Aoba Office

Chapter 1800 Bony (3)

I felt the girl's consciousness. She woke up and didn't dare to move for the time being, looking at the room carefully.

And these people in the living room surrounded the audio equipment, knocked on it, unplugged the power cord, plugged it back in, and tried various switches.

"It's broken." Someone announced the bad news.

These people felt disappointed and after complaining a few words, they had no intention of leaving.

They pulled up the table and put out beer bottles, as if they were going to play some game.

No one else noticed the change in the floor.

The person who was dropped was not found either.

The unknown thing kept the appearance of the person just now, standing there, turning its head, watching the actions of everyone in the room.

He seemed to be observing, analyzing and learning the behavior of these people. He didn't blink, nor did his body move. This kind of performance makes me feel uncomfortable.

He was acting with purpose, but these people were so confused that they didn't notice the situation at all.

What disturbs me most is the identity of this thing. It can sneak in quietly like this and trap a living person, and then use the same method to trap other people.

If it has the ability to learn and read a person's memory, this kind of packet switching will be even harder to detect.

I watched for a while and the thing made no next move. It can be a slow learning process.

The girl had completely woken up, got up from the bed, and was walking out.

I turned my head and saw the girl's figure.

She wore the little rabbit's plush slippers and let her naturally curly hair fall, and walked to the living room.

She wanted to call her aunt Emily, but she noticed that thing first.

That thing no longer observes other people. He looked at the girl, stretched his facial muscles, and showed a stiff and weird smile.

The girl was a little frightened and a little confused.

The thing's face suddenly became distorted, its facial features squirmed, its face became flat, and new facial features appeared.

The girl's eyes widened as she watched that face turn into another face that was familiar yet unfamiliar to her.

She recalled what her father looked like.

The blurry face in the memory became clear.

But this should make her feel nostalgic and kind to her face, because that incident turned into a nightmare for her.

"Yeah-" the girl screamed.

The young people who were having fun all turned their heads and looked over.

Their bodies were frozen.

I saw the darkness on the ground creeping up to their calves.

Emily was a little impatient, "Why don't you go to bed?" She staggered, as if she was about to walk over, but she got caught by something.

Emily lowered her head, a confused look on her face.

One by one, those people discovered something was wrong on the ground and something on their legs. However, their response was very slow. Maybe it was because of the alcohol that they couldn't respond right away.

That thing has changed its face and returned to the appearance of the young man just now. He acted as usual and walked towards the girl.

The girl turned around and ran.

The floor of the corridor has also been covered in black shadow.

The thing melted into the darkness of the ground.

On the floor in front of the girl, a figure rose and blocked the girl.

The girl stopped and backed away. She didn't cry, but her eyes widened and she let out a pitiful whimper.

She turned around and wanted to run to the living room to find her Aunt Emily.

In the living room, the man next to Emily was suddenly completely swallowed by darkness. A face emerged from the darkness covering him.

The girl stopped again.

The darkness accelerated and swallowed up the young people.

Emily screamed in fear, but there was nothing she could do to stop the darkness from swallowing her body.

In the black mass, Emily's face reappeared.

The face was expressionless, just looking at the girl.

The same goes for everything else. They all looked at the girl.

The girl shivered.

She hid in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall.

Those things moved forward and surrounded the girl.

She finally cried. Tears blurred the vision and blurred those faces.

The heat wave is coming.

I looked towards the door of the room.

The flames burst open the door, took the form of a wolf, and pounced on the objects in the room.

Like chocolate roasted by fire, those things lost their human shape, melted one by one, fell to the ground, and turned into strange sculptures.

The flames continued to rage, scorching the ground. The same black color now gives people a different feeling.

The girl stared blankly at this scene.

The heat made her hair curlier, but she relaxed a little.

Da da……

With the sound of high heels hitting the ground, a figure walked in from the door.

This is someone I just met not long ago, Karan from the Exorcist Association.

She entered the room, looked around, and landed on the girl, "Are you the only one still alive?"

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes again.

Karan stepped forward and touched the girl's head, "It's okay. You have been saved. You are safe."

The girl cried loudly in Karan's arms.

The dream scene has changed and is becoming distorted.

I looked at Karan's calm expression and felt something strange in my heart.

The scene disappeared.

The girl's bedroom has changed and turned into a new room. She was brought back to the Exorcist Association by Karan and assigned to a room. Karan also lives here.

The girl played with the puppet in her hands. The puppet's legs have been reattached.

Karan was packing the girl's things, "You completed the task very well this time. Your abilities have become stronger."

The girl smiled brightly at Karan.

"It's just that you have some bad habits." Karan said as he took out the clothes from the suitcase and hung them in the closet.

The girl's smile froze.

"Do you like witches?" Karan asked.

"Of course not! I hate witches! Those are bad people!" the girl said angrily.

The scene in her dream appeared in her consciousness. Those humanoid monsters emerging from the darkness are the work of witches.

Girls hate witches.

I have some doubts.

There is no curse on those things, and it doesn't look like witchcraft or spells.

"Then why did you design such an illusion?" Karan turned around and looked at the girl and asked.

The girl pouted, "Isn't that scary? He was scared, and he answered everything I asked."

Karan was noncommittal.

The girl touched the puppet, "I don't know what kind of illusion I should create. In the past..." the girl thought of Emily, "before, I just created the people in the photos, or the people in the videos, and the rooms."

That's how Emily uses her powers.

"What kind of illusion do you want me to create?" The girl looked at Karan expectantly.

"It's not what kind of illusion I want you to create. That's your ability. Only if you use it sincerely can you become stronger. If you act according to other people's instructions, your ability is limited to this. You can understand it yourself. "Is it okay?" Karan walked up to the girl and held her face, "When you were young, you could only let your parents hear the voice in your consciousness. After your father died, you could be seen. To hallucination. Now you can construct an illusion and incorporate other people’s consciousness into it.”

"But I can't do this alone. This is because of Jefferson's help." The girl said.

"You'll do it one day."



Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

Karan touched the girl's head and opened the door.

"Karan, Flying Eagle has caught something, come and take a look!" the man outside the door shouted excitedly.

"What is it? A ghost, or some witch's puppet?" Karan asked as he walked out.

"No! Some teddy bears!" the man shouted back, "live teddy bears!"

Additional update 23 for Jinyi Bingye~

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