Aoba Office

Chapter 1801 Bony (4)

My heart skipped a beat and I turned to look at the girl.

The girl looked at the door of the room with wide eyes, but did not move.

When Karan turned back to close the door, he said to the girl: "I will help you pack your things when I come back."

"I can do it myself." The girl was a little disappointed and watched Karan close the door and the footsteps disappeared.

If she doesn't follow, I can't follow her!

Teddy bear!

Lu Qiaolan’s teddy bears!

In this case, the current time point in the dream is when Lu Qiaolan's teddy bears were sent to the original factory abroad for repairs.

I am thinking about the teddy bear, and the girl is also thinking about the teddy bear. However, her conscious thoughts bore no resemblance to mine.

She was thinking of the adjective "alive."

The girl looked down at the puppet.

"Bony, can you live too?" the girl said to herself to the puppet.

The bedroom scene is falling apart. In its place is a corridor. There are room doors on both sides of the corridor. There are house numbers on the room doors, starting with 0 and followed by the numbers in sequence.

The girl walked carefully in the corridor, counting the house numbers. She still held the puppet in her arms.

This scene is not scary, but the girl is very nervous, as if she is walking in a corridor where a monster will appear at any time, and she is ready to escape at any time.

"089!" The girl stared at a door and suddenly shouted happily.

She found out that the place where the teddy bear was kept was room 089.

Every room here has something sealed, including objects, corpses, and possibly animals. For some things that cannot be eliminated temporarily, the Exorcist Association has chosen this method to deal with them.

There is some basic information about the Exorcist Society in the girl's consciousness. There is a powerful member in the association who has the super power of sealing and can seal anything, dead or living, tangible or intangible.

I guess this ability may be slightly similar to my ability. It's just that my ability is to reverse the time of those objects, and that person's ability is to imprison the time of those objects.

I can't get the answer from the girl's consciousness.

She only thought about it for a moment, and her attention immediately shifted to the door.

She probably doesn't know the truth about that ability either.

The girl pressed her hand on the door handle.

As expected, the door was locked.

The girl's expression turned annoyed.

No, you can't go in.

The girl dropped her hands in disappointment.

I was more disappointed than she was. However, considering the girl's age, her lack of careful approach is still understandable.

She was dejected and said to the puppet in her arms: "Bony, it seems I can't bring you back to life...I'm sorry..."

She was a little sad. She wanted to bring the puppets to life.

Although she no longer lacks partners, she is no longer regarded as a pure tool like in the past. But the girl still wants to make the puppet come alive and make the puppet her friend.

This was her father's relic, the only thing left to her.

The girl's consciousness was slightly confused and she did not have a clear understanding of her own emotions. However, her final thoughts are easy to understand. She was thinking about how to get the key and see the live teddy bear inside.

Mr. Teddy Bear should help her and make her Bony come alive.

Girls have a natural affinity for teddy bears. What came to her mind was the stuffed toy she saw in the store. Just looking at it makes you melt.

Karan bought toys for her. But she stubbornly refused, not wanting to betray the puppet in her hands.

Still, as a child, she loved toys that she rejected.

The girl was already planning to leave.

This is my chance.

I can walk through the door and see the teddy bear without a key. I might be able to break that seal.

However, I have doubts about the seal.

The seemingly endless corridors and countless room doors give people a strange feeling.

The seal of the superpower may not be the magic circle in the game, or the talisman or chain in the movie and TV series, but the strange space itself.

I did not see the girl enter this corridor. The dream jumped here, and the door number next to the girl at that time had reached 011.

The girl stayed there depressed for a while and was ready to leave.

I decided to give it a try.

Just as my body was about to pass through the door panel, I suddenly saw the door handle turning on its own.

The door handle turned and made a creaking sound.

The door was not opened.

The girl stopped turning and looked back at the door.

Crunch...crunch...crack! Click!

Someone was inside trying to open the door.

The girl was a little frightened and hugged the puppet tightly.

Kaka! Bang bang!

The opening of the door became rough.

"Yeah -" the girl screamed.

The movement stopped immediately, and the person inside the door seemed to have given up on this attempt.

The girl exhaled and looked down at the puppet. When she raised her face again, her expression became determined.

She walked towards the door panel, listened for a while, and then asked to the door panel: "Mr. Xiong, is that you?"

The girl's way of asking questions would definitely look cute in another place.

But in this weird corridor, the girl's question was more like unlocking some kind of demonic seal.

The thing inside the door knocked on the door, very low down, at most at the height of the girl's knees.

The girl immediately squatted down and said, "Mr. Xiong?"

Knock knock!

The girl heard the response and became happy.

"Is it Mr. Bear?"

Knock knock!

"You are really alive!"

Knock knock!

"I have a toy, my puppet Bony! I want it to come alive, talk to me, sleep with me, play with me! We can also create a conscious space together! There is me there, there is it, And...Dad..." The girl's mood dropped.

Knock knock!

The girl regained her composure and then became distressed, "Mr. Xiong, can't you speak?"

Knock knock!

"Oh... you can't speak..." The girl was disappointed again.

Knock knock!

"It doesn't matter if you can't speak!" The girl touched the puppet's head, "I still hope you can survive."

Knock knock!

"What should I do, Mr. Bear?" the girl asked.

The knocking sound was gone.

Above the girl, the doorknob was turned again. This time, turn it gently.

The girl stood up, held the door handle, and after twisting it a few times, she found that the door still could not be opened.

"The door is locked. I don't have the key. I have to find someone to get the key. But..." The girl became embarrassed. She knew that the people in the association would not give her the key or let her release these sealed things.

"I'm sorry..." the girl apologized, "I can't let you out."

Knock knock.

The knocking started again.

The girl squatted down again, faced the door panel, and asked seriously: "Is there any other way?"

When she asked this question, the puppet in her arms suddenly turned its head, as if looking up at her.

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