Aoba Office

Chapter 1816 Is it fun?

Zhang Xiaojun cried, raising his hand high and pointing to the northeast sky.

This kind of guidance is confusing.

"How far away is it?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

I was still staring at Zhang Xiaojun, somewhat unconscious.

Zhang Xiaojun was eaten by a bear. His father was also eaten by a bear. However, after death, there is still a soul. It takes some time for the soul after death to emerge from the body, and even more time to regain consciousness.

Without the underworld, it would be impossible for these souls to be reincarnated and would only become ghosts.

Chen Xiaoqiu was a ghost agent in the underworld in his previous life, and he had already shown some abilities as a ghost agent in the past. Bringing Zhang Xiaojun's soul out this time cannot be said to be unexpected.

However, Chen Xiaoqiu seemed to have been preparing to do this for a long time.

"Very far, far away. Can't see." Zhang Xiaojun was still crying, and his raised hand dropped down.

I don't know how to comfort this child. I wanted to save him in the dream, but in the dream, I didn't see the teddy bear attacking him. And just now...

I gritted my teeth, blaming myself a little.

This is not the first time I have experienced this feeling of powerlessness.

"Can you tell us what happened to you and your father? You don't live here, do you?" Chen Xiaoqiu looked at the residents passing by in the community, and took Zhang Xiaojun to the small garden next to it.

I took my phone and followed him. On the way, I told Gu Mo and Nangong Yao the direction Zhang Xiaojun pointed.

Gu Mo mentioned another discovery he made to me, "The songs sung by the bears are a bit familiar to me. They are probably not songs they made up themselves. Listen to the tune, it's a nursery rhyme or a folk song from somewhere. Let's check it out here. ”

I agreed without any energy.

Chen Xiaoqiu had already pulled Zhang Xiaojun to sit down on the wooden bench in the community garden.

Zhang Xiaojun had cried enough, burped twice, and slowly calmed down.

"...I saw the cubs. They came home. My father didn't believe it and put the cubs in the cabinet. I saw my mother coming back when I was sleeping. It was a dream." Zhang Xiaojun said with difficulty, which made people feel that he was in this series. The shock of the change, until now, I still can't clear my mind, "I dreamed that my mother came back, and she hugged us. She was very happy and even cried. I told my mother that the little bear was back. My mother was very scared. I heard my father yelling. My father fell down. On the ground, there was... blood everywhere... Several cubs ate dad... Mom kicked them away and tried to take me away, but I was also eaten..."

Two memories.

I frowned as I thought about this.

When I possessed Zhang Xiaojun in the dream, I didn't feel that the boy had any special abilities.

Zhang Xiaojun added: "There are many threads on those bears. The threads come from that place." He wanted to point out the direction again, but this time he looked up and searched for a while, "No more..."

The thing that controlled those teddy bears disappeared?

I guessed.

"Did you dream about these?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

Zhang Xiaojun nodded, "I woke up and told dad. He didn't believe me. I went to get the little bear that came back last night, and he scolded me. He told me to sleep obediently. I was afraid... we... we saw the cabinet open, The bear came out and I saw the line..."

When he said this, he was trembling.

"Dad took me to run. We drove all the way, and there were bears in the car. Those bears grabbed the steering wheel. We kept running, kept running... and we got there..." Zhang Xiaojun looked at the residential building.

They were driven to Lu Qiaolan's hometown by those teddy bears.

Lu Qiaolan was attracted by the bear.

Chen Xiaoqiu and I were also led over.

The toy spirit wants us to see this.

It was like in the girl's conscious space, the toy spirit showed me how it killed people.

This approach... is a bad idea? provocative? Do you do this on purpose, to torture us?

"We were locked in the house. Those bears killed people. They also moved beds and sofas... They were busy all the time. When mother came..." Zhang Xiaojun cried, "I hurt... Big sister, I hurt so much." ..." He covered his throat, "Dad, mom, are they all dead? Aren't those bears my mother's babies? Why..."

"You saw the thread, what else did you see?" Chen Xiaoqiu raised his hand and wiped away the tears on the boy's face.

The boy shook his head and nodded again.

"What else did you see?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked again patiently.

"Threads, and..." Zhang Xiaojun sobbed, wiping his tears, and tried hard to say, "And, and puppets..."

I immediately thought of the crude puppet.

"What kind of puppet is it?" Chen Xiaoqiu then asked.

"Uh, ugh..." Zhang Xiaojun rubbed his eyes, "That's right, it's just such a puppet!"

He suddenly put down his hand, as if peeling off a layer of human skin, revealing the weird face of the puppet, and suddenly rushed towards Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Xiaoqiu was startled and leaned back, seemingly unable to escape.

I was standing next to him, and my hands reacted faster than the consciousness in my brain. I had already taken action and stopped in front of Chen Xiaoqiu, blocking the puppet's head.

The puppet's head hit my hand and shattered, revealing the soft ball wrapped inside.

I grabbed the bear's head that popped out of nowhere.

The crackling sound continued and the wood continued to splinter.

Small plastic airplanes and cars fell out of the puppet's body, turned on the propellers and headlights, and made various engine and horn sounds before scattering.

The bear in my hand laughed "hehe".

"Is it fun? Is it fun? Is it fun?" It made a voice with a cheerful tone.

With a snap, the bear turned into a streamer and exploded in my hand. The colorful ribbons and the glitter mixed in them fell one after another, and disappeared when they touched the chairs and the ground.

Chen Xiaoqiu's face was ashen, and I was equally depressed.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xiaojun's soul and those toys disappeared.

"Is it Zhang Xiaojun's soul?" I confirmed with Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded, "What I saw was Zhang Xiaojun's soul. Lu Qiaolan's soul was still in the corpse, and her husband's soul was a little blurry and affected by death. Only Zhang Xiaojun's soul came out intact. So I gave it a try... …”

We were obviously set up.

It has become impossible to determine whether what Zhang Xiaojun told us is true or false.

Maybe that thing was hidden in Zhang Xiaojun's soul from the beginning, or maybe it invaded Zhang Xiaojun's soul later...

I exhaled and told Gu Mo and others about this change.

At this moment, Gu Mo had already remembered the name of the song.

"It is a foreign nursery rhyme that has been circulating for many years and has even been adapted. The name is translated as "Come and Play Games". The lyrics of the earliest version are gone, and the lyrics of the later versions are similar, all in the tone of a toy, blessing My master, I promise to accompany my master. However, this kind of nursery rhymes should be quite dark at first, the music should be very cheerful, and the lyrics should be very dark." Gu Mo said in a serious tone, "And in that direction, I passed by along the way. There are too many places. There is only one direction, and it is difficult to find what is happening in that direction.”

"Well..." I could only continue to take deep breaths to calm myself down.

Chen Xiaoqiu patted me and motioned me to look towards a road in the community.

I saw the crowd and the sound of police cars coming from far away. The place where the crowd gathered was the residential building we ran out of just now.

I have a cold..._(:3 ∠)_

No more updates today.

Everyone go to bed early, good night~

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