Aoba Office

Chapter 1781 Intervention

There is no doubt that this idea of ​​​​the thin man is the root of everything. He provided Qi Bai with powerful assistance in disguise, giving Qi Bai a chance to catch him and kill him.

I was speechless at this moment, so I didn't say anything.

Gu Mo was very rude, squinted at the thin man, and said disdainfully: "You are really promising. You can't tell, but you are still a sentimental and artistic young man."

The thin man blushed deeply, and after a while, his face turned dark again, "I didn't expect it to be like this. In life, there will always be times when you regret it and want to do it again!"

"Childish." Gu Mo dropped these words and continued playing the game.

"Where's the hourglass?" Wu Ling asked.

The thin man knew nothing about this.

I related what happened after his death.

Ye Qing took action and broke the shackles of the hourglass.

This is my idea.

Wu Ling had a different opinion on this, "So, after Mr. Tan died, the power he attached to the items disappeared?"

I was stunned. This idea has never occurred to me before.

But thinking about it carefully, Wu Ling's idea is more reliable than mine.

At that moment, I caught the thin man.

The thin man may be going through the stage of death and becoming a ghost, and the momentary gap makes the effect of the hourglass disappear.

I caught him, but because of his death, the blow was too much and I couldn't react.

Fortunately, Ye Qing appeared and kicked me awake.

I was so happy that I broke into a cold sweat.

If it weren't for Ye Qing, I would have been thinking about the side effects and illusions at that time, and I might have been stuck there for a long time, lost, and might not be able to distinguish reality from illusions.

Wu Ling listened to the two of us and nodded, "So, you don't know what happened to the ghosts of Hourglass and Qi Bai in the end, it's all handled by Ye Zi."

I'm a little embarrassed.

The thin man lowered his eyes, "Well, Qi Bai..."

"Kid, don't think about it." Gu Mo interrupted, interrupting the thin man.

The thin man frowned and looked at Gu Mo.

"No chance." Gu Mo was still operating the game controller, without even looking at the thin man, and his tone was very calm.

Nangong Yao cleared his throat, attracting our attention.

"That's it. Just after you left, we found out something. There was an accidental fire in the police station morgue where Qi Bai's body was parked. Just now, this news was updated. Including Qi Bai's body, that incident The bodies of the deceased in the incident were burned.”

The thin man's body was shaken and he almost jumped up from the sofa.

"That's it." Gu Mo also agreed.

The thin man clenched his fists.

"Why did the fire happen?" Wu Ling asked.

"The result announced by the police is that the incident is still under investigation, and the fire is most likely caused by machine failure. However, there is news from Master Xuan Qing." Nangong Yao clicked the mouse and opened a window.

The message sent by Master Xuan Qing was a simple sentence: "The exorcist has entered the country."


"Is it the exorcist? The one you said before, the one who is very opposed to supernatural things..." I asked.

"Well, it should be them. So, what does it mean to carry out a big purge?" Wu Ling said to himself.

"What big purge?" the thin man asked.

Everyone in Qingye seemed to understand what Wu Ling meant. They didn't ask questions, but looked serious.

"That is to get rid of all related people, things, and things. Many ghosts exist attached to carriers. Graves, ashes, corpses, relics, or death places, residences... eliminate those, and a large number of ghosts will live on their own. Disappearance. This is what happened in the past. Now that the underworld is gone, it’s unclear what will happen.” Wu Ling shook his head, “The ideas of most exorcists are different from those of us traditional supernatural beings. The concept is more similar to Granny Enna. However, in their concept, there is no reincarnation after death, and there is no heaven or hell. Ghosts are accidental and incorrect existences, and the same is true for other spirits, monsters, and monsters. ”

"These are bugs that need to be fixed." Nangong Yao added.

"Don't you think so too?" the thin man asked.

"There is quite a big difference here." After Wu Ling answered this sentence, he seemed to be thinking about how to explain it to us.

Nangong Yao took over this task, "As I said just now, they think ghosts are bugs and need to be eliminated. We think ghosts are another attempt. After the game company produced an RPG game, it was embedded in the game A mini-card game program was added as a special level for a certain mission. But now, this card game wants to become the main game, and the story of the RPG game becomes a background. We want to prevent this from happening. . Ye Zi’s idea was to kill the designer who proposed the card game from the beginning and make this small program disappear.”

Nangong Yao's explanation is simple and easy to understand.

These two ideas are fundamentally different. It is the difference in their understanding of the world.

This difference is probably irreconcilable.

"Where are the other paranormal experts? We are the only ones who think this game is an RPG and want to use this method to change it, right? Others in the paranormal circle probably don't think this way, right?" I looked at Wu Ling.

I still remember what Wu Ling introduced to me some time ago. The supernatural circle wants to cooperate, block the news, and then set up a large magic circle or something.

"No, they think the same way. It's just that they think they can just eliminate the BUG after they find it. This process is more complicated and difficult. As for the exorcist..."

"Delete the entire code?" An idea flashed in my mind.

"That's pretty much it. By completely deleting that part of the game, the BUG can be eliminated. As for whether the game itself can still run normally and how much gameplay is retained, they don't care." Nangong Yao agreed with my statement.

"Then they will target the leader soon, right?" Liu Miao said suddenly.

"From the current point of view, Ye Zi is really a huge BUG, ​​and it is a BUG that many people know about." Nangong Yao smiled bitterly.

"He should leave the office," I said.

The four people in Aoba all looked at me.

I had no choice but to tell the story of how I went to the office to find Ye Qing and fell into a ghost-whispering dream again.

"There must be something wrong with him. I always feel like it's a little late..." I hesitated.

"I just want to train you," Gu Mo said suddenly.

I looked at Gu Mo.

"If the entire supernatural circle accepts the exorcist's idea, Ye Zi will be found, fall into a fierce battle, or even be eliminated... these are all very likely to happen." Gu Mo said, "For ordinary people, the same is true. It’s just a matter of time that the Exorcist thing is easier to accept.”

I suddenly felt heavy pressure.

"In the final analysis, his big plan only requires your ability. Moreover, if your ability is really made public, some people will try their best to kill you." Gu Mo added.

"Why? Brother Qi succeeded. There are no more ghosts in the world. Isn't it consistent with their goal?" asked the thin man.

Gu Mo sneered.

"Because you are not one of them." Wu Ling said, "It is impossible for them to trust you."

"That's it? Is there something wrong with their brains?" the thin man asked dumbfounded.

"That's actually true." Wu Ling actually nodded.

"Haha!" Gu Mo laughed twice, "There is no way! Who told you to be found by Ye Zi in the first place, and Ye Zi turned into a ghost? If they want to eliminate Ye Zi, they will definitely eliminate us all together. . Instigating rebellion is not in their mindset!”

Gu Mo looked at me gloatingly.

I just felt a huge headache, and I couldn't care less about being angry with the ancients for a while.

Plus update 16~

There are so many monthly tickets being chased~ Do you still have tickets? Please submit it! ()

Good night~

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