Aoba Office

Chapter 1796 Blood Sea Monster

I stared at the bear head in a daze.

The bear's eyes are glass beads, its fur looks very soft, and its head would be quite cute if it weren't for its huge size.

I also recognized that this was an enlarged version of the teddy bear. It was Lu Qiaolan’s teddy bear. I also possessed it and hugged it—or maybe its companion.

However, when the originally cute teddy bear was enlarged to the point where one eye was as big as my head, it was no longer cute.

The girl's screams and the bloody water I soaked in made it impossible for me to associate this bear with cuteness.

Exorcist...teddy bear...

Is this the revenge of the teddy bear? still……

Before I had time to think about this problem, the huge teddy bear had straightened up, raised its cylindrical hand, and slapped it hard.

It has no claws, just a cylindrical arm. The arms should be soft. But when it fell, it completely collapsed the roof of the hole.

The bricks fell and smashed into the blood, causing the blood to surge up.

When the walls of the entire space were destroyed, blood flowed directly out with us.

I heard the young man yelling.

"What are you doing! Why hasn't this hallucination disappeared? Quickly untie it -" The young man's voice followed his body and rushed away to a place where I couldn't see it.

This space seems to have no boundaries, and the blood does not seem to rise or fall.

I turned my head hard, trying to find the huge teddy bear. Judging from its size alone, I should obviously find it right away. As long as the direction is correct, it is difficult not to see it. But after turning his neck left and right, he couldn't find the huge figure.

I turned to look for Wu Ling.

Swallowing a few mouthfuls of blood made me feel sick.

It feels more real now than the side effects.

A wave hit me, and my sight was covered with blood, making me lose my direction.

The girl's screams were gone.

The blood gradually calmed down.

I found that I was the only one around here and no one else was anywhere.

The teddy bear is missing. Surrounded by an endless sea of ​​blood. Above his head was darkness, either the night sky or pure darkness.


These are all fake.

But how do I get out of here?

I touched my body.

The body is still there, I am not out of body.

This is troublesome...

Different space?

Or is this illusion so real that it makes me feel like my body is still there?

I'm not sure and don't know what to do.

Using the ability directly on the sea of ​​blood might affect that girl's ability.

As long as it's not a repeat of the ghost whisper incident, I should be able to cut off the girl's ability to use it.

But the girl's behavior just now looked similar to the collapsed Ghost Whisper. Her abilities might also be out of control. When I use my abilities on her, her abilities will be restored.

I have a headache.

There's not much fear.

The appearance of teddy bears makes me unable to fear. In my impression, the teddy bear is still a cute guardian spirit, innocent and simple, and just wants to protect Lu Qiaolan. Lu Qiaolan gave up on them, and they disappeared silently.

As soon as I thought of this, the figure of Wang Yan appeared in my memory, wearing a wedding dress and jumping off a building with a hand-made doll.

At that time, I also considered that what Wang Yan encountered was a spirit born from a toy. Teddy bears are also toys. Maybe after the teddy bears were disposed of by exorcists, the spirit of the toys had a new carrier. The carrier's toy spirit is not as kind and cute as a teddy bear.

I was in a daze.

Teddy bears...are they still those teddy bears from before?

Just as he was thinking this, his consciousness drifted up.

I was shocked, but I couldn't control my soul.

I flew up, and in an instant, my body floating in the sea of ​​blood disappeared.

A head appeared in the unchanging sea of ​​blood.

As soon as the man struggled out of the water, he vomited, and all he vomited was blood.

It wasn't her own blood, it was the blood that had choked her throat before.

The braid has become loose, and the thick eyes are gone. The woman squinted her eyes and looked around while paddling in circles.

It's that woman dressed as a schoolgirl!

I am...


It hasn't been long since we separated, right? Is she dead?

I was surprised and felt her suddenly tense nerves.

The blood rippled with different ripples. She was keenly aware that something was nearby.

Is it someone else?

The woman thought so.

In this world divided between red and black, a third color appears. A little brown…two dots…something floating on the water…

The woman's pair of glasses is not a decoration. She is really short-sighted and can only see two different colors.

I floated above her and saw what it was. When I saw it clearly, I was very surprised.

Those are two bear ears.

I carefully floated over and looked down from above, but I could only see the dark sea of ​​blood and two bear ears exposed. The blood was rippling slightly, but it was not stagnant water. In such gaps, I saw shadows beneath the surface of the water.

This is really funny.

It's like a disaster movie scene, but what lurks under the water is not an ancient giant shark, a sea monster, a mutated shark, or a mutated octopus, but... a teddy bear?

I have seen the bloody scenes of these teddy bears killing people, and the deformed appearance of them growing human body parts, but I still think this scene is ridiculous.

As the teddy bear came closer, the woman also saw the two bear ears clearly.

She frowned and waved tentatively.

I felt the power surge in the woman's body.

Something flew out of her palm, like a ball of colorless and invisible gas, which rushed away from the blood and flew towards the teddy bear.

The air bomb hit the teddy bear and stopped the teddy bear from moving forward.

The blood that was washed away did not reunite so quickly. The air bomb opened up a channel and preserved its flight path.

The blood dispersed, revealing the wet body of the teddy bear.

It is indeed a teddy bear. It is furry, cute in appearance, and very ordinary in size. You should be able to grab its head with one hand.

It looked harmless, but after being hit by the air bomb, it just stayed there, motionless. The sutures at the corners of the mouth rise, giving a standard smile.

The woman hasn’t let her guard down yet.

The air bomb enveloped the teddy bear, and the trajectory remained. This is all maintained by women's abilities.

She grabbed the thing and didn't dare to throw it away, nor did she rush to smash it with air bombs.

The woman turned her head, looked around, and shouted, "Is there anyone?"

No one responded.

The woman frowned, thinking that the girl had lost control and could not stop her abilities. I don’t know where this teddy bear came from. Is it that little girl’s toy?

At that moment, she also saw the appearance of the girl under the cloak and saw the huge teddy bear.

She didn't see me before, though, and she doesn't see me now.

I considered whether to save this woman. One more person, one more helper. But I don't know her at all. Her consciousness was now focused on the matter in front of her, and she did not provide me with information.

And, I don’t know how she died.

She has caught all the teddy bears with her powers, what other dangers has she encountered?

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt a pain in my ankle.

When I looked down, there was nothing on my feet.

The woman struggled, kicked her legs as hard as she could, reached her hands under the water, and released air bombs toward her ankles.

She was bitten!


I shuddered and sank into the sea of ​​blood.

Plus update 22~

Good night everyone~

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