Aoba Office

Chapter 1785 Terror from high altitude (3)

There was no doctor among the passengers, but there was a nurse.

The child was in very bad condition.

These people only thought that the child had a sudden illness and did not know that the child was affected by the yin energy of the female ghost.

I have seen ghosts who use Yin energy to kill people. Not long ago, I saw Granny Enna kill Qi Bai with Yin energy.

The female ghost's yin energy is not that strong, but in contrast, this child does not have the healthy body and firm mind of an adult.

I heard the cries of the child's mother on the other side of the crowd, and felt a chill in my heart.

I should have been earlier...earlier, and taken decisive action to deal with that female ghost!

I looked at the female ghost floating in the crowd.

She seemed to be looking at something interesting, looking down at the child being held.

I clenched my fists.

The time in the dream...move forward a bit...move forward to when boarding the plane, before Gu Yan goes to that case...

I struggled with this thought.

I can control my abilities, just adjust and change the past...

The scene in the dream changes suddenly.

The cabin is still a cabin, but the people around me seem a little different.

I can't understand something.

The economy class was full, and among the passengers in the front row was a woman wearing wide sunglasses. It's Gu Yan.

what happened?

Gu Yan is listening to music on her mobile phone. She sat by the window, listening to music, and tilted her head to look at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

Her agent was sitting next to her, quickly pressing the input keypad on her phone.

I looked for traces of the female ghost, but I didn’t feel the yin energy inside the plane.

The in-flight announcement reminded passengers that the plane would land at the Capital Airport in one hour.

Only then did I feel the Yin Qi coming out of the plane.

Gu Yan's manager turned around and said: "It has been organized at the airport. When you get off the plane later, you can say hello to the fans and have a little chat."

"Yeah." Gu Yan responded absently.

The female ghost stood in the aisle on the other side, staring at Gu Yan and laughing sinisterly.

I felt the female ghost's surging Yin Qi.

Gu Yan suddenly blinked his eyes, as if he had seen some hallucination, and rubbed his eyes.

I looked at the window beside Gu Yan.

There was nothing on the windows, not even the Yin Qi. It is Gu Yan herself who carries the yin energy.

Gu Yan put down her hands and looked out the window again.

Through Gu Yan's vision, I saw the reflection on the window.

Gu Yan has not changed, but in the reflection, the person sitting next to Gu Yan is no longer her manager.

The agent's face changed, as if disfigured, the skin was ulcerated, the eyes were bulging, and the hair became extremely thin.

Gu Yan turned her head in horror, but the scene in her field of vision did not change.

The agent turned into an ugly, deformed man, and the three people in the other row of seats across the aisle who were supposed to be her makeup artists and assistants changed drastically and turned into weirdos from other horror movies.

Gu Yan rubbed her forehead, trying to calm herself down.

"What's wrong?" Her manager noticed her abnormality, "Do you have a headache? I'll ask Xiaoqu to get you medicine. If you last one more day, you can rest tomorrow night. Next is the recording on Wednesday..."

After saying these words, the manager turned to ask the assistant over there, Xiao Qu, for medicine.

In Gu Yan's eyes, Xiaoqu was a monster with a fish head, and his body was slimy. He didn't know what secreted from his skin. Her movements when taking medicine also became disgusting and terrifying. Instead of taking out a tablet of pills from her small bag, she opened her mouth and spat out several fish eggs.

The agent handed the fish eggs to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan could clearly see the little life still moving in the fish eggs. They bit through the membrane and emerged, revealing an eyeless head and a set of fangs. Like a cub waiting to be fed, it wagged its head and tail at Gu Yan.

Gu Yan let out a short scream, raised her hand, and knocked the pills away.

The agent looked at the pills flying out in surprise, and then at Gu Yan.

Gu Yan shrank back, with a look of fear on her face.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" the agent asked.

From the open mouth, teeth fell out and landed directly on her thighs. Those teeth stretched out and turned into strips of white maggots, as if they were still trying to crawl onto Gu Yan's body.

Gu Yan screamed again.

This time she jumped up, pressed her back against the cabin behind her, and stared at the agent in horror.

The eyes of the people around him came over.

For an instant, in Gu Yan's eyes, the people on this plane turned into grotesque and terrifying creatures. They stared at themselves like wild animals staring at their prey.

The flight attendant who came to ask about the situation turned into a spider monster with teeth and claws. The dense eyes on her head were all looking at Gu Yan, and the claws on her back seemed to be nailing Gu Yan to the wall.

Gu Yan hugged her head and shouted, completely losing her calm.

I heard the female ghost's laughter, and my body passed through the agent and the flight attendant, and rushed directly to the female ghost.

As long as she is eliminated, Gu Yan will return to normal.

Suddenly, my body was pulled.

Gu Yan knocked away the agent and flight attendant, and ran down the aisle with her eyes closed.

When she moved, she pulled me along with her.

Gu Yan ran into the toilet, locked the door with a bang, and huddled in the narrow toilet space.

I walked through the toilet door and saw the female ghost standing there.

She was laughing so hard that she was triumphant.

From this distance, I can't touch her at all!

The agent and stewardess both gave chase. There was also a commotion among other passengers.

Bang bang!

The agent slapped the door panel, "Ayan! What's wrong with you? Open the door! Are you feeling uncomfortable? You will feel better after taking medicine. Ayan!"

The flight attendant asked: "Excuse me, does she have any medical history?"

"No, I just don't feel comfortable." The agent gave an ugly smile.

Gu Yan's assistants and makeup artists gathered outside the door. The flight attendant also rushed over.

Their coaxing turned into the sound of monsters chewing and swallowing in Gu Yan's ears. Gu Yan imagined the scene of those monsters fighting each other.

The knocking on the door became extremely loud, as if it was about to burst Gu Yan's eardrums. Those monsters seemed to be rushing in and devouring Gu Yan.

Gu Yan covered her ears and screamed.

She shed tears. She was flustered and frightened, which made her overwhelmed and made it difficult to breathe.

The female ghost sneered, snorted, suddenly changed her expression, and disappeared from the cabin.

I gritted my teeth, but I could only watch.

The environment of the aircraft cabin also changed at this time, turning into a bedroom.

I frowned at the thick curtains, turned around and saw Gu Yan getting up from the bed.

She was like a walking zombie. After leaving the bedroom, she walked to the kitchen and then to the bathroom.

I saw various medicines arranged in the living room and a saucepan on the stove in the kitchen. There was a note on it, reminding Gu Yan to eat when she woke up.

Outside the glass window of the living room is a dark night sky with no stars, only dots of lights in the distance.

This is a high-rise apartment building, very quiet, too quiet.

The light in the bathroom was turned on, and the whole bathroom was extremely bright, so bright that Gu Yan felt dazzled.

She turned on the faucet and filled the bathtub with water. Before the water was finished, she lay down in it and cut her wrists with a fruit knife.

A trace of blood floated in the water.

Although I'm not a fan of Gu Yan, I couldn't help but feel my heart twitch when I saw this scene.

First the innocent child, then Gu Yan...

That female ghost...

I turned around but couldn't find the female ghost, nor could I feel her Yin energy.

She is not here.

I didn’t continue to pester Gu Yan...

I thought about the scene when she disappeared from the cabin, and my anger turned into worry.

The sound of water rushing drew my attention back to Gu Yan.

Now is not the time to think about those things, we should solve the immediate problem first.

Additional update 17 for those from Four Leagues~

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