Aoba Office

Chapter 1798 Bony (1)

I picked up the phone and found that there were two missed calls on the phone, both from Wu Ling.

I was about to call back when Wu Ling called again.

When Wu Ling heard my voice, the first thing he said was "You're out."

I said "hmm", "Well, in that space... is that an illusion?"

"Yes. It should be a person with the ability to control people's spirit and consciousness. She used that scroll to pull our consciousness into a virtual space she established. Unlike other spaces, that space is an illusion. Those who get there Just our consciousness.”


"That ability user is very young, has average strength, and lacks training. Don't worry, she can't see our deep consciousness, nor can she read our thoughts." Wu Ling first gave me reassurance.

I relaxed a little and immediately thought about the teddy bear.

Wu Ling came out of that illusion before me and started to deal with the teddy bear matter first. However, there is basically no progress on Qingye's side.

Foreign exorcist associations are not within the scope of their monitoring, and the limited intelligence information comes from past contacts between domestic supernatural circles and them. Just like some of the things that the old man knew, they were all based on experience, and it was impossible to grasp all aspects of their information. Knowing that they had attacked the teddy bear was the limit. Wu Ling and the others had not found out who sealed the teddy bear and how they sealed it before, and they cannot find out now.

"We do know the current location of Karan and the girl. They are living in several hotels with other exorcists. But it is not convenient for us to go there." Wu Ling said, "Where is Lu Qiaolan, her address and phone number , We all have it. However, we just found out that she bought a ticket and flew to the capital for a business trip two days ago, and her phone is turned off."

I told Wu Ling what I saw.

Wu Ling was very surprised, "You saw something like this after you were trapped there? Can you see what each of them looks like?"

"Yes." I was quite confused myself.

"That's it... maybe it's because of your ability. In an environment where only consciousness exists, you are more sensitive than others." Wu Ling praised me, "As for what you see later... I am in the toy After Xiong completely broke the barrier, he returned to reality. Among the people you described, I know the old man and the housewife, and I have heard something about him...I don't know about the others. I will investigate this aspect. There may be people trapped in that illusion who have not been able to come out."

"I was pushed out by a bear." I emphasized.

"Do you think they still know you and still have feelings for you?"


That's what I think.

But when Wu Ling asked, I was not sure again.

"We'll wait until we find out the identity of the person dressed as a female student. Why she was targeted and killed by a bear remains to be investigated," Wu Ling said.

With that, the call ended.

I looked at the time and it was still early before dawn.

In just a moment, one person was already dead.

I felt heavy in my heart.

I don’t know whether it was because I was deeply involved in these supernatural events that I realized that death is so easy, or whether the changes in the entire world have made death particularly easy.

I rubbed my forehead.

I've seen so much death these days.

People die every moment...

Under normal circumstances, people die every moment in this world. But there are never that many death events that a person can experience in his lifetime.

I find that I am still stressed about this, and I have not yet gotten used to the frequent deaths and feel numb to them.

I'm just not sad or scared anymore. But I don’t feel good when I see this kind of thing.

When I closed my eyes, I seemed to be able to see the blood red.

The color of blood...the smell of blood...

Why blood?

Those teddy bears don't have blood.

The last time they mutated, they also grew human organs.

Do they want to become human? Want to become flesh and blood...

"Bony, I wish you were alive."

A child's voice sounded in my ears.

I opened my eyes suddenly and was startled at first.

In front of him is a small puppet, which is roughly made and looks like it is made up of several sticks. The round head has crooked facial features painted on it, the eyes are one big and one small, and the mouth is grinning widely. There is also a mass of yellow on the head, which looks like hair drawn with crayon.


My body floated and I saw a little girl of three or four years old. She was clumsily dressing the little puppet. The clothes are just two pieces of fabric, equally rough in workmanship.

The girl's hands broke off the puppet's legs with a strong force.

With her mouth deflated, the girl started to cry.

Cries echoed through the room.

There is only one girl in this small room. A small bed, a small table, and scattered crayons and drawing paper.

I seemed to have returned to the game space of "Souling" and to the underground confinement room.

But there are still many differences between the two.

The girl's wails turned into small sobs. She wiped her tears with her chubby little hands, hugged the puppet and walked out.

As soon as you leave the room, you can hear deafening music.

There were several young people having a party in the living room, drinking wine, smoking cigarettes, and some seemed to be taking drugs.

The girl stood at the door of the living room without entering.

Someone laughed and shouted for others to look over.

Among the young people, a woman with purple hair came over and said, "Baby, what's wrong? Isn't it time for you to go to bed?"

Only then did I notice that I was probably abroad.

The girl's appearance reminded me of the person with abilities I only saw once.

"Bony is broken." The girl raised the puppet in her hand.

"I'll buy you a new one tomorrow." The purple-haired woman said casually, "Okay, go to bed. If you don't sleep, you will have a headache."

The girl lowered her head and looked into the puppet's ugly face.

The purple-haired woman had turned back and continued to follow the music and twist her body.

Someone shouted: "Emily! Let her take us to have fun!"

"No! She has already entertained Kang Si's people today!" the purple-haired woman said loudly.

The man ignored her and walked directly towards the girl, "Hey! Little guy, take me to see beauties! Beauties like Julie! Do you know Julie? She is this big star!" The man said, taking out his mobile phone. , to show the girl the photo.

The purple-haired woman rushed over and kicked him away, "Don't do this! My baby needs to rest! She will entertain a big boss tomorrow!"

"Huh? What does it matter if it just makes me feel good?"

The two immediately started arguing.

The girl looked down at the puppet, then turned around and silently returned to the room.

She hugged the puppet tightly, feeling a little sad.

She doesn't need a new toy, she just wants Bony fixed. This is a puppet her father took her to make. She can no longer remember what her father looks like, nor can she remember who her mother is.

Aunt Emily said her mother couldn't stand her powers and abandoned her as a monster. Her father was killed by a burglar. The prisoner has not yet been found.

She still remembered the criminal's appearance.

That terrifying black shadow...

That's not a human being...

It's a monster...

Both the police and Aunt Emily said she was terrified.

She knew she didn't.

That really is a monster...

The girl hugged the puppet tightly.

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