Aoba Office

Chapter 1791 Kill

The female ghost's imagination was very real, and she could already imagine Nan Tian's move to further strangle her throat.

At this time, Nan Tian also took action like lightning and directly strangled the female ghost's neck.

I couldn't tell whether Nan Tian was faster or whether the idea of ​​a female ghost came to me first.


Along with this sound that sounded like real bones breaking, the female ghost's neck was broken.

Ghosts should not be afraid of this kind of harm. But after the female ghost realized that her neck had been broken, the consciousness in her head jumped, and the only thought left was death.

My soul suddenly lifted up and rushed into the air.

I looked down at Nantian and the female ghost below.

The female ghost was disappearing, and Nan Tian's figure disappeared with it.

Suddenly, I saw the glimmer of light again.

This time it was a real glimmer of morning light.

I'm back in my body.

I still can't get over it.

Nan Tian's sudden appearance was beyond my expectation. I wouldn't have thought of such a development even if I had no imagination.

I quickly found my cell phone and called Wu Ling.

In the dream, I was very sure that Nan Tian was in a soul state, not a ghost state. I suspected that Nan Tian's soul was out of body, but I was not sure at all whether it was really an out of body experience.

If Nan Tian died...

My heart beat faster. When I heard Wu Ling's "Hello", I couldn't wait to say, "Check Nan Tian! Is Nan Tian alive now?"

Wu Ling was frightened by my unclear question. After saying "uh", he asked me to wait.

She should have gone to find Nangong Yao.

I heard voices coming from the other end of the phone, but I couldn't hear them clearly.

After a while, Wu Ling picked up the phone again and said, "Nangong is already checking. What happened to you?"

I calmed down a bit and now I can calmly talk about what I saw in my dream.

That was only ten minutes. Things developed too suddenly and too fast. I just became a bystander and was immediately forced to end the dream.

The female ghost was probably killed by Nan Tian.

I'm a little annoyed.

I haven't had time to change the time of the dream. Now like this...

I hid the call interface and took a look online to make sure that all the trouble caused by the female ghost was still there, and I became even more upset.

However, under the circumstances at that time, I seemed to have no way to achieve my goal.

"Nan Tian is still alive. He doesn't know what you are talking about. Are you sure that what you saw is Nan Tian?" Wu Ling asked.

"At least they look the same, with similar height and body shape. Are there also shape-shifters? Or..." I thought for a moment, "Or is it a spirit? A certain spirit with the same appearance as Nan Tian?"

This is a conjecture I've had before. It sounds logical for celebrities to become spirits. It is much more reasonable than something like shared bicycles giving birth to spirits. However, I originally thought that a certain dead star would become a spirit, but I never thought that a living star would become a spirit.

I had a sudden feeling, "Could Nan Tian have turned into a spirit? That is, he still has a spirit in his body, so he has some special abilities. And that spirit can still move freely. Is he very popular? He should have a lot of blackness..."

"There are too many celebrities who have experienced this." Wu Ling interrupted my speculation.


"Becoming a spirit also requires an opportunity. In Nan Tian's personal experience, there should be no such opportunity. Compared to him, there are some stars who are more likely to give birth to spirits. But so far, there has never been such a spirit. Fans' feelings about idols Admiration and nostalgia are both positive thoughts and empty thoughts without foundation. Similarly, other people's negative thoughts about idol stars are also one-sided. No one has actually come into contact with these stars. . It is also very difficult for this kind of emotion to give birth to a spirit.”

I listened in silence and realized that my previous thoughts were too simple.

"If you want to become a spirit, there is someone who is very suitable for you now." Wu Ling changed the subject.

"Eh? You mean..." I immediately reacted, "Gu Yan?"


"But it's not feasible with Gu Yan's dying state, right?"

"In this regard, we actually just received Gu Yan's autopsy report. We just received it just now." Wu Ling's tone was still so calm, and he was not surprised by the new discovery.

I was already holding my breath, waiting for Wu Ling to surprise me.

"Gu Yan took psychotropic drugs before she died. She overdosed and the drugs she took had some side effects. We don't understand the pathological analysis very well, but from what we can see, her mental state at that time was affected by the drugs. The police also questioned Gu Yan’s agent. Before boarding the plane and the night before, it was said online that she was addicted to drugs. "

"In this case, after she turns into a ghost," I said, my sense of surprise was not that strong, but I was a little confused, "she will not be affected by the drugs and will become calm?"

"Of course not. She will remain in a delirious state. There's no telling when she will wake up." Wu Ling replied, "However, the current opinion of her on the Internet is one-sided. What the female ghost did is indeed Gu Yan has been discredited, but Gu Yan has committed suicide. Most people will sympathize with her. What they hate is the person who forced her to follow the unspoken rules and the entire entertainment industry environment that caused her to commit suicide. In this case, Gu Yan has no sanity. Yan will probably become a spirit."

"What will she do?" I asked.

"I don't know. We can't confirm whether she has turned into a spirit. Let's just wait and see." Wu Ling was calm.

It's not certain whether Nangong Yao can be so calm.

"That thing about Nantian..." I asked.

"Well, that's a bit troublesome. Nangong and his brother are talking on the phone, and it seems... there's not much progress." Wu Ling couldn't calm down at this moment, and sighed helplessly.

If it were a stranger, Aoba would probably have a hundred ways to deal with him, but when that person became the younger brother of one of their members, things would be difficult to handle.

Wu Ling ended the phone call with me.

I was in the group again and told Shouzi and the others about this matter.

I woke up early and went out to buy breakfast for the whole family.

My sister misses this very much.

"The breakfast in the school cafeteria only has porridge, pickles, steamed buns...not even fried dough sticks!" my sister complained.

"The breakfast in your school is so little."

"We used to have fried dough sticks, pancakes, etc., but they disappeared this semester. They were all made into health food. The kind of health food is also available outside the school." My sister was very frustrated. "The shops on those two streets are all from our school. The school will no longer rent the land to restaurants selling barbecue and spicy hotpot.”

I was a little speechless, thinking of the fried chicken restaurant outside Minqing University that caused a lot of chaos.

I don’t know if Minkyung University’s behavior was because of that incident.

After hearing this, my parents said yes in unison and praised Minqing University with emotion.

"As expected of a prestigious school!"

"So do you. It's not good to eat such unhygienic things."

They also did not forget to criticize their sister.

The younger sister lowered her head and bit into the fried dough sticks with a depressed expression on her face.

Plus update 20~

Good night everyone~

Don’t forget to vote before going to bed~

The gap with the previous one is very small. I hope to get up tomorrow morning and surpass it. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

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