Aoba Office

Chapter 1833 Toys (8)

Lina's narration was very simple, and she was not too clear about the details of the incident. It's just that her tone and expression were always very hasty, like a small animal being chased by a ferocious beast. She only knew how to run with all her strength without any firm idea of ​​​​survival.

"My uncle took me back to the town. In the town, those people have disappeared and everyone has turned into ghosts. Everyone... everyone is crying... Mom and Dad are also crying... No one pays attention to me... …Uncle and his friends took everyone’s bodies to the cemetery, buried them one by one, and set up tombstones. It took a long time to do this. The cemetery has expanded a lot, and there are tombstones everywhere... ...It's a forest of tombstones..." Lina's eyes were unfocused, and her sight seemed to be in a distant place. "After being buried, we didn't ascend to heaven or find rest. Uncle and the others didn't know. What to do, go to the church and ask some big shots like the bishop to come over. They said they would find a way. They left... and never came back... We stayed here for many years... The mayor. The date was recorded, day after day... Some people wanted to leave the town, but after walking out, they entered the forest and would return to the town after a while. Some people said that there was nothing they could do. , so what was done outside to trap us here. We will never get peace... It was scary for everyone for a while, everyone..."

After Lina said this, she lowered her head and couldn't go on.

One can imagine how desperate it would be for a group of desperate ghosts to be bound to the land of their hometown, holding on to hope, watching time pass, and watching the entire town become deserted and desolate.

Lina might have been ostracized and bullied in the process. After all, the source of everything can be said to be Lina's family, and it was their doll that caused this disaster.

"Later," Lina changed her tone and skipped those unpleasant years, "Everyone accepted it. Some people hid at home and didn't come out, and some people thought this was okay... everyone was here and still living. Together. Originally, we didn’t have much contact with the outside world. Many people never left the town. Now, no one will get sick or die. It’s just that the house is broken and no one takes care of the cemetery. People can eat... just like that... until one day, someone said that someone came in from outside. We all thought it was uncle and they were back. Although it was unlikely... a long time had passed... the last recorded by the mayor. The time was more than a hundred years later... everyone gathered together. We... saw strangers, a few big brothers and big sisters... They couldn't see us... They were surprised and said it was so cold here. Is it a ghost town, walking around, passing through our bodies... They are like travelers, wandering around the town..."

Lina sighed, "No matter what we do, they can't feel it. They treat this place as a place to play games. We can't understand many of the things they wear and say. They also draw pictures on our house. Aunt Tailin was very angry, but we had no choice... They also found our cemetery. At that time, they were frightened and ran away quickly. They did not come for several days. After a few days, they would come again. We made our town our own. Some of us liked them and were curious about what they would do, and some of us hated them. I kept following them and they mentioned the name of our town.”

The name Lina said made me startled. This name is exactly the name of the town that Lina reported when she told her address last time. It should be somewhere in the future world. Originally, the two towns were the same place. What was changed was just the time of Lina's birth, or was the name of the town also tampered with like the history of the town?

I wasn’t sure of the answer, so I could only listen to Lina go on.

"They say that the plague was thought to have struck Morris hundreds of years ago. At that time, the town was sealed off. Rumor has it that the town was burned down by fire at that time. Both those who had the plague and those who were healthy were burned to death. That's all they found." Lina paused, "What they said...maybe made us suspicious that the doll thing was actually burned to death. They all died and became ghosts. What happened to my uncle was also false... It has been too long, and many people, many ghosts, have become... dull... so did my parents before they arrived in the town. , Mom and Dad have stopped moving, just sitting at home, doing nothing, as if they were dead..."

Lost your mind?

Lina shook her head, "I remember, I remember my sister, it was my sister who did all this... Those people thought that Morris was a town that was killed by the plague, and they were afraid that there would be another plague. They had a dispute, Some people say that we should tell the police, but many people are against it. They think this is their place... They come here all the time, they explore here, and they look for a lot of our stuff, and they don't find it. What. They wanted to dig a grave... It was a big brother who stopped them and quarreled with them. "Lina glanced at the thin man and said, "They were arguing. They took action. The eldest sister ran out and said she wanted to tell the police. When it got dark, she was the only one who came back..."

Lina clenched her hands, "She came in with her sister in her arms...I was my sister, exactly the same as before..."

"Where did she find the doll?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

Lina shook her head, "I don't know. She was crying and walking in with her sister in her arms. I saw my sister's eyes moving... She looked at us... She smiled at us... The eldest sister didn't see... …We all gathered around, everyone who could move was around. Connor screamed and ran away. Everyone was scared. The whole town was also scared... ...The whole town, everyone is scared... We are so scared..."

Lina started crying, "I don't know what happened... The sky darkened and the moon disappeared. The town, the town, was dark... The big sister was also frightened, sitting on the ground, unable to move... and then... Then the lights came on... Mom and Dad, and the others, the ones who couldn't move, found candles and oil lamps from nowhere. There was light everywhere... but it was still dark. We ran away, but we couldn't escape. Let's go... The houses, the houses in the small town, were all in bad condition, but they got better then. It seemed like we were back in the past... Those people, holding lights, lined up to go to the cemetery. The elder sister was also arrested. Get up. My sister walked at the front of the team... I heard my sister laughing all the time... They dug up the grave and took out the corpses. The corpses were all the same as before they were buried. The ghost got into the corpse and became like that again..."

Lina covered her face, tears oozing from her fingers.

"It's just a few hundred years and it's back to the past... everything is back to the way it was before..."

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