Aoba Office

Chapter 1820 Ghost Town (1)

"Well, it's over here." The thin man nodded.

"What did you think of?" I knew Slender Man better than anyone else present, so I asked directly.

"The toy spirit is that doll. The controlled toys, and the souls of those toys..." The thin man said slowly, "They must be the guests invited to the birthday party."

Nangong Yao looked at Wu Ling and said, "Ling's soul is gone."

I still look at the thin guy.

"Brother Qi, are we also being targeted?" The thin man tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes. You should receive an invitation." I nodded.

As we were talking, there was a shivering sound from the window, and a crow stopped there. After noticing that we were looking over, it opened its mouth, spit out a scroll, spread its wings and flew away.

The people in Qingye also came to their senses at this time and understood the thin man's intention of telling the whole story seriously.

The thin man was still sitting upright, not relaxing at all.

Gu Mo walked to the window, looked at the closed window of the hotel, and asked, "How do I get this?"

"We can only destroy it." Liu Miao looked for something handy in the hotel.

But for me, folding sash windows can be destroyed without tools.

"It's troublesome." Gu Mo complained.

I pressed my hand on the window, and as soon as my ability was activated, the window disappeared in an instant.

That scroll looks like what I have seen before. It was blown into the house by the wind and landed at my feet.

"Are you ready?" Nangong Yao asked.

"I'll go with you." Liu Miao stood beside me very proactively.

I looked at the thin man.

The thin man put away his seriousness and became very hesitant, "Well... I was just thinking about the story and the doll... that should be fine, right?"

The thin man made a praying gesture, closed his eyes, rested his forehead on his clasped hands, and looked like he was thinking hard about something.

Looking at the thin man's appearance, I knew that he had come out of the super concentrated state just now. In such a state, I'm afraid he won't be able to believe what he has come up with.

I called the thin man, and when I saw that he was ready, I unfolded the scroll.

On the scroll is the nursery rhyme the thin man said just now. It was different from the nursery rhyme sung by Teddy Bear, but according to Slender Man's description, it was a dark nursery rhyme similar to a birthday song.

I only had time to scan the lyrics in a hurry before the golden font began to change, flew up from the scroll paper, turned into little stars, and began to float in the air.

The strong wind blew in through the missing window and blew the scroll away from my hand.

The golden starlight became part of the tornado and enveloped my body.

I couldn't see the scene outside the tornado, there was only a dazzling golden color in front of me.

When the wind and the golden powder disappeared, I found that I was in a small town with a very historical atmosphere.

The town is an abandoned town with a hazy sky that complements the gray tones of the town.

This place can be regarded as the filming location of a horror movie. There is no joy or dreamy atmosphere at all.

I looked at my body, waved my hands, and with a thought, my body flew up.

Sure enough, my physical body was not captured in this space, only my soul came in.

There's something strange about this.

In the story of the thin man, it is not only the soul that enters the space, but also the body. The soul is forever bound in this space, and the body will become a corpse like a toy. This is the content of the story narrated by the thin man.

But now, all that comes in is my soul.

And the way in is too similar to the way the girl sends an invitation and introduces other people's consciousness into the consciousness space she created, almost exactly the same.

I still remember hearing the girl say in my dream that this technique was not her ability, but the ability of another esper from the Exorcist Association to help her complete this task.

That person probably died along with Karan and the girl in a revenge attack by the Toy Spirit and other things.

When I thought of this, I looked around cautiously.

It's possible that it's not just the toy spirit that's in this space, but also the people it killed. It's just an ordinary person, but if you meet someone with abilities, you'll be in trouble. It may be able to control some of the abilities of the esper. That's the worst case scenario.

I looked around and found that I was standing at the entrance of the town. The place where my feet were standing should have been a main road. But now, the road is riddled with holes, weeds have grown, and the flagstones are crumbling. It is not the common asphalt road in modern times. The buildings in front are also made of stone and wood. Around the town, behind me, there are sparse and dense forests. The semi-primitive environment makes people even more uneasy.

When the wind blows, the surrounding trees will sway, and the leaves will rub against each other and make a rustling sound.

In addition, there is the sound of wooden boards tapping.

Wherever I looked, I could see peeling wooden windows swaying in the wind and knocking against the walls.

There's no sound, I'm the only one here.

The thin man didn't enter here?

I had such doubts and looked around again. I saw no people or ghosts. I didn't even see the Yin Qi.

It seems like... I'm really the only one...

I let my soul float up. After floating high in the sky, I had a wide field of vision, almost taking in the entire town.

I saw no people in the narrow streets of the town. Some places are blocked by two or three-story houses, making it difficult to see clearly. I waited for a while, but there was no movement from those blind spots.

There was also no movement in the forest surrounding the town. The entire forest is endless and is a sea of ​​trees. You can see the mountains further away, but that's about it.

The road I stand on stretches like a forest. The trees on both sides of the road changed from sparse to dense. Eventually the entire road was swallowed up by the forest.

This is an island.

Maybe like some games, the map is limited, and the edges of the map are obstacles that cannot be entered or circulation spaces that cannot be walked out.

My main mission target, which is the carrier doll of the toy spirit, can only be in a small town.

I turned around and focused my attention on the town again.

"Hey! Is there anyone?"

At this time, I heard shouting. That voice still sounded familiar to me.

"Hey--" the other party drawled and roared loudly, with a strong voice, but people could also tell that the voice was very young and belonged to a young man.

A face appeared in my mind, so I carefully lowered my floating height and floated in the direction of the sound.

I finally entered the town and naturally became more vigilant.

This town seems really deserted. I didn't walk in a straight line and walked along the road in the town. All I saw was a ruin-like scenery. Through some of the windows, I could also see items left inside the house.

Unlike a ghost town where a sudden disaster breaks out and all residents die, there are obvious signs of evacuation and destruction. The house was not fully furnished, and I also saw very modern graffiti on one wall. Even the modern graffiti looked mottled and faded over time.

This corresponds to the story of the thin man again. This small town was not massacred by toy spirits in an instant, but bit by bit by toy spirits. Later, it also attracted people who like adventure and supernatural events.

"Hey! Is there anyone there?" The voice shouted again, already very close.

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