fist it waved landed on the tombstone, but did not leave any trace on the tombstone.

There is a weak Yin energy in it, which is almost invisible.

After that punch, it fell down, like an ordinary doll, unable to move and impossible to move.

I felt a shock to my soul, and I was suddenly ejected from the illusory vision of the past.

I saw Lina, I saw Slender Man and the others.

The thin man and the others looked at me with concern.

"Brother Qi? What's wrong with you?"

I touched my forehead. I am only in a spiritual state now, but I can feel the sweat on my hands.

I felt a sense of exhaustion, so I turned my head and looked in the direction where the Yin Qi was coming from. The riot has subsided and the Yin Qi has become calm, but it gives people a sense of depressing terror.

Slender Man and the others didn't seem to have heard the shout just now. I couldn't tell for a moment whether the scream I heard was the voice of a ghost in reality or the scream of a doll in that past time and space scene.

"Shh!" Chen Xiaoqiu made a silent gesture.

All five of us stayed quiet.

Lina seemed to be immersed in memories and murmured: "I have never been to a cemetery. Mom and Dad... Mom and Dad went to the cemetery before my birthday to see my grandparents... my doll... my sister..."

She fell into her own world of memories, her body was trembling, and tears welled up in her eyes.

The five of us clearly heard the noise outside amid her murmur. Through the window, we also saw a toy man coming out of the house. Each of those toy people was smiling and walking in the same direction.

This scene is too weird. It was still dark outside, and these toy figures, with strange expressions on their faces and holding candles and oil lamps for lighting, formed a crowd.

The direction they were heading was not where I expected the Yin Qi to be.

I was confused and felt that the Yin Qi was also moving.

The place where they will meet...

The strange fountain appeared in my mind.

fountain. It should be there.

It's like the center of the town.

When I thought about it, I was stunned.

I had a mental map of old Morristown and new town. In that past scene, the building I saw most clearly was the tallest building in the town and the building in the center of the town - the church. That, too, is now the center of the town, where the fountain is located.

Is there any unique meaning in this? Or is it simply a central point?

The entrance and exit to the different space is not in the town, but in the forest. That seems to explain why, in the unchanged past, the ghost king who controlled toys in the future world would have his legions rush out of the forest for a surprise attack.

I said hello to the thin man and the others, then flew out of the house and looked at the center of the town from a distance.

People had gathered around the fountain, and the fountain was illuminated by candlelight.

The sculpture of the fountain has also changed. It is no longer two strange people, but a single sculpture. Looking at the height and outline of the sculpture from a distance, I thought it looked like a child. There is a high platform base under the child's feet, allowing the child to sit very high and overlook everyone.

The yin energy is on the sculpture, and the ghost is there.

I felt the direct gaze directed at me.

There is no hostility. The other person didn't seem to care about my existence.

The gaze quickly disappeared.

The toy people who filled the streets cheered. The lively celebration began. The toy people jumped around and sang songs. Just scenes full of joy. But everyone in this scene feels terrible.

I went back inside and told the others what happened outside.

Lina's face turned pale, and she calmed down after Guo Yujie comforted her with a few words of comfort.

"Has this kind of thing happened before?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked Lina.

Lina shook her head and nodded again, "In the past... when everyone was alive, they would celebrate the day when the town was established, that's it. We burned away the plague, so... everyone held torches and candles, sang and danced. There will be people Walk through the ring of fire and burn away the disease, and when everyone is dead... there will be no more..."

Lina felt sad and became dazed again, "If everyone dies, there will be no more..."

Now it's starting again.

What does that ghost want to do?

I have established that the past has changed and I have a general idea of ​​how it has changed. This cannot be said to Shouzi and the others, but I have confirmed the location of the ghost, so it can be said.

"The Yin Qi is increasing. It may be some kind of ritual..." I carefully felt the changes in the Yin Qi in that direction, and gradually became nervous.

Originally, the ghost was extremely weak, but after Lina finished narrating the story, its Yin energy stabilized to the level of an ordinary ghost after an explosion. At this moment, the Yin Qi is strengthening, and it seems to be developing in the direction of the Ghost King.

Among the several ghost kings I have encountered, Cheng Jiu is the weakest, and he is about this level, stronger than ordinary ghosts.

Cheng Jiu's Yin energy also changes in strength and weakness. Cheng Jiu was undoubtedly the strongest in that future world. After arriving in the real world, his power continued to weaken.

This change may be due to his loss of territory. The future ghost kings will not only rely on their natural strength, nor will they only rely on the fear of living people to increase their strength. Worship and fear are all sources of their strength. Therefore, each area ruled by a ghost king has different rules, but they all prevent the living people and ghosts under their rule from resisting. Following their rules also allows them to gain unparalleled power.

That ghost seems to be doing something like this now.

We cannot let it continue to grow in strength like this.

I think I can still give it a try now. As long as I get close to it, touch it, and activate my abilities, I have a high chance of destroying it directly.

"Which location is the center of the town?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked, "Where is the cemetery?"

Lina pointed in a direction.

"Can a tomb from so long ago be found?" The thin man expressed doubt.

"Do you know where that sister's tomb is?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

Lina thought for a while, "The new cemetery is separated from the old cemetery. She is in the old cemetery, I only know this."

"Really going to dig a grave?" The thin man was surprised.

"If the doll is the true body, destroy the doll. If the corpse in the cemetery is the true body, then the corpse must be destroyed." Chen Xiaoqiu pointed at us, "The troops are divided into two groups. The three of us will go to the cemetery, and you will deal with the doll."

One group of men and one group of women.

This grouping makes sense. I am the one who can deal with ghosts. Lina needs to lead the way when digging graves. It is just right for Guo Yujie and Chen Xiaoqiu to go. What some people don't want to admit is that Guo Yujie is more suitable than the three of us grown men for physical work like digging graves that should be done by men.

Chen Xiaoqiu acted resolutely, and after hearing the assignment, Guo Yujie also pulled Lina along.

There is nothing to refute, so we go our separate ways.

As soon as Chen Xiaoqiu left, I thought of another thing and looked at the thin man.

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